Brands that sponsored Kim Kardashian's wedding hoped to earn publicity from social media conversations. Vera Wang received the highest return on its investment of $60,000 in wedding dresses, doubling to $120,000 in brand value. Perrier-Jouet came in second with a 48% return on its $500,000 investment. People Magazine spent $2.5 million on exclusive photos but only earned $1,115,000 in brand value due to relatively low increased conversations, resulting in a 45% loss.
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Social Intelligence Report: Kim Kardashian
1. Kim Kardashian Wedding Social Intelligence Report
Analysis of July 1, 2011 November 1, 2011
2. The winner is.
Summary Earned Brand Value
Brands that sponsored Kim Kardashians luxury wedding
hoped to earn a return on their investment. As Earned
Rank Brand Investment ROI
expected, some performed better than others, with Vera Brand Value
Wang posting the highest return. The brand doubled its
investment of $60,000 in wedding dresses to $120,000
in earned brand value from social media conversations. Vera
1 $60,000 $120,000 +100%
Perrier-Jouet came in second, with a 48% return based Wang
on social chatter. Due to a relatively low increase in
total conversations resulting from the wedding, People Perrier-
2 $500,000 $740,000 +48%
Magazine did not surpass its original investment of Jouet
3 $2,500,000 $1,115,000 -45%
息 2011 Networked Insights
3. Social Lift Kim Kardashians Wedding
Vera Wang Conversation* On Aug. 20, 2011, Kim Kardashian
and Kris Humphries tied the knot
Vera Wang Social Lift from Earned Media
On that day, Kim wore three
500,000 Vera Wang Branded Conversation (without Kim) donated Vera Wang dresses that
450,000 were estimated at $20,000 apiece
400,000 The day after the wedding, Kim-
related conversation represented
93% of the total Vera Wang
300,000 conversation
250,000 This was a 200% increase in
200,000 conversation from the previous
150,000 week
100,000 Vera Wang earned approximately
$120,000 in Media Value after the
first week, which is twice the
- value originally gifted
* Conversation is measured in Impressions, which is the approximation of the
number of exposures a visitor had to a product/brand on blogs, forums and
other social networking sites
息 2011 Networked Insights
4. Social Lift Kim Kardashians Wedding
People Magazine Conversation* People Magazine reportedly spent
$2.5M for exclusive photos of the
People Magazine Social Lift from Earned Media Kardashian wedding
350,000 The day after the nuptials,
Kardashian-inspired conversation
300,000 represented 59% of the total People
Magazine conversation
People Magazine experienced a minor
200,000 lift from Kims wedding, resulting in a
46% increase the week following the
100,000 The relatively low increase in
wedding chatter and high investment
led to a low Media Value return of
- approximately $1,115,000 the week
immediately following
* Conversation is measured in Impression, which is the approximation of the
number of exposures a visitor had to a product/brand on blogs, forums and
other social networking sites
息 2011 Networked Insights
5. Social Lift Kim Kardashians Wedding
Perrier-Jouet Conversation* Guests at the Kardashian Wedding
Perrier-Jouet Social Lift from Earned Media
celebrated with $500,000 worth of
Perrier-Jouet champagne
25,000 Perrier-Jouet Branded Conversation (without Kim) One day after the wedding,
Kardashian-related conversation
represented 90% of the total
Perrier-Jouet chatter
Kim contributed a 148% increase
to total champagne conversation
from the previous week
10,000 Perrier-Jouet earned
approximately $740,000 in Media
Value after the first week, which is
almost 1.5 times the value
originally sponsored
* Conversation is measured in Impressions, which is the approximation of the
number of exposures a visitor had to a product/brand on blogs, forums and
other social networking sites
息 2011 Networked Insights
6. Methodology
Audience definitions
Audiences are defined by identifying sites that exhibit strong contextual relationships and/or are visited by users with
shared affinities. This set of sites consists of locations that most effectively capture the audience engaging around topics
within a specified domain. Defining an audience allows Networked Insights to reduce the noise prevalent in social media,
including spam and duplicate data, allowing for identification of true insights. Where Twitter data are selected based on
users' influence, Networked Insights uses Scores as a factor in defining audiences.
Impressions are a calculation of the number of social mentions of a product/brand that visitors to social networking sites,
forums, blogs and microblogs were exposed to. Impressions provide an estimation of how social media are consumed, are a
way to account for the vast majority of social media users who do not actually create posts, and enable us to look beyond
post counts to gain a better understanding of how much social reach a topic truly has. Impressions are a passive
measurement tool and do not necessarily demonstrate engagement. As with other basic metrics, it is important to layer
thematic insights upon impressions in order to understand what drives the conversation and what actions are required.
Keywords are used to describe brands and products. Each keyword is defined by Boolean-search strings tuned to accurately
capture volume of conversation. Ratings of positive, negative and neutral are assigned to a random sample of posts in order
to gauge the sentiment for a given keyword.
Topic discovery
A mathematical approach is used to understand what themes drive engagement. Advanced clustering technology extracts
the key sub-themes expressed in the content related to a keyword. A qualitative analysis is included to expose what is really
driving the engagement and how different sub-themes interconnect.