Recently Honble Karnataka Authority of Advance Ruling (AAR) has given a ruling in the matter of M/s T&D Electricals holding that no Registration is required under the CGST Act, 2017 for execution of a works contract in other state where there no fixed establishment in that state. In this update, we have analysed the captioned AAR ruling.
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Recently Karnataka AAR (Authority of Advance Ruling) has given a ruling in the matter of M/s T&D Electricals
holding that no Registration is required under the CGST Act,2017 for execution of a works contract in other
state where there no fixed establishment in that state. Relevant facts of the case alongwith relevant legal
provisions leading to captioned ruling are analysed below:
T&D Electricals is registered as a works contractor and wholesale supplier in Jaipur, Rajasthan
The applicant has been awarded a contract by M/s Shree Cement Ltd., Rajasthan for supply of
material, installation and commissioning (works contract) to township at M/s Karnataka Cement
Project (a unit of Shree Cement Ltd.) in the state of Karnataka.
Invoices of the applicant is to be addressed to M/s Karnataka Cement Project, Karnataka
The applicant does not have any premises in Karnataka and M/s Shree Cement Ltd. will only provide
a temporary small space for office and storage (without any formal documents)
Assessee first approached Rajasthan AAR however the AAR opined that since the question pertains
to requirement of registration in Karnataka, hence application should be filed before Karnataka AAR.
1. Whether separate registration is required by the
applicant in Karnataka? If yes, whether agreement
would suffice as an address proof since the applicant
does not have any proof
The applicant intents to supply goods &
services from principal place of business in
The applicant does not have any other fixed
establishment other than Rajasthan
Therefore, no requirement is there to
obtain registration in Karnataka for
execution of contract.
2. If registration is not required in Karnataka and if the
applicant purchases goods from dealers of Rajasthan
and directly ship from such dealer premises to the
township at Karnataka, whether dealers would charge
CGST & Rajasthan SGST or IGST?
The Rajasthan dealer must charge CGST and
Rajasthan SGST under the bill to ship to
transaction in terms of section 10(1)(b) of IGST
Act, 2017 as both supplier and recipient is in
3. If registration is not required in Karnataka and if the
applicant purchases goods from dealers of Karnataka,
whether dealers would charge CGST & Karnataka
Dealer in Karnataka must charge IGST under the
bill to ship to transaction in terms of section
10(1)(b) of IGST Act, 2017 as both supplier and
recipient is in different states.
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4. What documents would be required with transporter
to ship material to Karnataka site from dealer of
Rajasthan & Karnataka?
With respect to documentation to be carried by
the transporter of goods, no ruling is given as it
does not get covered u/s 97(2) of the CGST Act,
The ruling given by the Karnataka AAR has confirmed that for requirement of GST registration in a state,
presence of fixed establishment in that state is essential. If the supplies/ work is being performed by the
assessee from its permanent place of business existing in a different state, then separate registration in the
state of performance of works contract shall not be required.