The three part Social Media Workshop offered by SCORE is designed to help businesses successfully use social media as a marketing tool. The workshop consists of lectures, case studies, and hands-on activities to create a social media network targeted for each business. It is held over three Tuesday sessions with homework in between. Attendees can register for individual sessions or the full series for prices ranging from $50 to $115. Advance registration is recommended due to space limitations.
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Social Media 2011 Flyer
1. Social Media
Seminars 2011
SCORE Social Media Workshop
Beginning in January, SCORE is offering a new three part Social Media Workshop designed to help new
and existing businesses successfully employ Social Media as a marketing tool to grow the business.
The three part course is taught by Fox Interactive Consultants along with Virtual Options with the end
objective of creating a network that is specifically targeted to your business. The course is a
combination of lecture, case studies and hands on computer implementation. There is a three week
break between sessions for attendees to do some homework and to assimilate and use the course
Session Content
Session 1: Getting Started in Social Media
Session 2: Adding to your Social Media strategies
Session 3: Evaluating Your Social Media Strategies And Increasing Their
All workshops sessions are on Tuesdays from 10 AM to 12 Noon at the Disney Entrepreneur Center. Each
workshop builds on the proceeding session, so attending all three sessions is strongly encouraged.
Workshop Schedule
Series #1 January 11, February 1, February 22
Series #2 February 8, March 1, March 22
Series #3 March 8, April 5, April 26
Three Sessions $ 115.00
Two sessions $ 75.00
One session $ 50.00
Due to space limitations, registration in advance is recommended. Please call 407-420-4843 to register
or if you have additional questions.
Disney Entrepreneur Center
315 E. Robinson St., Suite 100
Orlando, FL 32801