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Engaging consumers
    online and joining
    conversations is only the
   start. Marketers can now    ASIA PACIFIC
    actively influence and      Digital Marketing
    enable purchases.
                                Yearbook 2011

                                               Edited by Rachel Oliver
                                                                                                                                              ABOUT THE ASIA DIGITAL MARKETING ASSOCIATION 

                                                                                                                                            The ears, eyes and voice of digital marketing in Asia
                                                                                                                                            The Asia Digital Marketing Association                             Being a member gives you access:

                                                                                                                                            (ADMA) is a non-profit organisation with a                         	 Unified	voice	for	the	industry	to	promote	the	use	of	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  digital and the internet (in the media and with potential
                                                                                                                                            membership base spanning the full range of                            customers)
                                                                                                                                                                                                               	 Forum	for	standards	and	best	practice	sharing
                                                                                                                                            the digital marketing ecosystem, from portals                      	 Spokespeople	to	represent	members	and	respond	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to criticism
                                                                                                                                            and publishers, to advertisers, e-commerce                         	 Insights	on	what	advertisers,	agencies	and	publishers	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  are thinking
                                                                                                                                            platforms, device makers, games companies,                         	 Industry	contacts	and	networking	opportunities

                                                       Reaching Asias                                                                      agencies, technology solutions providers, and                      	 Sponsorship	opportunities	to	raise	awareness	of	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  your brand
                                                                                                                                            research houses. The mission of the ADMA                           	 Discounted	rates	for	regional	events

                                                                                                                                                                                                               	 Notification	of	relevant	speaking	opportunities
                                                                                                                                            is to grow the use of digital for effective                        	 Professional	digital	marketing	qualifications	-	discounted	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  enrolment fees for members
                                                                                                                                            marketing investment. This will be achieved                        	 Entry	in	the	online	Membership	Directory	and	annual	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Asia Pacific Digital Marketing Yearbook
                                                                                                                                            by being an authoritative source of insight
                                                                                                                                                                                                               	 Job	matching	service	to	help	you	find	staff
                                                       As the regions leading business news in print, online and on mobile, The                                                                                 to join the ADMA
                                                                                                                                            and statistics, hosting networking events,                         Membership fees are set low enough to encourage
                                                       Wall Street Journal Asia reaches Asias affluent business leaders and                                                                                   universal membership among industry players, and taken
                                                                                                                                            and facilitating professional development.                         together provide sufficient revenues to underwrite regular
                                                       decision makers where they live, work and play  anytime, anywhere. With                                                                                activities. Other activities are funded by sponsorship
                                                       the highest print circulation of any international daily in the region and an        In addition, the ADMA engages with senior                          (cash and in kind) and by charging admission fees for
                                                                                                                                                                                                               some events.
                                                       ever-expanding portfolio of online, mobile and tablet platforms, its no             executives to gain consensus and provide a
                                                       surprise that The Wall Street Journal Asia has been named the most                                                                                     To join, simply complete the online registration form at
                                                                                                                                            voice on key industry issues.                                      www.asiadma.com/membership/join.
                                                       important business reading by Asias business elite.*

                                                       To find out more about integrated advertising solutions, please contact your         Visit www.asiadma.com for more details.
                                                       Dow Jones sales representative at wsja.advertising@dowjones.com or call:             The ADMA gives heartfelt thanks to all our members for their support and contributions:
                                                       Hong Kong 852-2831 2504; Singapore 65-6415 4300; Tokyo 81-3 6269 2701.               ADMA Patrons:

                                                       *Source: BE:Asia 2010
息2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

                                                                                                                                            ADMA Corporate members:
                                                                                                                                            Acxiom	Corporation,	ad:tech,	AGENDA	Group	Asia,	ASATSU-DK,	Branded,	Citibank,	Colgate-Palmolive,	comScore,	Coremetrics,	
                                                                                                                                            Digital	Chameleon,	Dot	Asia	Organisation,	Econsultancy,	Edipresse,	emarsys,	Experian	Hong	Kong,	Financial	Times,	Google	Hong	Kong,	
                                                                                                                                            Hewlett	Packard,	Innity,	Isobar	Hong	Kong,	KatalystM,	Lucini	&	Lucini	Communications,	Message	Systems,	MRM	Worldwide,	
                                                                                                                                            OgilvyOne	Worldwide,	Omnicom	Group,	Omniture,	Publicis	Modem	Asia	Pacific,	Readers	Digest	Asia,	SCMP.com,	The	Economist	online,	
                                                                                                                                            The	Nielsen	Company	Hong	Kong,	The	Upper	Storey,	The	Wall	Street	Journal	Digital	Network,	UBM	Asia,	Universal	McCann,	

                                                                                                                                            And all our SME members.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 1

 AsiA PAcific    6    INDONESIA         44    SINGAPORE                       70

 Austr AliA     14    JAPAN             50    SOUTH KOREA                     75

 CHINA          22    MALAYSIA          56    TAIWAN                          81

 HONG KONG      30    NEW ZEALAND       62    THAILAND                        84

 INDIA          38    THE PHILIPPINES   66    VIETNAM                         88

                                               asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 3
CHAIRMAN'S                                                                                                                                Each market in the region is increasingly developing its      sale to establishing a customer relationship.
      MESSAGE                                                                                                                              own characteristics and dynamics. You will see from the
                                                                                                                                           statistics in the Yearbook that the popularity of IM, gaming,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 There is also a new digital divide opening up, between
                                                                                                                                                                                                             companies that truly understand the potential to go deep
                                                                                                                                           SMS, e-commerce, apps, blogging, watching videos and use          with their digital marketing efforts, and those that are still
                                                                                                                                           of search vary widely from country to country. Each market        contemplating what to do with their Facebook presence,
                                                                                                                                           has own dynamics, such as consumers' willingness to share         if they have one at all. Some marketers are adding social
                                                                                                                                           their identities online, their ability to pay safely online, or   media and online services as window-dressing to their

         2011: From Communications
                                                                                                                                           their use of mobile. The overall trend is clear: online and       traditional campaigns, which is a start towards integration,
                                                                                                                                           mobile audiences are reaching critical mass, and the size of      but true transformation is needed. At the same time that
                                                                                                                                           communities interested in just about any topic is growing         some of the world's most sophisticated work is being done

         Outputs	to	Business	Outcomes
                                                                                                                                           large enough to attract serious business attention.               in this region, other companies are still not going beyond
                                                                                                                                               To reach these audiences, companies boosted their Asia        the basics.
                                                                                                                                           Pacific	online	advertising	expenditure	to	US$	16.8	billion	in	        A few years from now, we will see that some brands
                                                                                                                                           2010, with growth estimated at more than 12% per year             morphed to meet demand for data-driven communications

                                                                                                                                           through 2015. Search accounts for more than one third of          and truly embraced digital as part of a multi-channel
                                                                                                                                           all online advertising, and grew at more than 20% last year.      strategy while others did not. Sadly some that don't adapt

                    eismic shifts are now taking place in digital
                                                                                                                                           That being said, the proportion of online advertising still       may not be with us then.
                    marketing in Asia Pacific that will impact how                he Asia Digital Marketing Association's
                                                                                                                                           remains out of sync with consumer behaviour. In Singapore,            The tipping point is when marketers go from influencing
                    campaigns are constructed, how tools are                      (ADMA) Yearbook is back. This fifth annual               for	example,	online	ad	spend	is	estimated	to	be	6%	of	total	      the influencers to engaging directly with consumers and
                    deployed, and how results are measured.
                                                                                  edition has more data and insights than                  advertising budgets even though internet users spend an           B2B	decision	makers.	Marketers	increasingly	get	social	
                    The overall theme of these changes is that
                                                                          ever before, as well as an expanded social media                 average of 22.3 hours per month online. Online advertising        media, as an extension of the storytelling and interactive
       addressable markets online in Asia Pacific have reached a
                                                                                                                                           there is estimated to grow at more than 15% per year.             engagement with audiences that forms the basis of public
       size	and	scale	at	which	consumer	and	B2B	marketers	can	            section. It's also available without charge online
                                                                                                                                               In addition to what I see from the hard data, as              relations. The next step is seamless integration across
       achieve significant business results. Engaging consumers           at www.asiadigitalmarketingyearbook.com.                         Chairman of the ADMA, I have heard industry leaders               customer and prospect engagement, brand building,
       online and joining conversations is only the start. Marketers
                                                                             Today, every marketing director, advertiser, and              talk firsthand about the evolution taking place around            database building, lead generation and through to
       can now actively influence and enable purchases. Measuring
                                                                          agency executive has to develop digital strategies               the	region	at	events	such	as	ad:tech,	the	iMedia	Brand	           e-commerce sales to connect the dots in the marketing
       impressions, likes, click-throughs, costs per click, and
                                                                                                                                           and Agency Summits, the Digital Matters conference,               value chain. In this integrated environment, no company
       email open rates are still useful metrics, but marketers can       or give presentations on what's happening online                 and the ADMA's roundtables with senior marketers and              expects their online campaigns to be the sole contributor to
       increasingly also drive e-commerce and offline retail sales        in the Asia Pacific region. That's where the                     agencies. The roundtables, conducted in Singapore and             their financial success, and they are developing attribution
       revenue, create sales leads, increase a brand's net promoter
                                                                          Yearbook comes in. It contains a wealth of the                   Hong	Kong	earlier	this	year,	revealed	that	marketers	are	         models that allow them to predict and measure the
       scores, and make a significant contribution to CRM.
                                                                                                                                           looking closely at online's value in brand development,           contribution each part of the marketing mix delivers. As this
           Statistics and insights from this year's Yearbook reveal       most relevant information and insight available,
                                                                                                                                           as well as the its better understood direct marketing             happens,	marketers	will	be	able	to	increasingly	map	KPIs	
       these	trends.	In	2010,	Asia	Pacific	had	more	than	825	             some of which cannot be found anywhere else,                     benefits. Marketers previously may have turned to the             against true business outcomes, as well as communications
       million	internet	users,	42%	of	the	global	total.	With	a	
                                                                          along with case studies showcasing a few of the                  web for the measurability of online campaigns, but now            outputs.
       penetration rate of 21.5%, there is lots of room for growth,
                                                                          region's most innovative and effective digital                   they are staying to maintain sustained relationships and
       and 700 million more users are expected to come online in
                                                                                                                                           drive longer-term brand-building. Marketers are pushing           David Ketchum is Chairman, Asia Digital Marketing
       the region by 2015. The broadband revolution that makes            campaigns. It also covers demographics, user                                                                                       Association and President of Bite Communications,
                                                                                                                                           their agencies to look beyond the click to understand
       so much of cloud computing and real time video possible is         behaviour, online advertising, e-commerce, mobile,               online users' behaviour and the sometimes less-than-linear        Asia Pacific.
       sweeping through Asia Pacific, with 130 million broadband
                                                                          social networking, and much more.                                progression from generating brand awareness to making a
       users	in	China	(all	of	Europe	has	188.88	million),	and	rapid	
       growth	expected	in	Korea	and	Japan.	Singapore	already	                Many thanks to all the companies that
       has a more than 195% penetration rate for broadband,               contributed data, and to the heroic team of the
       including wireless connections.                                    ADMA	Executive	Director	Kay	Bayliss,	editor	
           Mobile	remains	a	key	factor,	with	2.6	billion	subscribers	
       in the region in early 2011, and 400 million people having         Rachel Oliver, and designer Garry Tipping who
       access to the mobile internet. Smartphones are driving new         pulled it all together.
       functions such as mobile banking, mobile commerce and
       fuelling consumption of mobile video. The 59 million mobile
       video users in the region at the end of 2010 are expected           in the region in 2010, and are expected to grow to over
       to mushroom into a community of 250 million over the next           US$250	billion	in	2012.	
       five	years,	and	drive	a	US$35	billion	mobile	video	services	     	 The	web's	travel	sector	is	red	hot,	with	US$15.4	billion	
       market.                                                             in	revenue		in	China	in	2011,	and	US$4	billion	in	India.
           The connections between online and offline purchasing        	 Online	music	sales	are	up	28%	YOY	in	the	region	to	
       behaviours are growing. Some examples:                              US$7	billion.
       	 65%	of	consumers	use	online	services	to	locate	nearby	
           products and brands.                                         The top three reasons people in the region are going online
       	 26%	of	mobile	users	say	they	will	use	their	mobile	           are to get news and stay up-to-date, research products,
           device in-store to research products and prices.             and stay in touch with friends. Social remains a major
       	 35%	of	Asia	Pacific	consumers	say	that	more	than	10%	         phenomenon,	with	284	million	unique	visitors	in	January	
           of their monthly shopping expenditure is done online.        2011, 115 million of whom were on Facebook, and four
       	 Taiwanese	internet	users	spent	an	average	of	US$4,041	        of the world's top ten Twitter usage countries are in Asia
           online in the past 12 months, and the Chinese were           Pacific. Asia Pacific's top retail sites also clocked up a total
           second	with	US$2,557.	                                       of	more	than	300	million	unique	visitors	in	the	same	month,	
       	 E-commerce	sales	(excluding	travel)	hit	US$156.9	billion	     with Alibaba and Amazon in the lead.

4 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook                                                                                                                                                                                                  asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 5
ASIA PACIfIC                                                                                                                                                            Asia Pacifics Internet Users by Country                                                 Asia Pacific consumers now utilise digital channels when
                                                                                                                                                                          COUNTRY          INTERNET           PENETRATION         USER GROWTH        % Of USERS    they are out and about conducting their normal activities,
                                                                                                                                                                                           USERS (M)             RATE (%)         2000-2009 (%)         IN ASIA
                                                                                                                                                                          ASIA	PACIFIC	 	      825.09	                21.5	                 621.8	         100.0   with	more	than	one	quarter	of	them	(26%)	saying	they	
                                                                                                                                                                          AUSTRALIA	 	          17.03	                80.1	                 158.1	             -   now expect to use their mobile phones to research goods
                                                                                                                                                                          CHINA	        	      420.00	                31.6	               1,766.7	          50.9
                                                                                                                                                                          HONG	KONG	 	           4.87	                68.8	                 113.7	           0.6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and services while they are actually inside the store in
                                                                                                                                                                          INDIA	        	       81.00	                  6.9	              1,520.0	           9.8   question,	according	to	one	survey	of	digital	shopping	
                                                                                                                                                                          INDONESIA	 	          30.00	                12.3	               1,400.0	           3.6   habits.
                                                                                                                                                                          JAPAN	        	       99.14	                78.2	                 110.6	          12.0   (SOURCE: MICROSOfT ADvERTISING/AEGIS MEDIA)
                                                                                                                                                                          MALAYSIA	 	           16.90	                64.6	                 356.8	           2.0
                                                                                                                                                                          NEW	ZEALAND	           3.60	                85.4	                 333.7	             -
                                                                                                                                                                          THE	PHILIPPINES	      29.70	                29.7	               1,385.0	           3.6   What Asia Pacific Internet Users are Doing Online
                                                                                                                                                                          SINGAPORE	 	           3.65	                 77.8	                204.9	           0.4   KEY SITE CATEGORIES                                                ASIA PACIfIC
                                                                                                                                                                          SOUTH	KOREA	          39.44	                81.1	                 107.1	           4.8                                                                  % REACH      SHARE Of TIME
                                                                                                                                                                          TAIWAN	       	       16.13	                70.1	                 157.7	           2.0   SEARCH/NAvIGATION	                                                 77.2		              4.1
                                                                                                                                                                          THAILAND	 	           17.48	                26.3	                 660.3	           2.1   ENTERTAINMENT	                                                     69.0	               9.1
                                                                                                                                                                          vIETNAM	      	       24.26	                 27.1	             12,034.5	           2.9   DIRECTORIES/RESOURCES	                                             62.3	               1.8
                                                                                                                                                                          (SOURCE: INTERNETWORLDSTATS; APRIL 2011)                                                 NEWS/INFORMATION	                                                  57.0	               2.7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   RETAIL	                                                            55.9	               3.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EMAIL		                                                            54.6	               4.1
                                                                                                                                                                          Asia Pacific's Broadband Markets
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SOCIAL	NETWORKING		                                                50.5		              9.5
                                                                                                                                                                          MARKET               PENETRATION RANGE               MARKET            HOUSEHOLD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DOWNLOADS	                                                         49.7	               1.0
                                                                                                                                                                          RANKING              (AS PROPORTION Of                                 PENETRATION (%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   COMMUNITY	                                                          1.9	               1.9
                                                                                                                                                                                                ALL HOUSEHOLDS)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GAMES                                                              47.1                3.0
                                                                                                                                                                          HIGH	                      >50%	                   SINGAPORE		                   165.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   BLOGS	                                                             45.8	               1.5
                                                                                                                                                                          	                               	               SOUTH	KOREA		                     85.0
                                                                       Asia Pacifics Internet Users 2010                                                                 	                               	                 HONG	KONG		                     81.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TECHNOLOGY	                                                        43.5	               0.6
           DEMOGR APHICS                                                                                                         % Of INTERNET USERS                    	                               	                     TAIWAN		                    70.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   BUSINESS/FINANCE		                                                 40.5	               1.9	
                                                                       GENDER                                                                                                                                                                                      AUCTIONS	                                                          33.2	               2.2
                                                                                                                                                                          	                               	                       JAPAN		                   59.0
                                                                       MALE	                                                                       59.6                                                                                                            PhOTOS                                                             27.0                0.5
                                                                                                                                                                          MEDIUM	                   5-40%	                     MALAYSIA		                   35.0   (SOURCE: COMSCORE MEDIA METRIx, APRIL 2010)
                                                                       FEMALE	                                                                     40.4                   	                               	                       CHINA		                   30.0
       The Asia Pacific region continues to be home to the biggest     EDUCATION                                                                                          	                               	                    vIETNAM		                    20.0
                                                                       SCHOOLING	UNTIL	AGE	16	                                                     2.10                   	                               	                   THAILAND		                    13.0   How Long Asia Pacific Spent Online in 2010
       internet audience on earth on a regional basis - and by a       SCHOOLING	UNTIL	AGE	18	                                                     12.5                   	                               	             THE	PHILIPPINES		                   12.0                          2010 AvERAGE         2010 AvERAGE   2010 AvERAGE vISITS       2010 AvERAGE TOTAL

       very long stretch indeed - still. There are now more than       TRADE/TECHNICAL	SCHOOL	OR	COLLEGE	                                  	       23.2                   LOW	                        0-5%	                       INDIA		                    4.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       UNIQUE vISITORS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PER MONTH (000)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HOURS PER vISITOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PER MONTH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PER vISITOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PER MONTH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        MINUTES PER MONTH

                                                                       UNIvERSITY	                                                         	       50.3                                                                                                            ASIA	PACIFIC	             505,174		                16.5	                 43.4		               501,666	
       825	million	internet	users	in	Asia	alone,	as	of	June	2010,	     POST	GRADUATE	                                                      	       11.9
                                                                                                                                                                          	                               	                  INDONESIA		                     3.0
                                                                                                                                                                          (SOURCE: BUDDECOMM, ESTIMATES JUNE 2010)                                                 CHINA	                   	268,918		                30.7	                 58.7		               219,717	
       signalling an increase of more than 50 million internet         EMPLOYMENT STATUS                                                                                                                                                                           JAPAN	                    	72,374		                27.8	                 54.1		                83,736	
       users who have come onboard since 2009. The rest of the         FULL-TIME	WORKER	                                                   	       58.8                                                                                                            INDIA	                    	39,371		                21.8	                 46.4	                	55,182	
                                                                       PART-TIME	WORKER	                                                   	        6.3                                                                                                            SOUTH	KOREA	              	29,918		                22.8	                 44.1		                28,595
       world combined only has 1.14 billion internet users in total,   FREELANCER	                                                                  5.1                                                                                                            TAIWAN	                   	13,356		                20.6	                 46.4		                16,332	
       to	put	Asias	dominance	of	the	internet	in	real	perspective.	   SELF-EMPLOYED	                                                               4.8                      USER BEHAVIOUR                                                                      AUSTRALIA	                	13,206		                18.5	                 45.8		                13,829	
       (SOURCE: INTERNET WORLD STATS)                                  FULL-TIME	PARENT	                                                            3.2                                                                                                            MALAYSIA	                  	9,881		                19.3	                 40.9		                 9,159	
                                                                       IN	EDUCATION	                                                               13.5                                                                                                            INDONESIA	                  	7,574		               17.9	                 45.4		                 8,241	
       Asia Pacific internet users now account for 42% of the          UNEMPLOYED	                                                                  3.1                   The greater the bandwidth you have, the more likely it                                   vIETNAM	                   	6,299		                17.2	                 41.0		                 7,307	
                                                                       OThER                                                                        5.2                                                                                                            THE	PHILIPPINES	           	5,237		                15.4	                 40.6	                  6,981	
       worlds	total	internet	user	base,	as	of	June	2010.	The	         MAIN SHOPPER
                                                                                                                                                                          is that you will be spending time watching online videos,                                HONG	KONG	                 	4,182		                16.1	                 43.3		                 5,614	
       total internet user numbers for Asia Pacific, however, still    MAIN		                                                                      52.3                   it	seems.	Around	80%	of	online	users	in	the	Asia	Pacific	                                SINGAPORE	                   2,837		               13.6	                 29.9	                  3,877	
                                                                       JOINT		                                                                     40.2                                                                                                            NEW	ZEALAND	               	2,739		                12.1	                 32.0		                 3,038	
       only represent a relatively small overall penetration rate of                                                                                                      region overall according to one survey said they watched
                                                                       DO	NOT	DO	THE	SHOPPING		                                                     7.5                                                                                                            (SOURCE: COMSCORE; AUDIENCE: ALL PERSONS AT ALL LOCATIONS, JANUARY 2011)

       21.5%.                                                          WORK SECTOR                                                                                        online videos on a monthly basis, with high broadband
       (SOURCE: INTERNET WORLD STATS)                                  ADvERTISING/MARKETING/MEDIA	                                                 1.8                   users	-	the	Japanese,	Hong	Kongers	and	Singaporeans	-	                                   Asia Pacifics Use of Search and Directories
                                                                       AGRICULTURE	OR	MINING	                                                       1.1
                                                                       EDUCATION	                                                                   5.3                   leading	the	charge,	viewing	158.3,	147.4	and	145.7	videos	                               MARKET                          (% REACH)            (AvERAGE SEARCHES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PER SEARCHER)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        GOOGLE SHARE Of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TOTAL SEARCHES (%)
       Asia is on the brink of overtaking Europe as the broadband      FINANCIAL	SERvICES	                                                          4.5                   respectively in May 2010 alone.                                                          ASIA	PACIFIC	                          77.2	                        89.0	                         38.0
       powerhouse of the world. The region is currently home to        GOvERNMENT	(Ex	EDUCATION	&	HEALTH)	                                          3.6                   (SOURCE: COMSCORE)                                                                       CHINA	                                 67.3	                        66.8	                         13.0
                                                                       HEALTHCARE/MEDICINE	                                                         3.5                                                                                                            JAPAN	                                 89.6	                       126.2	                         48.0
       184.59	million	broadband	internet	users,	compared	to	the	       IT/INTERNET/SOFTWARE/COMPUTER	SERvICES	                                     12.9                                                                                                            INDIA	                                 84.9	                        79.2	                         86.0
       188.88	million	internet	users	who	subscribe	to	broadband	       MANUFACTURING/ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION	                                     14.2
                                                                                                                                                                          Consumers across Asia Pacific are more likely than any                                   SOUTH	KOREA	                           92.4	                       136.9	                          8.0
       services	in	Europe.	The	vast	majority	of	Asia	Pacifics	        POLICE	OR	ARMED	FORCES	                                                      0.3                   other group of regional consumers in the world to express                                AUSTRALIA	                             91.5	                       129.2	                         80.0

       broadband internet users are Chinese (representing more
                                                                       PROFESSIONAL	SERvICES	(LAW,	ACCOUNTING,	ARCHITECT	ETC)	                      4.3                   their opinions regarding a negative product experience                                   TAIWAN	                                86.0	                        85.8	                         28.0
                                                                       RETAIL	                                                                      5.3                                                                                                            MALAYSIA	                              88.2	                        92.4	                         70.0
       than	130	million	of	the	people	in	Asias	total	broadband	       TRANSPORT/LOGISTICS/DISTRIBUTION	                                            3.2                   online.	Nearly	half	(49%)	of	surveyed	consumers	across	                                  vIETNAM	                               92.9	                        72.1	                         90.0
       user	base),	leaving	room	for	Japan	and	South	Korea	in	          TRAvEL/TOURISM/LEISURE	SERvICES	                                             1.8                   the region said they were more likely to share a negative                                INDONESIA	                             84.2	                        91.4	                         80.0
                                                                       OThER                                                                       13.2                                                                                                            THE	PHILIPPINES	                       85.5	                       140.2	                         64.0
       particular to drive further growth in 2011, the former          CURRENT POSITION
                                                                                                                                                                          product experience online (via Twitter or by posting a                                   HONG	KONG	                             85.1	                       125.6	                         33.0
       market	showing	stronger	growth	in	2010	than	in	2008	or	         COMPANY	OWNER	                                                               4.4                   review, for example) compared to 41% globally.                                           SINGAPORE		                            92.5	                       122.7	                         73.0
                                                                       SENIOR	MANAGER	                                                              6.2                   (SOURCE: THE NIELSEN COMPANY)                                                            NEW	ZEALAND	                           88.9	                       125.8	                         77.0
       2009 reaching more than 30 million users last year.             MID-LEvEL	MANAGER	                                                          14.8                                                                                                            (SOURCE: COMSCORE MEDIA METRIx, APRIL 2010)
                                                                       ENTRY-LEvEL	MANAGER	                                                        10.5
                                                                                                                                                                          The internet is now seen as the ultimate research source
                                                                       TEAM	MEMBER	                                                                24.9
                                                                                                                                                                          in the region, particularly when it comes to locating brands,                            Asia Pacifics Appetite for news and information
       The	growth	in	Asia	Pacifics	internet	user	base	will	be	        SUPPORT	LEvEL	                                                               5.8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   MARKET                                         (% REACH) (SHARE Of TOTAL ONLINE TIME)
       staggering	moving	forward	if	it	meets	expectations.	By	
                                                                       OTHER	                                                                       8.4                   products, services, restaurants, making price comparisons                                ASIA PACIFIC                                         57.0                        2.7%
                                                                       RESPONSIBILITY AT WORK
       2015, an additional 700 million Asians are anticipated to       ADvERTISING	AND	MARKETING	                                                  11.4                   -	and	ultimately	making	purchase	decisions.	Nearly	two	                                  CHINA	                                               49.8	                       2.5%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   JAPAN	                                               70.1	                       3.2%
       arrive on the internet scene from 2010 figures.                 COMPANY	STRATEGY	                                                           11.6                   thirds	(65%)	of	Asia	Pacific's	internet	users	use	online	                                INDIA	                                               50.7	                       1.5%
                                                                       DIRECT REPORTS/TEAM                                                         19.3
                                                                       GENERAL	MANAGEMENT	                                                         32.6
                                                                                                                                                                          services to make price comparisons in local stores; the                                  SOUTH	KOREA	                                         81.6	                       2.9%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AUSTRALIA	                                           69.1	                       3.3%
                                                                       MANAGING	BUDGETS	                                                           16.2                   same	amount	(65%)	go	online	to	locate	nearby	products	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TAIWAN	                                              76.5	                       3.8%
       Asia Pacific rules the world in terms of average connection     PURCHASING	OF	ALL	OTHER	PRODUCTS	AND	SERvICES	FOR	YOUR	COMPANY	             16.7                   and brands; 59% go online to check out nearby restaurants                                MALAYSIA	                                            48.0	                       1.6%
       speeds. In the top 100 cities around the world, ranked by       PURCHASING	OF	IT,	TELECOMS	OR	TECHNOLOGY	PRODUCTS	AND	SERvICES	
                                                                                                                                                                          and	between	66%	and	78%	are	now	actively	reading	                                        vIETNAM	                                             91.1	                       8.5%
                                                                       FOR	YOUR	COMPANY	                                                           19.7
       average	connection	speeds,	60	are	in	Japan	and	16	are	in	       RECRUITING	NEW	EMPLOYEES	                                                   13.7                   information online about the specific product areas they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   INDONESIA	                                           63.1	                       4.7%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   THE	PHILIPPINES	                                     43.1	                       0.7%
       South	Korea	alone.                                              NONE	OF	THE	ABOvE	                                                          17.9
                                                                                                                                                                          are interested in - namely electronics, clothing, shoes and                              HONG	KONG	                                           79.9	                       2.6%
       (SOURCE: AKAMAI)                                                DECISION MAKER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SINGAPORE		                                          75.2	                       2.2%
                                                                       DECISION	MAKER	                                                             19.3                   accessories, groceries and fast foods.                                                   NEW	ZEALAND	                                         79.4	                       3.3%
                                                                       SENIOR	DECISION	MAKER	                                                       5.9                   (SOURCE: MICROSOfT ADvERTISING/AEGIS MEDIA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (SOURCE: COMSCORE MEDIA METRIx, APRIL 2010)
                                                                       (SOURCE: GLOBALWEBINDEx WAvES 3 & 4 (AUSTRALIA, CHINA, INDIA, JAPAN, KOREA, MALAYSIA - SEPT 2010
                                                                       & fEB 2011; HONG KONG, INDONESIA, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE - fEB 2011) WWW.GLOBALWEBINDEx.NET)

6 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 7
Asia Pacifics Appetite for Online videos                                                          PAKISTAN	                    3		                	3.7		                 	4.3			         5.1	
                                                                                                          THE	PHILIPPINES		            -				                 	-					                -					         -		
       MARKET          TOTAL UNIQUE    HOURS PER              vIDEOS PER    YOUTUBE SHARE Of
                                                                                                          SINGAPORE		                 56		                 	93		                	103			          138	
                        vIEWERS (M)      vIEWER                  vIEWER vIDEOS WATCHED (%)
                                                                                                          SOUTH	KOREA		            1,205		             	1,326		               	1,459			        1,604	
       CHINA	                  199.4		       13.4		                  51.8		                 -
                                                                                                          TAIWAN		                   259		               	301		                 	322			          348	
       JAPAN		                  61.1		        6.9		                 158.3		              44.0
                                                                                                          THAILAND		                   8		                  	9		                  	10			          11	
       AUSTRALIA		              10.9		       14.3		                  94.0		              55.0

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Imagine an online community that the
                                                                                                          vIETNAM		                  1.5		                  	2		                 	2.5			           3	
       MALAYSIA		                8.1		        7.0		                  74.4		              62.6
                                                                                                          ASIA PACIfIC           16,819               19,332                 22,510          26,139
       HONG	KONG		               3.7		        4.7		                 147.4		              51.4             (SOURCE: ZENITHOPTIMEDIA, MAY 2011)
       SINGAPORE		               2.5		       11.5		                 145.7	               63.3

                                                                                                          Asia Pacifics Top 10 Sites
       Why Asia Pacific's Internet Users Go Online

                                                                     % Of INTERNET USERS WHO
                                                                 CONSIDER THIS vERY IMPORTANT
                                                                                                          GOOGLE	SITES	
                                                                                                          MICROSOFT	SITES	
                                                                                                          YAhOO! SITES
                                                                                                                                                                       TOTAL UNIQUE vISITORS (000)
                                                                                                                                                                                                         worlds movers and shakers are eager to
                                                                                                                                                                                                         be part of. One they visit to engage and
       NETWORKING	FOR	WORK	                                                               39.1
       EDUCATION	                                                                         37.9
                                                                                                          SOHU.COM		                                                                       170,257
       STAY	IN	TOUCH	WITH	FRIENDS	                                                        48.4
                                                                                                          FACEBOOK.COM	                                                                    115,436
       UPDATE	MY	FRIENDS	WITH	MY	LIFE	                                                    28.2
                                                                                                          ALIBABA.COM	                                                                     109,965
       MEET	NEW	PEOPLE	                                                                   22.4

                                                                                                                                                                                                         be engaged. Where content, ideas and
                                                                                                          SINA	                                                                            106,211
       PROMOTE	SOMETHING	                                                                 21.0
                                                                                                          WIKIMEDIA	FOUNDATION	SITES	                                                       85,593
       ENTERTAINMENT	                                                                     37.1            (SOURCE: COMSCORE; AUDIENCE: ALL PERSONS AT ALL LOCATIONS, JANUARY 2011)
       RESEARCH/FIND	PRODUCTS	TO	BUY	                                                     48.4
       SHARE	MY	OPINION	                                                                  25.4
       SHARE	CONTENT	                                                                     26.4            Asia Pacifics Top Entertainment Sites

                                                                                                                                                                                                         views are discussed, debated, dissected
       FIND	MUSIC	                                                                        33.8                                                                         TOTAL UNIQUE vISITORS (000)
       FIND	FILMS/Tv	SHOWS	                                                               32.8            ENTERTAINMENT	                                                                   423,344
       STAY	UP	TO	DATE	ON	NEWS/EvENTS	                                                    51.4            YOUTUBE.COM	                                                                     113,965
       RESEARCH	HOW	TO	DO	THINGS	                                                         42.5            YOUKU		                                                                           72,761
       ORGANISE	MY	LIFE	                                                                  24.5            xUNLEI.COM	                                                                       70,548

                                                                                                                                                                                                         and shaped on a daily, hourly and
       ExPRESS	MYSELF	                                                                    25.9            TUDOU	SITES	                                                                      61,571
       TAKE	ON	A	DIFFERENT	PERSONALITY	                                                   16.6            CBS	INTERACTIvE	                                                                  60,636
       FILL	UP	SPARE	TIME	                                                                35.5            PPSTREAM	                                                                         56,283
       TO	GET	INSPIRED/GET	IDEAS	                                                         36.8            KU6	                                                                              52,126
       PLAY	GAMES	                                                                        19.6            	MUSIC	                                                                     51,901

                                                                                                                                                                                                         minute-to-minute basis.
                                                                                                          ITUNES	SOFTWARE	(APP)	                                  C
                                                                                                          KUGOU		                                                                           39,423
                                                                                                          (SOURCE: COMSCORE; AUDIENCE: ALL PERSONS AT ALL LOCATIONS, JANUARY 2011)

                                                                                                          Asia Pacifics Top Gaming Sites
           ONLINE ADVERTISING                                                                                                                                        TOTAL UNIQUE vISITORS (000)
                                                                                                          GAMES	                                                                           268,243
                                                                                                          	GAMES	                                                                      87,988
       A	total	of	US$16.8	billion	was	spent	on	online	advertising	
                                                                                                          	MINI	GAME	                                                                  37,804

                                                                                                                                                                                                         At The Economist online, a lot of things
                                                                                                          xIAMEN	YOUJIA	NETWORK	                                                            24,114
       throughout the Asia Pacific region in 2010, with the biggest                                       3366.COM	
       spenders	coming	from	Japan	(US$8.2	billion),	China	(US$4.7	                                        QQ937.COM	                                             CMY
       billion)	and	Australia	(US$1.7	billion).                                                           7K7K.COM	                                                                         14,758
       (SOURCE: ZENITHOPTIMEDIA)                                                                          96PK.COM	                                                                         11,227

                                                                                                                                                                                                         influence thought leaders, entrepreneurs
                                                                                                          17173.COM	                                                                        10,980
                                                                                                          DUOWAN.COM	                                                                         9,938
       Online ad spend across Asia Pacific in 2014 is expected to                                         BAIDU	HAPPY	GAMES	                                                                  9,459
       reach	US$22.2	billion,	representing	22.9%	of	global	spend.	                                        (SOURCE: COMSCORE; AUDIENCE: ALL PERSONS AT ALL LOCATIONS, JANUARY 2011)


                                                                                                                                                                                                         and policy makers. Wouldnt it be nice if
                                                                                                          Asia Pacifics Top Retail Sites
       Other reports would put that 2014 much higher however,                                                                                                          TOTAL UNIQUE vISITORS (000)
                                                                                                          RETAIL	                                                                          304,205
       with one report putting the expected total online ad spend                                         ALIBABA.COM		                                                                    109,965
       across	the	region	by	2013	alone	to	reach	US$26.1	billion.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         your message was one of them?
                                                                                                          AMAZON	SITES	                                                                     61,247
       (SOURCE: ZENITHOPTIMEDIA)                                                                          TMALL.COM	                                                                         37,006
                                                                                                          APPLE.COM	WORLDWIDE	SITES	                                                        31,891
                                                                                                          YAHOO!	SHOPPING	                                                                  28,641
       Paid search was anticipated to have been the most                                                  RAKUTEN.CO.JP	                                                                    28,076
       important	element	in	the	growth	of	Asias	online	advertising	                                      KAKAKU.COM		                                                                      21,640
       market in 2010 and was estimated to have grown by                                                  360BUY.COM	                                                                       12,487
                                                                                                          DANGDANG.COM	                                                                     12,049
       21.9%	last	year	reaping	around	US$5.66	billion	in	revenues	                                        SAMSUNG	GROUP	                                                                    10,657
       across the region.                                                                                 (SOURCE: COMSCORE; AUDIENCE: ALL PERSONS AT ALL LOCATIONS, JANUARY 2011)


       The online advertising market across Asia Pacific is
       expected to continue to grow at an average annual rate of
       12.2% through to 2015.
                                                                                                          Asia	Pacifics	retail	e-commerce	market	(excluding	travel)
                                                                                                          was	expected	to	have	generated	US$156.9	billion	in	2010	
       Asia Pacific Internet Ad Spend 2010-2013
       MARKET                         YEAR (US$ MILLION AT CURRENT PRICES)
                                                                                                          which	is	likely	to	grow	to	reach	US$251.30	billion	in	2012.	
                                                                                                          (SOURCE: JP MORGAN/THE BUSINESS TIMES)
                                 2010               2011              2012                       2013
       AUSTRALIA		               1,785		           	2,104			          2,441			                   2,843	
       CHINA		                  	4,702		            5,972		          	7,674			                   9,708	   By	2014,	Asia	Pacific	will	represent	40%	of	all	revenues	
       HONG	KONG		
                                                                                                          generated	by	the	worlds	online	gaming	market,	second	                                                             To find out more about how your brand can
       INDONESIA		                   1		              	1.1		            	1.3			                    1.5	   only	to	the	USA,	which	will	account	for	44%	by	that	year.	                                                  engage the influential online, contact Inez Albert.
                                                                                                          (SOURCE: PWC)
       JAPAN		                  	8,279		           	8,903		          	9,785		                   10,666	
       MALAYSIA		                   54		               	64		             	75			                     90	                                                                                                                               Email: inezalbert@economist.com
       NEW	ZEALAND		               161		             	185		            	203			                     224	                                                                                                                                             Tel: +852 2585 3260

8 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         http://www.economist.com/ pacific digital marketing yearbook 9
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  • 1. Engaging consumers online and joining conversations is only the start. Marketers can now ASIA PACIFIC actively influence and Digital Marketing enable purchases. Yearbook 2011 www.asiadma.com Edited by Rachel Oliver
  • 2. asia.WSJ.com ABOUT THE ASIA DIGITAL MARKETING ASSOCIATION The ears, eyes and voice of digital marketing in Asia The Asia Digital Marketing Association Being a member gives you access: (ADMA) is a non-profit organisation with a Unified voice for the industry to promote the use of digital and the internet (in the media and with potential membership base spanning the full range of customers) Forum for standards and best practice sharing the digital marketing ecosystem, from portals Spokespeople to represent members and respond to criticism and publishers, to advertisers, e-commerce Insights on what advertisers, agencies and publishers are thinking platforms, device makers, games companies, Industry contacts and networking opportunities Reaching Asias agencies, technology solutions providers, and Sponsorship opportunities to raise awareness of your brand research houses. The mission of the ADMA Discounted rates for regional events Unreachable Notification of relevant speaking opportunities is to grow the use of digital for effective Professional digital marketing qualifications - discounted enrolment fees for members marketing investment. This will be achieved Entry in the online Membership Directory and annual Asia Pacific Digital Marketing Yearbook by being an authoritative source of insight Job matching service to help you find staff As the regions leading business news in print, online and on mobile, The to join the ADMA and statistics, hosting networking events, Membership fees are set low enough to encourage Wall Street Journal Asia reaches Asias affluent business leaders and universal membership among industry players, and taken and facilitating professional development. together provide sufficient revenues to underwrite regular decision makers where they live, work and play anytime, anywhere. With activities. Other activities are funded by sponsorship the highest print circulation of any international daily in the region and an In addition, the ADMA engages with senior (cash and in kind) and by charging admission fees for some events. ever-expanding portfolio of online, mobile and tablet platforms, its no executives to gain consensus and provide a surprise that The Wall Street Journal Asia has been named the most To join, simply complete the online registration form at voice on key industry issues. www.asiadma.com/membership/join. important business reading by Asias business elite.* To find out more about integrated advertising solutions, please contact your Visit www.asiadma.com for more details. Dow Jones sales representative at wsja.advertising@dowjones.com or call: The ADMA gives heartfelt thanks to all our members for their support and contributions: Hong Kong 852-2831 2504; Singapore 65-6415 4300; Tokyo 81-3 6269 2701. ADMA Patrons: *Source: BE:Asia 2010 息2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. ADMA Corporate members: Acxiom Corporation, ad:tech, AGENDA Group Asia, ASATSU-DK, Branded, Citibank, Colgate-Palmolive, comScore, Coremetrics, Digital Chameleon, Dot Asia Organisation, Econsultancy, Edipresse, emarsys, Experian Hong Kong, Financial Times, Google Hong Kong, Hewlett Packard, Innity, Isobar Hong Kong, KatalystM, Lucini & Lucini Communications, Message Systems, MRM Worldwide, OgilvyOne Worldwide, Omnicom Group, Omniture, Publicis Modem Asia Pacific, Readers Digest Asia, SCMP.com, The Economist online, The Nielsen Company Hong Kong, The Upper Storey, The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, UBM Asia, Universal McCann, Wunderman. And all our SME members. asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 1
  • 3. CONTENTS AsiA PAcific 6 INDONESIA 44 SINGAPORE 70 Austr AliA 14 JAPAN 50 SOUTH KOREA 75 CHINA 22 MALAYSIA 56 TAIWAN 81 HONG KONG 30 NEW ZEALAND 62 THAILAND 84 INDIA 38 THE PHILIPPINES 66 VIETNAM 88 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 3
  • 4. CHAIRMAN'S Each market in the region is increasingly developing its sale to establishing a customer relationship. MESSAGE own characteristics and dynamics. You will see from the statistics in the Yearbook that the popularity of IM, gaming, There is also a new digital divide opening up, between companies that truly understand the potential to go deep SMS, e-commerce, apps, blogging, watching videos and use with their digital marketing efforts, and those that are still of search vary widely from country to country. Each market contemplating what to do with their Facebook presence, has own dynamics, such as consumers' willingness to share if they have one at all. Some marketers are adding social their identities online, their ability to pay safely online, or media and online services as window-dressing to their 2011: From Communications their use of mobile. The overall trend is clear: online and traditional campaigns, which is a start towards integration, mobile audiences are reaching critical mass, and the size of but true transformation is needed. At the same time that communities interested in just about any topic is growing some of the world's most sophisticated work is being done Outputs to Business Outcomes large enough to attract serious business attention. in this region, other companies are still not going beyond To reach these audiences, companies boosted their Asia the basics. Pacific online advertising expenditure to US$ 16.8 billion in A few years from now, we will see that some brands 2010, with growth estimated at more than 12% per year morphed to meet demand for data-driven communications S through 2015. Search accounts for more than one third of and truly embraced digital as part of a multi-channel all online advertising, and grew at more than 20% last year. strategy while others did not. Sadly some that don't adapt T eismic shifts are now taking place in digital That being said, the proportion of online advertising still may not be with us then. marketing in Asia Pacific that will impact how he Asia Digital Marketing Association's remains out of sync with consumer behaviour. In Singapore, The tipping point is when marketers go from influencing campaigns are constructed, how tools are (ADMA) Yearbook is back. This fifth annual for example, online ad spend is estimated to be 6% of total the influencers to engaging directly with consumers and deployed, and how results are measured. edition has more data and insights than advertising budgets even though internet users spend an B2B decision makers. Marketers increasingly get social The overall theme of these changes is that ever before, as well as an expanded social media average of 22.3 hours per month online. Online advertising media, as an extension of the storytelling and interactive addressable markets online in Asia Pacific have reached a there is estimated to grow at more than 15% per year. engagement with audiences that forms the basis of public size and scale at which consumer and B2B marketers can section. It's also available without charge online In addition to what I see from the hard data, as relations. The next step is seamless integration across achieve significant business results. Engaging consumers at www.asiadigitalmarketingyearbook.com. Chairman of the ADMA, I have heard industry leaders customer and prospect engagement, brand building, online and joining conversations is only the start. Marketers Today, every marketing director, advertiser, and talk firsthand about the evolution taking place around database building, lead generation and through to can now actively influence and enable purchases. Measuring agency executive has to develop digital strategies the region at events such as ad:tech, the iMedia Brand e-commerce sales to connect the dots in the marketing impressions, likes, click-throughs, costs per click, and and Agency Summits, the Digital Matters conference, value chain. In this integrated environment, no company email open rates are still useful metrics, but marketers can or give presentations on what's happening online and the ADMA's roundtables with senior marketers and expects their online campaigns to be the sole contributor to increasingly also drive e-commerce and offline retail sales in the Asia Pacific region. That's where the agencies. The roundtables, conducted in Singapore and their financial success, and they are developing attribution revenue, create sales leads, increase a brand's net promoter Yearbook comes in. It contains a wealth of the Hong Kong earlier this year, revealed that marketers are models that allow them to predict and measure the scores, and make a significant contribution to CRM. looking closely at online's value in brand development, contribution each part of the marketing mix delivers. As this Statistics and insights from this year's Yearbook reveal most relevant information and insight available, as well as the its better understood direct marketing happens, marketers will be able to increasingly map KPIs these trends. In 2010, Asia Pacific had more than 825 some of which cannot be found anywhere else, benefits. Marketers previously may have turned to the against true business outcomes, as well as communications million internet users, 42% of the global total. With a along with case studies showcasing a few of the web for the measurability of online campaigns, but now outputs. penetration rate of 21.5%, there is lots of room for growth, region's most innovative and effective digital they are staying to maintain sustained relationships and and 700 million more users are expected to come online in drive longer-term brand-building. Marketers are pushing David Ketchum is Chairman, Asia Digital Marketing the region by 2015. The broadband revolution that makes campaigns. It also covers demographics, user Association and President of Bite Communications, their agencies to look beyond the click to understand so much of cloud computing and real time video possible is behaviour, online advertising, e-commerce, mobile, online users' behaviour and the sometimes less-than-linear Asia Pacific. sweeping through Asia Pacific, with 130 million broadband social networking, and much more. progression from generating brand awareness to making a users in China (all of Europe has 188.88 million), and rapid growth expected in Korea and Japan. Singapore already Many thanks to all the companies that has a more than 195% penetration rate for broadband, contributed data, and to the heroic team of the including wireless connections. ADMA Executive Director Kay Bayliss, editor Mobile remains a key factor, with 2.6 billion subscribers in the region in early 2011, and 400 million people having Rachel Oliver, and designer Garry Tipping who access to the mobile internet. Smartphones are driving new pulled it all together. functions such as mobile banking, mobile commerce and fuelling consumption of mobile video. The 59 million mobile video users in the region at the end of 2010 are expected in the region in 2010, and are expected to grow to over to mushroom into a community of 250 million over the next US$250 billion in 2012. five years, and drive a US$35 billion mobile video services The web's travel sector is red hot, with US$15.4 billion market. in revenue in China in 2011, and US$4 billion in India. The connections between online and offline purchasing Online music sales are up 28% YOY in the region to behaviours are growing. Some examples: US$7 billion. 65% of consumers use online services to locate nearby products and brands. The top three reasons people in the region are going online 26% of mobile users say they will use their mobile are to get news and stay up-to-date, research products, device in-store to research products and prices. and stay in touch with friends. Social remains a major 35% of Asia Pacific consumers say that more than 10% phenomenon, with 284 million unique visitors in January of their monthly shopping expenditure is done online. 2011, 115 million of whom were on Facebook, and four Taiwanese internet users spent an average of US$4,041 of the world's top ten Twitter usage countries are in Asia online in the past 12 months, and the Chinese were Pacific. Asia Pacific's top retail sites also clocked up a total second with US$2,557. of more than 300 million unique visitors in the same month, E-commerce sales (excluding travel) hit US$156.9 billion with Alibaba and Amazon in the lead. 4 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 5
  • 5. ASIA PACIfIC Asia Pacifics Internet Users by Country Asia Pacific consumers now utilise digital channels when COUNTRY INTERNET PENETRATION USER GROWTH % Of USERS they are out and about conducting their normal activities, USERS (M) RATE (%) 2000-2009 (%) IN ASIA ASIA PACIFIC 825.09 21.5 621.8 100.0 with more than one quarter of them (26%) saying they AUSTRALIA 17.03 80.1 158.1 - now expect to use their mobile phones to research goods CHINA 420.00 31.6 1,766.7 50.9 HONG KONG 4.87 68.8 113.7 0.6 and services while they are actually inside the store in INDIA 81.00 6.9 1,520.0 9.8 question, according to one survey of digital shopping INDONESIA 30.00 12.3 1,400.0 3.6 habits. JAPAN 99.14 78.2 110.6 12.0 (SOURCE: MICROSOfT ADvERTISING/AEGIS MEDIA) MALAYSIA 16.90 64.6 356.8 2.0 NEW ZEALAND 3.60 85.4 333.7 - THE PHILIPPINES 29.70 29.7 1,385.0 3.6 What Asia Pacific Internet Users are Doing Online SINGAPORE 3.65 77.8 204.9 0.4 KEY SITE CATEGORIES ASIA PACIfIC SOUTH KOREA 39.44 81.1 107.1 4.8 % REACH SHARE Of TIME TAIWAN 16.13 70.1 157.7 2.0 SEARCH/NAvIGATION 77.2 4.1 THAILAND 17.48 26.3 660.3 2.1 ENTERTAINMENT 69.0 9.1 vIETNAM 24.26 27.1 12,034.5 2.9 DIRECTORIES/RESOURCES 62.3 1.8 (SOURCE: INTERNETWORLDSTATS; APRIL 2011) NEWS/INFORMATION 57.0 2.7 RETAIL 55.9 3.5 EMAIL 54.6 4.1 Asia Pacific's Broadband Markets SOCIAL NETWORKING 50.5 9.5 MARKET PENETRATION RANGE MARKET HOUSEHOLD DOWNLOADS 49.7 1.0 RANKING (AS PROPORTION Of PENETRATION (%) COMMUNITY 1.9 1.9 ALL HOUSEHOLDS) GAMES 47.1 3.0 HIGH >50% SINGAPORE 165.0 BLOGS 45.8 1.5 SOUTH KOREA 85.0 Asia Pacifics Internet Users 2010 HONG KONG 81.0 TECHNOLOGY 43.5 0.6 DEMOGR APHICS % Of INTERNET USERS TAIWAN 70.0 BUSINESS/FINANCE 40.5 1.9 GENDER AUCTIONS 33.2 2.2 JAPAN 59.0 MALE 59.6 PhOTOS 27.0 0.5 MEDIUM 5-40% MALAYSIA 35.0 (SOURCE: COMSCORE MEDIA METRIx, APRIL 2010) FEMALE 40.4 CHINA 30.0 The Asia Pacific region continues to be home to the biggest EDUCATION vIETNAM 20.0 SCHOOLING UNTIL AGE 16 2.10 THAILAND 13.0 How Long Asia Pacific Spent Online in 2010 internet audience on earth on a regional basis - and by a SCHOOLING UNTIL AGE 18 12.5 THE PHILIPPINES 12.0 2010 AvERAGE 2010 AvERAGE 2010 AvERAGE vISITS 2010 AvERAGE TOTAL very long stretch indeed - still. There are now more than TRADE/TECHNICAL SCHOOL OR COLLEGE 23.2 LOW 0-5% INDIA 4.0 UNIQUE vISITORS PER MONTH (000) HOURS PER vISITOR PER MONTH PER vISITOR PER MONTH MINUTES PER MONTH UNIvERSITY 50.3 ASIA PACIFIC 505,174 16.5 43.4 501,666 825 million internet users in Asia alone, as of June 2010, POST GRADUATE 11.9 INDONESIA 3.0 (SOURCE: BUDDECOMM, ESTIMATES JUNE 2010) CHINA 268,918 30.7 58.7 219,717 signalling an increase of more than 50 million internet EMPLOYMENT STATUS JAPAN 72,374 27.8 54.1 83,736 users who have come onboard since 2009. The rest of the FULL-TIME WORKER 58.8 INDIA 39,371 21.8 46.4 55,182 PART-TIME WORKER 6.3 SOUTH KOREA 29,918 22.8 44.1 28,595 world combined only has 1.14 billion internet users in total, FREELANCER 5.1 TAIWAN 13,356 20.6 46.4 16,332 to put Asias dominance of the internet in real perspective. SELF-EMPLOYED 4.8 USER BEHAVIOUR AUSTRALIA 13,206 18.5 45.8 13,829 (SOURCE: INTERNET WORLD STATS) FULL-TIME PARENT 3.2 MALAYSIA 9,881 19.3 40.9 9,159 IN EDUCATION 13.5 INDONESIA 7,574 17.9 45.4 8,241 Asia Pacific internet users now account for 42% of the UNEMPLOYED 3.1 The greater the bandwidth you have, the more likely it vIETNAM 6,299 17.2 41.0 7,307 OThER 5.2 THE PHILIPPINES 5,237 15.4 40.6 6,981 worlds total internet user base, as of June 2010. The MAIN SHOPPER is that you will be spending time watching online videos, HONG KONG 4,182 16.1 43.3 5,614 total internet user numbers for Asia Pacific, however, still MAIN 52.3 it seems. Around 80% of online users in the Asia Pacific SINGAPORE 2,837 13.6 29.9 3,877 JOINT 40.2 NEW ZEALAND 2,739 12.1 32.0 3,038 only represent a relatively small overall penetration rate of region overall according to one survey said they watched DO NOT DO THE SHOPPING 7.5 (SOURCE: COMSCORE; AUDIENCE: ALL PERSONS AT ALL LOCATIONS, JANUARY 2011) 21.5%. WORK SECTOR online videos on a monthly basis, with high broadband (SOURCE: INTERNET WORLD STATS) ADvERTISING/MARKETING/MEDIA 1.8 users - the Japanese, Hong Kongers and Singaporeans - Asia Pacifics Use of Search and Directories AGRICULTURE OR MINING 1.1 EDUCATION 5.3 leading the charge, viewing 158.3, 147.4 and 145.7 videos MARKET (% REACH) (AvERAGE SEARCHES PER SEARCHER) GOOGLE SHARE Of TOTAL SEARCHES (%) Asia is on the brink of overtaking Europe as the broadband FINANCIAL SERvICES 4.5 respectively in May 2010 alone. ASIA PACIFIC 77.2 89.0 38.0 powerhouse of the world. The region is currently home to GOvERNMENT (Ex EDUCATION & HEALTH) 3.6 (SOURCE: COMSCORE) CHINA 67.3 66.8 13.0 HEALTHCARE/MEDICINE 3.5 JAPAN 89.6 126.2 48.0 184.59 million broadband internet users, compared to the IT/INTERNET/SOFTWARE/COMPUTER SERvICES 12.9 INDIA 84.9 79.2 86.0 188.88 million internet users who subscribe to broadband MANUFACTURING/ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION 14.2 Consumers across Asia Pacific are more likely than any SOUTH KOREA 92.4 136.9 8.0 services in Europe. The vast majority of Asia Pacifics POLICE OR ARMED FORCES 0.3 other group of regional consumers in the world to express AUSTRALIA 91.5 129.2 80.0 broadband internet users are Chinese (representing more PROFESSIONAL SERvICES (LAW, ACCOUNTING, ARCHITECT ETC) 4.3 their opinions regarding a negative product experience TAIWAN 86.0 85.8 28.0 RETAIL 5.3 MALAYSIA 88.2 92.4 70.0 than 130 million of the people in Asias total broadband TRANSPORT/LOGISTICS/DISTRIBUTION 3.2 online. Nearly half (49%) of surveyed consumers across vIETNAM 92.9 72.1 90.0 user base), leaving room for Japan and South Korea in TRAvEL/TOURISM/LEISURE SERvICES 1.8 the region said they were more likely to share a negative INDONESIA 84.2 91.4 80.0 OThER 13.2 THE PHILIPPINES 85.5 140.2 64.0 particular to drive further growth in 2011, the former CURRENT POSITION product experience online (via Twitter or by posting a HONG KONG 85.1 125.6 33.0 market showing stronger growth in 2010 than in 2008 or COMPANY OWNER 4.4 review, for example) compared to 41% globally. SINGAPORE 92.5 122.7 73.0 SENIOR MANAGER 6.2 (SOURCE: THE NIELSEN COMPANY) NEW ZEALAND 88.9 125.8 77.0 2009 reaching more than 30 million users last year. MID-LEvEL MANAGER 14.8 (SOURCE: COMSCORE MEDIA METRIx, APRIL 2010) (SOURCE: POINT TOPIC) ENTRY-LEvEL MANAGER 10.5 The internet is now seen as the ultimate research source TEAM MEMBER 24.9 in the region, particularly when it comes to locating brands, Asia Pacifics Appetite for news and information The growth in Asia Pacifics internet user base will be SUPPORT LEvEL 5.8 MARKET (% REACH) (SHARE Of TOTAL ONLINE TIME) staggering moving forward if it meets expectations. By OTHER 8.4 products, services, restaurants, making price comparisons ASIA PACIFIC 57.0 2.7% RESPONSIBILITY AT WORK 2015, an additional 700 million Asians are anticipated to ADvERTISING AND MARKETING 11.4 - and ultimately making purchase decisions. Nearly two CHINA 49.8 2.5% JAPAN 70.1 3.2% arrive on the internet scene from 2010 figures. COMPANY STRATEGY 11.6 thirds (65%) of Asia Pacific's internet users use online INDIA 50.7 1.5% DIRECT REPORTS/TEAM 19.3 (SOURCE: MCKINSEY QUARTERLY) GENERAL MANAGEMENT 32.6 services to make price comparisons in local stores; the SOUTH KOREA 81.6 2.9% AUSTRALIA 69.1 3.3% MANAGING BUDGETS 16.2 same amount (65%) go online to locate nearby products TAIWAN 76.5 3.8% Asia Pacific rules the world in terms of average connection PURCHASING OF ALL OTHER PRODUCTS AND SERvICES FOR YOUR COMPANY 16.7 and brands; 59% go online to check out nearby restaurants MALAYSIA 48.0 1.6% speeds. In the top 100 cities around the world, ranked by PURCHASING OF IT, TELECOMS OR TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS AND SERvICES and between 66% and 78% are now actively reading vIETNAM 91.1 8.5% FOR YOUR COMPANY 19.7 average connection speeds, 60 are in Japan and 16 are in RECRUITING NEW EMPLOYEES 13.7 information online about the specific product areas they INDONESIA 63.1 4.7% THE PHILIPPINES 43.1 0.7% South Korea alone. NONE OF THE ABOvE 17.9 are interested in - namely electronics, clothing, shoes and HONG KONG 79.9 2.6% (SOURCE: AKAMAI) DECISION MAKER SINGAPORE 75.2 2.2% DECISION MAKER 19.3 accessories, groceries and fast foods. NEW ZEALAND 79.4 3.3% SENIOR DECISION MAKER 5.9 (SOURCE: MICROSOfT ADvERTISING/AEGIS MEDIA) (SOURCE: COMSCORE MEDIA METRIx, APRIL 2010) (SOURCE: GLOBALWEBINDEx WAvES 3 & 4 (AUSTRALIA, CHINA, INDIA, JAPAN, KOREA, MALAYSIA - SEPT 2010 & fEB 2011; HONG KONG, INDONESIA, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE - fEB 2011) WWW.GLOBALWEBINDEx.NET) 6 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 7
  • 6. Asia Pacifics Appetite for Online videos PAKISTAN 3 3.7 4.3 5.1 THE PHILIPPINES - - - - MARKET TOTAL UNIQUE HOURS PER vIDEOS PER YOUTUBE SHARE Of SINGAPORE 56 93 103 138 vIEWERS (M) vIEWER vIEWER vIDEOS WATCHED (%) SOUTH KOREA 1,205 1,326 1,459 1,604 CHINA 199.4 13.4 51.8 - TAIWAN 259 301 322 348 JAPAN 61.1 6.9 158.3 44.0 THAILAND 8 9 10 11 AUSTRALIA 10.9 14.3 94.0 55.0 Imagine an online community that the vIETNAM 1.5 2 2.5 3 MALAYSIA 8.1 7.0 74.4 62.6 ASIA PACIfIC 16,819 19,332 22,510 26,139 HONG KONG 3.7 4.7 147.4 51.4 (SOURCE: ZENITHOPTIMEDIA, MAY 2011) SINGAPORE 2.5 11.5 145.7 63.3 (SOURCE: COMSCORE vIDEO METRIx, MAY 2010) Asia Pacifics Top 10 Sites Why Asia Pacific's Internet Users Go Online MOTIvATION fOR INTERNET USAGE RESEARCH FOR WORK % Of INTERNET USERS WHO CONSIDER THIS vERY IMPORTANT 47.4 GOOGLE SITES MICROSOFT SITES TENCENT YAhOO! SITES TOTAL UNIQUE vISITORS (000) 265,676 238,592 204,942 199,279 worlds movers and shakers are eager to be part of. One they visit to engage and NETWORKING FOR WORK 39.1 187,901 EDUCATION 37.9 SOHU.COM 170,257 STAY IN TOUCH WITH FRIENDS 48.4 FACEBOOK.COM 115,436 UPDATE MY FRIENDS WITH MY LIFE 28.2 ALIBABA.COM 109,965 MEET NEW PEOPLE 22.4 be engaged. Where content, ideas and SINA 106,211 PROMOTE SOMETHING 21.0 WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION SITES 85,593 ENTERTAINMENT 37.1 (SOURCE: COMSCORE; AUDIENCE: ALL PERSONS AT ALL LOCATIONS, JANUARY 2011) RESEARCH/FIND PRODUCTS TO BUY 48.4 SHARE MY OPINION 25.4 SHARE CONTENT 26.4 Asia Pacifics Top Entertainment Sites views are discussed, debated, dissected FIND MUSIC 33.8 TOTAL UNIQUE vISITORS (000) FIND FILMS/Tv SHOWS 32.8 ENTERTAINMENT 423,344 STAY UP TO DATE ON NEWS/EvENTS 51.4 YOUTUBE.COM 113,965 RESEARCH HOW TO DO THINGS 42.5 YOUKU 72,761 ORGANISE MY LIFE 24.5 xUNLEI.COM 70,548 and shaped on a daily, hourly and ExPRESS MYSELF 25.9 TUDOU SITES 61,571 TAKE ON A DIFFERENT PERSONALITY 16.6 CBS INTERACTIvE 60,636 FILL UP SPARE TIME 35.5 PPSTREAM 56,283 TO GET INSPIRED/GET IDEAS 36.8 KU6 52,126 PLAY GAMES 19.6 MUSIC 51,901 minute-to-minute basis. (SOURCE: GLOBALWEBINDEx WAvES 3 & 4 (AUSTRALIA, CHINA, INDIA, JAPAN, KOREA, MALAYSIA - SEPT 2010 & fEB 2011; HONG KONG, INDONESIA, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE - fEB 2011) WWW.GLOBALWEBINDEx.NET) ITUNES SOFTWARE (APP) C 45,733 KUGOU 39,423 (SOURCE: COMSCORE; AUDIENCE: ALL PERSONS AT ALL LOCATIONS, JANUARY 2011) M Asia Pacifics Top Gaming Sites Y ONLINE ADVERTISING TOTAL UNIQUE vISITORS (000) CM GAMES 268,243 GAMES 87,988 A total of US$16.8 billion was spent on online advertising MY MINI GAME 37,804 At The Economist online, a lot of things xIAMEN YOUJIA NETWORK 24,114 throughout the Asia Pacific region in 2010, with the biggest 3366.COM CY 16,220 spenders coming from Japan (US$8.2 billion), China (US$4.7 QQ937.COM CMY 15,628 billion) and Australia (US$1.7 billion). 7K7K.COM 14,758 (SOURCE: ZENITHOPTIMEDIA) 96PK.COM 11,227 influence thought leaders, entrepreneurs K 17173.COM 10,980 DUOWAN.COM 9,938 Online ad spend across Asia Pacific in 2014 is expected to BAIDU HAPPY GAMES 9,459 reach US$22.2 billion, representing 22.9% of global spend. (SOURCE: COMSCORE; AUDIENCE: ALL PERSONS AT ALL LOCATIONS, JANUARY 2011) (SOURCE: EMARKETER/STARCOM/BLOOMBERG) and policy makers. Wouldnt it be nice if Asia Pacifics Top Retail Sites Other reports would put that 2014 much higher however, TOTAL UNIQUE vISITORS (000) RETAIL 304,205 with one report putting the expected total online ad spend ALIBABA.COM 109,965 across the region by 2013 alone to reach US$26.1 billion. your message was one of them? AMAZON SITES 61,247 (SOURCE: ZENITHOPTIMEDIA) TMALL.COM 37,006 APPLE.COM WORLDWIDE SITES 31,891 YAHOO! SHOPPING 28,641 Paid search was anticipated to have been the most RAKUTEN.CO.JP 28,076 important element in the growth of Asias online advertising KAKAKU.COM 21,640 market in 2010 and was estimated to have grown by 360BUY.COM 12,487 DANGDANG.COM 12,049 21.9% last year reaping around US$5.66 billion in revenues SAMSUNG GROUP 10,657 across the region. (SOURCE: COMSCORE; AUDIENCE: ALL PERSONS AT ALL LOCATIONS, JANUARY 2011) (SOURCE: MARKETING INTERACTIvE/MAGNAGLOBAL) The online advertising market across Asia Pacific is expected to continue to grow at an average annual rate of E-COMMERCE 12.2% through to 2015. (SOURCE: MARKETING INTERACTIvE/MAGNAGLOBAL) Asia Pacifics retail e-commerce market (excluding travel) was expected to have generated US$156.9 billion in 2010 Asia Pacific Internet Ad Spend 2010-2013 MARKET YEAR (US$ MILLION AT CURRENT PRICES) which is likely to grow to reach US$251.30 billion in 2012. (SOURCE: JP MORGAN/THE BUSINESS TIMES) 2010 2011 2012 2013 AUSTRALIA 1,785 2,104 2,441 2,843 CHINA 4,702 5,972 7,674 9,708 By 2014, Asia Pacific will represent 40% of all revenues HONG KONG INDIA 183 121 211 157 228 202 239 258 generated by the worlds online gaming market, second To find out more about how your brand can INDONESIA 1 1.1 1.3 1.5 only to the USA, which will account for 44% by that year. engage the influential online, contact Inez Albert. (SOURCE: PWC) JAPAN 8,279 8,903 9,785 10,666 MALAYSIA 54 64 75 90 Email: inezalbert@economist.com NEW ZEALAND 161 185 203 224 Tel: +852 2585 3260 8 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook http://www.economist.com/ pacific digital marketing yearbook 9 asia