This presentation covers tips for publication staffs who are using Snapchat in the newsroom. It gives some reasons to be using the medium and best practices. It was presented by Aaron Manfull at the 2015 Fall JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention in Orlando, Florida.
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Snapchat and Your Publication Staff
Aaron Manfull
s. aaronmanfull
t. @manfull
Director of Student Media
Francis Howell North High School
Media Now STL
Student Journalism and Media Literacy
Fromm, Hall & Manfull
33. 2.
5 Tips For Creating Geofilters
1. All Graphics Must Be 100% Original
2. No logos or trademarks
3. No photos or hashtags
4. Dont cover too much of the screen
5. Make it something people will want to use
35. 3.
1. Tell a story. Make sure you have a beginning,
middle and end. This can all be done in one
slide, one video or a series.
2. Make each snap count. Every one should
have a purpose.
3. Work to keep stories around 90 seconds or
4. Dont follow people back.
5. Avoid mixing horizontal and vertical Snaps.
6. Dont assume your audience knows what
youre talking about.
7. If youre going to cover a ballgame, cover the
entire game.
8. Finish one story completely before you start
the next. Dont mix stories together.
9. Dont just talk about school, become a part
of the larger conversation going on (ie. New
movies, iOS update, Twitter changes, etc.)
10. Be creative.
10 Tips for Creating Good Content
Aaron Manfull
s. aaronmanfull
t. @manfull
Director of Student Media
Francis Howell North High School
Media Now STL
Student Journalism and Media Literacy
Fromm, Hall & Manfull
Editor's Notes
#4: 2 (3 things)inappropriate photos, messages, photos with messgaes, disappears
Then I heard the Washington Post was in that arena.
Saw they were sharing - this and this and this (examples)
#7: For my branding @manfull for twitter and then do yellow snap icon with aaronmanfull
#12: NOTE FOR KATE: Make move play when this slide comes up
#24: Do you want to add Storytelling that connects directly with your audience? just wondering if you need to share why storytelling with this instead of others.
#25: Do you want to add Storytelling that connects directly with your audience? just wondering if you need to share why storytelling with this instead of others.
#26: NOTE TO KATE: This is a video I would like playing when the slide comes up
#40: Shows them how to do things; what the buttons mean; make a story, follow people, etc.