The document discusses social design patterns for mobile apps. It suggests getting users to try apps by leveraging social proof from friends who are using the app. It recommends focusing on retention by creating timelines/feeds that users don't want to miss updates from and rewarding loyal users. It also stresses the importance of making it easy for users to find and invite friends to increase virality.
? Product guy ? Stealth product startup
? 13 years designing/ ? Making Android social
managing products
from within
? Ex (SaaS),
Digital Chocolate (social ? Late prototype stage
games), Bank of New York
(?nancial systems) ?4 people
? love social, mobile, and ? Looking for seed funding
helping others be early next year
awesome :)
? Just Ask!
? Nag. I mean, don¡¯t piss your users off, but.
? Lock up some stuff that can be unlocked by +1ing.
? Make something work better if the user has +1d.
22. ? Thinkof things that are limited-time only - deals,
events, sales.
? Think of things where it¡¯s socially expected to react
quickly or not-at-all - life events, serendipitous
meetings etc.
? Think
of ways to increase the speed of the stream
without diluting it.
? Findsomething predictable that you can give the
user every day, like a joke or pic.
27. ? Send reminders - email/sms/push noti?cations
? Createreasons for coming back. Eg ¡°Your crops will
be ready tomorrow¡±
? Incentivize
repeat usage. Eg ¡°Visit 3 days in a row,
and get this special feature¡±
? Utility
apps - try to detect contexts where user will
?nd app useful
30. ? Offer incentives for inviting friends
? Lock content as only available if you have N friends
using the app (mob gating)
? Make your app do something that gets better if
friends use it.
? Trials: Ask for +1s, start NOW
? Retention:
? Build an app worth revisiting
? Build a great feed/timeline
? Remind users
? Reward repeat users
? Referrals
? Make it easy to ?nd friends