Technology Is Now A Lifestyle - The Surface of Social MediaTom Swift
Using the social web for your business. How social media works presentation to Professional Convention Management Association PCMA Gulf States Chapter Networking and Educational Event Omni Fort Worth speaker Tom Swift, CEO of Denovaco.
Technology Is Now A Lifestyle - The Surface of Social MediaTom Swift
Using the social web for your business. How social media works presentation to Professional Convention Management Association PCMA Gulf States Chapter Networking and Educational Event Omni Fort Worth speaker Tom Swift, CEO of Denovaco.
The Role of Social Media in Defining Strategies of Online CommunicationVladimir Matovic
This document discusses the role of social media in defining online communication strategies. It begins by defining social media and discussing its history and key platforms. It then explains how social media has changed marketing from a monologue to a dialogue with customers. Several case studies are presented on how companies have used Twitter and Facebook successfully for various goals. The role of social media in Barack Obama's presidential campaign is also examined. Finally, the document concludes that social media represents a fundamental shift in how people communicate.