Social computing is an area of computer science concerned with how social behavior and computational systems intersect. It involves creating or recreating social conventions using software and technology. Social computing systems contain components that support social constructs like identity, reputation, trust, accountability, presence, social roles, and ownership. While one-way communications from untrusted sources are usually useless, social media provides value through trust. Social computing will gradually impact most roles in companies worldwide as it is not a passing fad.
3. What is Social Computing?Wikipedia:an area ofcomputer sciencethat is concerned with the intersection ofsocial behaviorandcomputational systems.Social BehaviorSocial ComputingComputing System
4. Creating or Recreating social conventions and social context with the use of software and technology.
5. Social Computing system contain components that support and represent social constructs Identity Reputation Trust Accountability Presence Social roles Ownership
12. Social computing is not a fad nor is it something that will pass you or your company by. Gradually Social Computing will impact almost every role, at every kind of company, in all parts of the world. source - unknown
#7: Blog Web Log Usually maintained by an individual Regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other media Blogosphere- Collective community of all blogs is known as theblogosphere Blog Search EnginesWiki Ongoing process of creation and collaboration Promotes meaningful topic associations between different pages Wiki Page A single page in a wiki website The Wiki Entire collection of pages3. Social NetworksA social structure made of individuals or organizations connected through specific groups online Social Networking Sites4. RSSReally Simple SyndicationWeb feed formats used to publish frequently updated works"RSS reader," "feed reader," or an "aggregator,5. Social BookmarkingMethod for Internet users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages on the Internet6. VOIPA protocol optimized for the transmission of voice through the Internet