This document discusses the evolution of networking from traditional in-person events to modern social networking tools like Facebook and Twitter. It emphasizes that social networking is about building relationships over time through authentic engagement and interaction. While tools have changed, the core goal of turning strangers into friends and customers remains the same. Success comes from listening first, establishing trust, and focusing on credibility through creative community engagement rather than just awareness or immediate sales.
8. Its a process of building
relationships. Facebook and
Twitter are just tools.
9. A big brain that filters and links to the
best most relevant info available
Networking at a high level, but you have
to be creative and engage to get results.
Twitter is:
10. Twitter is the most
powerful marketing
tool since TV
Twitter is about
finding the people in
the community who
arent famous but
love what you do.
Those little-known
people will stick by
you and become
your evangelist
12. Warm up your leads
Give a face to your business
Build relationships and
grow your offline network
Get to see the up and coming
news trends first!
Twitter and Facebook: