Makalah ini membahas tentang carding atau pemalsuan kartu kredit sebagai salah satu jenis cyber crime. Makalah ini menjelaskan definisi dan jenis-jenis cyber crime serta cara menghindari penyalahgunaan kartu kredit. UU ITE di Indonesia mengatur tindak pidana cyber seperti carding.
Makalah ini membahas kasus peretasan situs web Presiden SBY oleh Wildan Yani Ashari. Wildan meretas beberapa situs web lain untuk mendapatkan akses ke situs Presiden SBY melalui teknik SQL injection dan memasang backdoor. Ia kemudian mengubah pengaturan domain situs Presiden SBY untuk mengarahkan pengunjung ke situs web miliknya. Kepolisian melacak Wildan melalui IP address yang didapat dari perusahaan penyedia jasa internet.
Uptime group is an ICT infrastructure partner that delivers high quality IT solutions through in-depth knowledge and a flexible approach. They focus on quality, innovation, and growth to provide services such as consultancy, projects, reselling, managed services, and more to small, medium, and large enterprises. The company has multiple locations in Belgium and offers a full range of IT solutions and services through its various subsidiary brands.
Windows Local Hacking Stmik Amikbandung 7 Maret 2009adinugroho
The document discusses local hacking and security measures against it. It describes the MS08-067 Windows RPC vulnerability exploited by the Gimmiv.A virus. It allows attackers to gain shell access on affected Windows systems. The document also mentions HD Moore's Metasploit module that can exploit this vulnerability on Windows XP, Server 2003 and Vista systems. It recommends enabling firewalls, updating Windows, and switching to Linux for improved security.
Harish B K provides a summary of his background and experience. He has expertise in areas like payroll transformation, HR service implementation and outsourcing strategy. He has over 15 years of experience in finance and HR roles at companies like IBM, Intel, Dell, Honeywell and Microsoft. His educational qualifications include a B.Com, PG Diploma in financial management and management program from IIM Bangalore. He is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt and Lean expert with a leadership style focused on service.
The document discusses problems with traditional lectures, including drops in student attention after 10-15 minutes and failure of students to retain material compared to active learning classes. It also presents two systems - Classroom/Ubiquitous Presenter and PaperCP - that aim to address these problems by fostering active participation and engagement through technologies like digital pens, tablets, and public displays.
Menjadi Hacker Dengan Batik Jkt 27032010adinugroho
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan mengenai bagaimana menjadi hacker, mulai dari pengertian hacker, belajar mandiri dengan Google dan sertifikasi, melakukan berbagai aksi seperti coding dan social engineering, menulis tutorial, memperoleh informasi dari komunitas hacker, serta menghindari tindakan ilegal.
The document discusses Linked Data Selectors (LDS), an ontology for describing selections of fragments from web resources. It defines classes like Selector, SelectorSet, and SelectionRepresentation. Selector subclasses include Spatial, Temporal, and Declarative selectors. Examples demonstrate using LDS to describe a video snippet selection and linking slides. The goal of LDS is to enable making fine-grained connections between aggregated web resources to support learning applications.
This document discusses payroll optimization and transformation. It notes that payroll is a symptom, not the primary process or source, and that sustainability and ROI of payroll transformation depends on business adaptability to standardization. Effective change management is needed and must focus on appropriate levels of change, though it cannot change bad attitudes. The key takeaway is that what is the "to be" process today will be the "as is" process of tomorrow.
Linux lebih baik dibandingkan sistem operasi lain karena gratis, terbuka, aman dari virus, driver perangkat keras tersedia, aplikasi standar sudah terinstal, dan stabil dalam menjalankan sistem dalam waktu lama tanpa perlu restart berulang. Linux hadir sebagai solusi sistem operasi masa kini dan akan terus berkembang ke depan.
The document surveys various annotation tools for lecture materials. It discusses how active learning through annotations can help students better structure and enhance their understanding of information. The document then reviews 14 different annotation systems, categorizing them based on their annotation capabilities, materials that can be annotated, and annotation scenarios supported. It provides examples of two systems - eClass/StuPad and Authoring on the Fly (AOF) - that allow instructors and students to annotate lecture recordings and slides.
Question & Answer 2.0: A System to facilitate interaction during and after a ...Kai Michael H旦ver
則 Q&A 2.0 is a system that facilitates interaction during and after lectures.
則 It allows students to ask questions during lectures and continue the discussion afterwards.
則 The document describes existing systems that enable some interaction, but have limitations like not allowing comments to be made in the context of the learning material or only focusing on the time during or after lectures, not both. Q&A 2.0 aims to address these limitations.
The document summarizes the new product development process for Fruit Punch, a fruit juice product. It discusses idea generation, screening concepts, testing the top concept, developing the product, test marketing in cities, and commercial launch. It also covers target markets, pricing, distribution, promotion strategies, and reviewing marketing performance after launch.
IT has impacted society in several ways:
1. IT has allowed governments to improve public services and monitor statistical information to combat fraud and manage economies.
2. Developments in IT have created new media and expanded audience reach for news and media organizations.
3. Educational institutions now offer IT-related courses and tools like e-learning and video conferencing.
4. IT has empowered disabled people through tools that make the internet and technology more accessible.
Dheeraj Gupta started Jumbo King Foods Pvt. Ltd. in Mumbai in 2001 to sell packaged Indian sweets. Inspired by a book on McDonald's, he realized he could start a fast food chain selling vada pav. He opened his first outlet called Chaat Factory near Malad station, later renamed Jumbo King. Through word of mouth and branding strategies like celebrating Vada Pav Day, the company grew to 30 outlets in Mumbai and other cities, serving about 40,000 customers daily. Gupta aims to expand Jumbo King across Maharashtra and Gujarat with over 100 outlets and a projected annual turnover of Rs. 60 crores by 2008-09.
Social engineering techniques and solutionsicalredhat
Sosial engineering adalah teknik memperoleh informasi rahasia dengan memanfaatkan kelemahan manusia. Teknik ini meliputi penipuan melalui telepon, email, atau interaksi langsung untuk mendapatkan akses yang tidak sah ke sistem informasi perusahaan. Korban seringan adalah resepsionis, staf IT, dan karyawan baru yang kurang memahami keamanan informasi.
indounderground, Carding, carder and why you should avoid it!idsecconf
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai penipuan kartu kredit dan alat-alat serta cara melakukannya, termasuk ancaman hukum bagi pelaku di Indonesia berdasarkan UU ITE. Dokumen tersebut juga memberikan saran bagaimana menghindari penipuan kartu kredit dan pesan moral bahwa meskipun terlihat menarik, tetapi carding tidak sepadan dengan ancaman hukuman yang dihadapi.
Uptime group is an ICT infrastructure partner that delivers high quality IT solutions through in-depth knowledge and a flexible approach. They focus on quality, innovation, and growth to provide services such as consultancy, projects, reselling, managed services, and more to small, medium, and large enterprises. The company has multiple locations in Belgium and offers a full range of IT solutions and services through its various subsidiary brands.
Windows Local Hacking Stmik Amikbandung 7 Maret 2009adinugroho
The document discusses local hacking and security measures against it. It describes the MS08-067 Windows RPC vulnerability exploited by the Gimmiv.A virus. It allows attackers to gain shell access on affected Windows systems. The document also mentions HD Moore's Metasploit module that can exploit this vulnerability on Windows XP, Server 2003 and Vista systems. It recommends enabling firewalls, updating Windows, and switching to Linux for improved security.
Harish B K provides a summary of his background and experience. He has expertise in areas like payroll transformation, HR service implementation and outsourcing strategy. He has over 15 years of experience in finance and HR roles at companies like IBM, Intel, Dell, Honeywell and Microsoft. His educational qualifications include a B.Com, PG Diploma in financial management and management program from IIM Bangalore. He is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt and Lean expert with a leadership style focused on service.
The document discusses problems with traditional lectures, including drops in student attention after 10-15 minutes and failure of students to retain material compared to active learning classes. It also presents two systems - Classroom/Ubiquitous Presenter and PaperCP - that aim to address these problems by fostering active participation and engagement through technologies like digital pens, tablets, and public displays.
Menjadi Hacker Dengan Batik Jkt 27032010adinugroho
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan mengenai bagaimana menjadi hacker, mulai dari pengertian hacker, belajar mandiri dengan Google dan sertifikasi, melakukan berbagai aksi seperti coding dan social engineering, menulis tutorial, memperoleh informasi dari komunitas hacker, serta menghindari tindakan ilegal.
The document discusses Linked Data Selectors (LDS), an ontology for describing selections of fragments from web resources. It defines classes like Selector, SelectorSet, and SelectionRepresentation. Selector subclasses include Spatial, Temporal, and Declarative selectors. Examples demonstrate using LDS to describe a video snippet selection and linking slides. The goal of LDS is to enable making fine-grained connections between aggregated web resources to support learning applications.
This document discusses payroll optimization and transformation. It notes that payroll is a symptom, not the primary process or source, and that sustainability and ROI of payroll transformation depends on business adaptability to standardization. Effective change management is needed and must focus on appropriate levels of change, though it cannot change bad attitudes. The key takeaway is that what is the "to be" process today will be the "as is" process of tomorrow.
Linux lebih baik dibandingkan sistem operasi lain karena gratis, terbuka, aman dari virus, driver perangkat keras tersedia, aplikasi standar sudah terinstal, dan stabil dalam menjalankan sistem dalam waktu lama tanpa perlu restart berulang. Linux hadir sebagai solusi sistem operasi masa kini dan akan terus berkembang ke depan.
The document surveys various annotation tools for lecture materials. It discusses how active learning through annotations can help students better structure and enhance their understanding of information. The document then reviews 14 different annotation systems, categorizing them based on their annotation capabilities, materials that can be annotated, and annotation scenarios supported. It provides examples of two systems - eClass/StuPad and Authoring on the Fly (AOF) - that allow instructors and students to annotate lecture recordings and slides.
Question & Answer 2.0: A System to facilitate interaction during and after a ...Kai Michael H旦ver
則 Q&A 2.0 is a system that facilitates interaction during and after lectures.
則 It allows students to ask questions during lectures and continue the discussion afterwards.
則 The document describes existing systems that enable some interaction, but have limitations like not allowing comments to be made in the context of the learning material or only focusing on the time during or after lectures, not both. Q&A 2.0 aims to address these limitations.
The document summarizes the new product development process for Fruit Punch, a fruit juice product. It discusses idea generation, screening concepts, testing the top concept, developing the product, test marketing in cities, and commercial launch. It also covers target markets, pricing, distribution, promotion strategies, and reviewing marketing performance after launch.
IT has impacted society in several ways:
1. IT has allowed governments to improve public services and monitor statistical information to combat fraud and manage economies.
2. Developments in IT have created new media and expanded audience reach for news and media organizations.
3. Educational institutions now offer IT-related courses and tools like e-learning and video conferencing.
4. IT has empowered disabled people through tools that make the internet and technology more accessible.
Dheeraj Gupta started Jumbo King Foods Pvt. Ltd. in Mumbai in 2001 to sell packaged Indian sweets. Inspired by a book on McDonald's, he realized he could start a fast food chain selling vada pav. He opened his first outlet called Chaat Factory near Malad station, later renamed Jumbo King. Through word of mouth and branding strategies like celebrating Vada Pav Day, the company grew to 30 outlets in Mumbai and other cities, serving about 40,000 customers daily. Gupta aims to expand Jumbo King across Maharashtra and Gujarat with over 100 outlets and a projected annual turnover of Rs. 60 crores by 2008-09.
Social engineering techniques and solutionsicalredhat
Sosial engineering adalah teknik memperoleh informasi rahasia dengan memanfaatkan kelemahan manusia. Teknik ini meliputi penipuan melalui telepon, email, atau interaksi langsung untuk mendapatkan akses yang tidak sah ke sistem informasi perusahaan. Korban seringan adalah resepsionis, staf IT, dan karyawan baru yang kurang memahami keamanan informasi.
indounderground, Carding, carder and why you should avoid it!idsecconf
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai penipuan kartu kredit dan alat-alat serta cara melakukannya, termasuk ancaman hukum bagi pelaku di Indonesia berdasarkan UU ITE. Dokumen tersebut juga memberikan saran bagaimana menghindari penipuan kartu kredit dan pesan moral bahwa meskipun terlihat menarik, tetapi carding tidak sepadan dengan ancaman hukuman yang dihadapi.
Privasi dan keamanan data pribadi sangat penting untuk dilindungi karena data pribadi dapat mengidentifikasi diri seseorang. Beberapa ancaman terhadap privasi adalah phishing dan pelanggaran privasi oleh aplikasi. Untuk melindungi privasi, perlu mengatur izin aplikasi, menggunakan password yang kuat dan berbeda untuk setiap akun, serta mengaktifkan otentikasi dua faktor.
2020 07-02 cyber crime n data security-ign mantraIGN MANTRA
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas mengenai ancaman dan perlindungan data pribadi di era digital. Terdapat berbagai jenis ancaman seperti phishing, malware, kebocoran data, serta ketidakpatuhan terhadap peraturan perlindungan data seperti UU ITE, PDP, dan GDPR.
2. Untuk memitigasi risiko tersebut, dibutuhkan langkah-langkah keamanan seperti enkripsi data, otentikasi dua faktor, manajemen password yang
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang keamanan sistem informasi dan cara-cara untuk mencegah gangguan dan ancaman terhadap sistem informasi. Beberapa poin penting yang diangkat antara lain kerentanan sistem informasi terhadap ancaman dari luar maupun dalam perusahaan, serta langkah-langkah seperti menggunakan firewall, antivirus, enkripsi data, dan otentikasi pengguna untuk memproteksi sistem informasi dan sumber dayanya.
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang data forgery sebagai salah satu jenis kejahatan siber yang merugikan, termasuk contoh kasusnya pada bank BCA tahun 2001.
2. Data forgery adalah pemalsuan data pada dokumen penting di internet dengan cara membuat situs palsu atau aplikasi yang mengakses data pengguna.
3. UU ITE mengatur sanksi pidana bagi pelaku data forgery berupa penjara dan denda berat.
1. IT DAYS with Yogyafree
LOGO Social Engineering
2. Siapakah Aku?
Company name
Nama : Adi Nugroho
Nick : - ^rumput_kering^
- adisanaadisiniadimanamana
Jabatan: Founder II Yogyafree
Blog :
YM : adi88nugroho | the_rumput_kering
E-mail :
Status : Single, tanpa KTP
4. Social Engineering adalah
Company name
Social engineering adalah pemerolehan
informasi atau maklumat rahasia/sensitif
dengan cara menipu pemilik informasi
Social engineering umumnya dilakukan
melalui telepon atau Internet.
Social engineering merupakan salah satu
metode yang digunakan oleh hacker
untuk memperoleh informasi tentang
targetnya, dengan cara meminta
informasi itu langsung kepada korban
atau pihak lain yang mempunyai
informasi itu.
5. Catch Me If You Can
Company name
Frank Abagnale Jr
Mencairkan cek
palsu sebesar $2,8
juta dollar
Berpura pura
menjadi pilot,
dokter, pengacara,
9. Macam-Macam Social Engineering
Company name
Human Based
Posing as Legitimate User
Posing as Important User
Third-person Authorization
Technical Support
In Person
Dumpster Diving
Shoulder Surfing
11. Human Based
Company name
Posing As Legitimate User
Memberitahu identitasnya lalu menanyakan
informasi sensitif
Hallo, saya Adi dari bagian Customer Service.
Saya lupa password login saya. Bisa bantu
12. Human Based
Company name
Posing As an Important User
Berpura pura menjadi orang penting di
Hallo, ini Adi, Wakil Direktur. Kemarin saya
merubah password login saya tetapi lupa apa
passwordnya. Bisa tolong resetkan
Hallo, saya Adi dari Dep. IT. Kami mengalami
kerusakan sistem tadi malam. Kemungkinan
ada sebagian data anda yang hilang. Bolehkan
saya meminjam user ID dan password anda
untuk mengecek data anda?
13. Human Based
Company name
Shoulder Surfing
Melihat aktivitas
target melalui
Mencuri username,
password, PIN, dll.
14. Human Based
Company name
Dumpster Diving
Nota bekas ditempel
di monitor
Kertas bekas
Buku manual
15. Human Based
Company name
Informasi yg dicari:
Tagihan telepon
Informasi kontak
Informasi finansial
16. Human Based
Company name
Memakai tanda
pengenal palsu,
mengikuti orang
yang mempunyai
otorisasi untuk
masuk ke secure
17. Human Based
Company name
Orang yang
mempunyai otorisasi
memberikan akses
kepada orang yang
tidak mempunyai
18. Human Based
Company name
Reverse Social
Seolah-olah menjadi
VIP agar ada
karyawan yang
19. Computer Based
Company name
Instant Messenger
informasi pribadi
dari chatting seperti
tanggal lahir, nama
tengah, dll.
Informasi yang
didapat digunakan
untuk cracking
account user
20. Computer Based
Company name
Pencurian data
pribadi memaki
email palsu.
Subject email yang
sering digunakan:
Verify your account
Update your
Your account will be
21. Kerugian
Company name
Kerugian ekonomi
Pencurian data rahasia perusahaan
Pencurian data pribadi
22. Company name
Tidak ada patch untuk
kelalaian manusia
23. Pencegahan
Company name
Pelatihan security untuk karyawan
Implementasi pada peraturan perusahaan
Pergantian password secara berkala
Menggunakan ID Card dan baju seragam
Testing keamanan dengan memakai jasa
ethical hacker (tiger team)