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Editor and Repository for Living Ontologies
Simone Braun &
Valentin Zacharias
FZI Research Center for
Information Technologies
Karlsruhe, Germanyhttp://tool.soboleo.com
 SOBOLEO supports the development
and refinement of living ontologies
according to the principles of
Ontology Maturing
 SOBOLEO is a web-based system
that enables groups of people to
jointly structure information (web
documents and people) in a domain
33MATURE - Continuous Social Learning in Knowledge Networks
Annotate People & Search
 SOBOLEO uses Simple Knowledge Organisation System
Format for representing ontologies
 SOBOLEO provides an architecture
that enables diverse components
(both remote and within SOBOLEO)
to jointly work with living ontologies
66MATURE - Continuous Social Learning in Knowledge Networks
No Registration, No Installation
Dr. Valentin Zacharias
Simone Braun
Backup Details
MATURE - Continuous Social Learning in Knowledge Networks
Living Ontologies, Ontology Maturing &
their Use Cases
Living Ontologies & Ontology Maturing
 Living Ontologies are ontologies that are
• never finished
• used and developed at the same time by the end users
 We describe their engineering with the Ontology
Maturing Process Model
• understanding their development as a continuous and
collaborative process embedded & interwoven with actual usages
Use Case 1
 A learning course that is jointly developing an
understanding of a domain by creating an ontology and
interlinking it with relevant documents
 For this use case SOBOLEO is integrated with a
discussion tool to support structured dialogs about
ontology development and document annotations
 SOBOLEO supports the management of ontology,
documents and dialogs
 The ontology is also evolving throughout its use –
always reflecting the current knowledge of the course
Use Case 2
 A group of experts jointly collecting the state-of-the-
art in a scientific domain (with links to both documents
and experts)
 Here too the ontology will constantly evolve to reflect
both the knowledge of the experts as well as the
current scientific consensus
Use Case 3
 An HR department organizing data about available
experts through semantic people tagging
 SOBOLEO supports maintaining a competency ontology
and using this ontology to keep track of - and search
within - the database of experts
 The competency ontology is never really finished – as
new possible skills are emerging all the time.
SOBOLEO – Concepts and Architecture
Concepts: Collaboration Spaces
 A Collaboration Space is the virtual space in which
collaboration between people with a shared goal takes place
 Each Collaboration Space has one SKOS ontology and may
have information about documents and experts that are
annotated with this ontology
 All information in a space is jointly edited by the members
of this space
 One SOBOLEO installation supports an arbitrary number of
(completely independent except for user data) collaboration
 On the server each collaboration space is represented as one
folder that can even be moved between SOBOLEO
Concepts: Event Bus & Events
 Technically each collaboration space is represented by
an Event Bus component that manages the
communication within the space
 Different parts of the functionality are realized as
services (both local within the server and remote) that
are registered with the event bus
 Communication within the space is organized around
the concept of Events:
• Command Events, Query Event, Notification Event
 All events exist as Java & JavaScript objects, as XML
serializations, and as SOAP methods
• any remote clients can do arbitrary changes and receive
Example – Delete Concept
1. Delete-Concept command triggered by user interaction
Example – Delete Concept
2. Event bus asks registered Ontologoy Management service to
extend this command event with implied commands
Example – Delete Concept
3. Event Permission – this tests the user credentials as well as the
adherence to SKOS integrity constraints
Example – Delete Concept
4. Command processors actually execute the change
Example – Delete Concept
5. Result is sent back to the requester and all registered event
listeners are notified of the changes that have been done
A look at SOBOLEO‘s User Interface
SOBOLEO User Interface
 SOBOLEO has interfaces for
• Editing SKOS ontologies
• Annotating documents & people
• Search
• Browse documents & people
• And much more (administration, people directory, people
profiles, history display, dialog transcript view, gardening
 SOBOLEO is completely web-based (implemented as
Java Servlets)
 User interface implemented in GWT (runs as Java
Script in browser)
Annotate Documents

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SOBOLEO – Editor and Repository for Living Ontologies

  • 1. SOBOLEO – Editor and Repository for Living Ontologies Simone Braun & Valentin Zacharias FZI Research Center for Information Technologies Karlsruhe, Germanyhttp://tool.soboleo.com
  • 2. 22 SOBOLEO  SOBOLEO supports the development and refinement of living ontologies according to the principles of Ontology Maturing  SOBOLEO is a web-based system that enables groups of people to jointly structure information (web documents and people) in a domain
  • 3. 33MATURE - Continuous Social Learning in Knowledge Networks Annotate People & Search
  • 4. 44 SOBOLEO  SOBOLEO uses Simple Knowledge Organisation System Format for representing ontologies
  • 5. 55 SOBOLEO  SOBOLEO provides an architecture that enables diverse components (both remote and within SOBOLEO) to jointly work with living ontologies
  • 6. 66MATURE - Continuous Social Learning in Knowledge Networks
  • 7. 77 SOBOLEO Try SOBOLEO at: http://tool.soboleo.com/ No Registration, No Installation Dr. Valentin Zacharias zach@fzi.de Simone Braun braun@fzi.de
  • 8. Backup Details MATURE - Continuous Social Learning in Knowledge Networks
  • 9. 99 Living Ontologies, Ontology Maturing & their Use Cases
  • 10. 1010 Living Ontologies & Ontology Maturing  Living Ontologies are ontologies that are • never finished • used and developed at the same time by the end users  We describe their engineering with the Ontology Maturing Process Model • understanding their development as a continuous and collaborative process embedded & interwoven with actual usages processes
  • 11. 1111 Use Case 1  A learning course that is jointly developing an understanding of a domain by creating an ontology and interlinking it with relevant documents  For this use case SOBOLEO is integrated with a discussion tool to support structured dialogs about ontology development and document annotations  SOBOLEO supports the management of ontology, documents and dialogs  The ontology is also evolving throughout its use – always reflecting the current knowledge of the course participants
  • 12. 1212 Use Case 2  A group of experts jointly collecting the state-of-the- art in a scientific domain (with links to both documents and experts)  Here too the ontology will constantly evolve to reflect both the knowledge of the experts as well as the current scientific consensus
  • 13. 1313 Use Case 3  An HR department organizing data about available experts through semantic people tagging  SOBOLEO supports maintaining a competency ontology and using this ontology to keep track of - and search within - the database of experts  The competency ontology is never really finished – as new possible skills are emerging all the time.
  • 14. 1414 SOBOLEO – Concepts and Architecture
  • 15. 1515 Concepts: Collaboration Spaces  A Collaboration Space is the virtual space in which collaboration between people with a shared goal takes place  Each Collaboration Space has one SKOS ontology and may have information about documents and experts that are annotated with this ontology  All information in a space is jointly edited by the members of this space  One SOBOLEO installation supports an arbitrary number of (completely independent except for user data) collaboration spaces  On the server each collaboration space is represented as one folder that can even be moved between SOBOLEO installations
  • 16. 1616 Concepts: Event Bus & Events  Technically each collaboration space is represented by an Event Bus component that manages the communication within the space  Different parts of the functionality are realized as services (both local within the server and remote) that are registered with the event bus  Communication within the space is organized around the concept of Events: • Command Events, Query Event, Notification Event  All events exist as Java & JavaScript objects, as XML serializations, and as SOAP methods • any remote clients can do arbitrary changes and receive notifications
  • 17. 1717 Example – Delete Concept 1. Delete-Concept command triggered by user interaction
  • 18. 1818 Example – Delete Concept 2. Event bus asks registered Ontologoy Management service to extend this command event with implied commands
  • 19. 1919 Example – Delete Concept 3. Event Permission – this tests the user credentials as well as the adherence to SKOS integrity constraints
  • 20. 2020 Example – Delete Concept 4. Command processors actually execute the change
  • 21. 2121 Example – Delete Concept 5. Result is sent back to the requester and all registered event listeners are notified of the changes that have been done
  • 22. 2222 A look at SOBOLEO‘s User Interface
  • 23. 2323 SOBOLEO User Interface  SOBOLEO has interfaces for • Editing SKOS ontologies • Annotating documents & people • Search • Browse documents & people • And much more (administration, people directory, people profiles, history display, dialog transcript view, gardening recommendations)  SOBOLEO is completely web-based (implemented as Java Servlets)  User interface implemented in GWT (runs as Java Script in browser)