This presentation summarizes the analysis of the most common method of generating a Synopsys non-linear delay (NLD) library from an input-slope model (ISM) description. From this analysis, a much improved method of template/table generation is introduced which minimizes library resource requirements, reduces delay value look-up time, and increases delay derivation accuracy.
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SnUG 1996 - NLD Optimization for ISM - slides
1. Non-Linear Delay Table Optimization
Input Slope Models & Synopsys NLD Table Analysis
Analyze previous Synopsys non-linear delay model tables
- output load & input ramp range coverage
- table value interpolation accuracy
Investigate alternate table configurations
- smaller, more efficient tables
- more accurate sample points
- critical sample point distribution
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Timothy J. Ehrler
VLSI Technology, Inc.
2. Non-Linear Delay Table Optimization
Previous Synopsys Non-Linear Delay Model Tables
single stage non-disable timing relationship analyzed
25 x 25 array (output load by input ramp)
single template to cover complete library (~300 SS rels)
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Timothy J. Ehrler
VLSI Technology, Inc.
15. Non-Linear Delay Table Optimization
Applied Results
library containing 538 single-stage non-disable timing rels
5.0 % interpolation error within a 64x64 overlaid matrix
Property Previous Current % of Previous
minimum size - 3x3 -
maximum size - 18x18 -
average size 25x25 7.6x7.6 30 %
average entries/table 625 57.4 9.2 %
total entries 336,250 30,906 9.2 %
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Timothy J. Ehrler
VLSI Technology, Inc.
16. Non-Linear Delay Table Optimization
smaller tables can cover full output load and critical input ramp ranges
smaller tables reduce resource usage considerably
custom coverage ensures more accurate interpolation
non-linear indices assure more accurate critical region coverage
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Timothy J. Ehrler
VLSI Technology, Inc.