20. PF_RING数据包捕获流程
? PF_RING有三种数据包捕获模式,由插入模块时的参
Packet Capture
Mode Standard driver PF_RING-aware driver
Same as Vanilla
0 Packets are received through Linux NAPI
Packets are passed to NAPI (for
sending them to PF_RING-unaware
applications) and copied
Packets are received
1 directly to PF_RING for Limited
through Linux NAPI
PF_RING-aware applications (i.e.
PF_RING does not need NAPI for
receiving packets)
The driver sends
The driver copies packets
packets only to
directly to PF_RING only (i.e.
2 PF_RING so PF_RING- Extreme
NAPI does not receive any
unaware applications
do not see any packet