2. Social Media Handout
Start with WHY.
Why are you here? What do you want to be able to do or do better by the end of this session?
Why do you want to use social media?
5. Social Media Handout
Cultural Values Physical Values Organizational Values Psychological Values
Tradition Accuracy Accountability Creativity
Elders Cleanliness Communications Customer/Client Delight
Youth Use of resources Cooperations/Teamwork Decisiveness
Listening Orderliness Coordination Develop People
Extended Family Punctuality Discipline Harmony
Noninterference Quality of products/services Autonomy/Initiative Innovation
Connectedness Regularity Standardization Integrity/Honesty
Forgiveness Reliability Systemization Loyalty
Patience Responsiveness Continuous Improvement Resourcefulness
Ceremony Safety Transparency Respect for Individuals
Community Speed Networking Service to Society/Community
Connection to land Wellness Sustainability Tenacity/Will to Succeed
Spirit Professionalism Fun
Democracy Equality
Collaboration Independence
Regulations Safety/Tolerance
Pick your organizations top 3 in each area. Add others if your organization has a value or values not listed.
If there are values in con鍖ict you will need to address or balance those before you do anything else.
Values inform your VISION and are the foundation of all decision making.
7. Social Media Handout
What is your VISION?
A vision is like a destination. When you go to another place physically you know you are there because you see,
hear and feel that you have arrived.
What is your VISION?
What does your vision LOOK like? What will you see that suggests to you that you have arrived?
What does your vision SOUND like? What will you hear that suggests to you that you have arrived?
What does your vision FEEL like? What will you feel that suggests to you that you have arrived?
8. Social Media Handout
Your Mission is what you do, in general, to achieve your Vision. What is you organizations Mission?
10. Social Media Handout
Use this worksheet to help you strategize about your audience, and the potential social media
tools and channels you may want to use for your campaign or communication activity.
1. Who are you trying to reach? This is your Target Audience
Describe the person(s) you want to reach with your communication; be as speci鍖c as
possible. More than one audience may be listed. Include a primary and secondary
(in鍖uencers) audience if appropriate.
Non Pro鍖t Example: Care givers of children under 5 (COHI promotion), Other local health providers
Business Example: School superintendents (primary), Teachers (secondary)
Your Example 1: ___________________________________________________________________________
Your Example 2: ___________________________________________________________________________
11. Social Media Handout
2. What problem(s) are you solving for your Target Audience? What is the VALUE you bring to the
Problems with kids teeth - Access to health care - Getting buy-in from parents/stakeholders - Understanding
diabetes risk factors
3. What is your GOAL?
What do you want to achieve through your social media activities? Do you want your target audience to DO
something, THINK something, FEEL something?
Provide information Highlight a campaign Encourage a health behaviour
Reinforce health messages Encourage interaction Get feedback/exchange ideas
Collaborate with partners Get email addresses Build trust
12. Social Media Handout
Write out each goal using the SMART acronym.
Speci鍖c Measurable Acceptable Realistic Time framed
4. Goal Integration
a) Describe how your social media goals support your organizations Values, Vision, Mission
and/or overall communications strategy.
13. Social Media Handout
b) How does it support other online or of鍖ine components Events, newsletters, press releases, promotions,
5. Message Development
Develop the key messages based on the target audience and goals.
(Example: for moms of young children to encourage late season 鍖u vaccination, Its not too
late to vaccinate.)
14. Social Media Handout
6. Resources and Capacity
Who is going to do this, when and for how long (per day, week, month)?
7. Identify Social Media Tools
Decide and explain what tools will effectively reach your target audience. Match the needs of the
target audience with the tools that best support your objectives and resources. (Example:
Because Facebook has a large population of young women who have children, is free, and
requires minimal technical expertise, it may be a good tool for a mom-centered program
while only requiring a small amount of funding for social media activities.)
15. Social Media Handout
8. De鍖ne Activities
Based on all of the elements above, list the speci鍖c activities you will undertake to reach
your communication goals and objectives. (Example: Develop and promote Facebook fan
page for diabetes prevention for youth.)
9. Partnerships, cooperators, collaborators.
Identify any key partners and their roles and responsibilities. Ex. FNHA, Local Chamber of Commerce
16. Social Media Handout
10. De鍖ne Success for Evaluation
What are your measures of success? Your measures of success may be different depending
on your goals and objectives.
11. Evaluate
Create an evaluation plan - page 50 from link below is a good place to start.
Adapted from the http://www.cdc.gov/socialmedia/tools/guidelines/pdf/socialmediatoolkit_bm.pdf