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Social Media
Social Media
Social Media

38 years

Added 100 million users in less than 9mths
78% of consumers trust peer recommendations over advertising

   In the near future we will no longer search for油 products and
            services they will 鍖nd us via social media

Successful companies in social media act more like party planners,
  aggregators, and content providers than traditional advertiser
4 Social Media Sites You Must Be On
Facebook- Connecting & Sharing on a more intimate
& personal level
Twitter- An online cocktail party where you get to
pick & choose your conversations in 140 character
LinkedIn- The professional social networking site
YouTube- Basically creating your own show thats
viewable to millions of online youtube viewers.
3 KEYS To Social Media

    1. 80/20 RULE
    2. Expert
    3. Be Patient
How To Brand Your Business Using Social Media
 Pro鍖le Picture
 Logo & Personal Pic for Biz Page
What To Share
Its more than talking about your breakfast!
           Engage In Conversations
           Ask Questions
           Share Links
           Share Others Posts
           Personal Experiences
Engagement Examples
Facebook Business Pages & Applications
Embed Aweber Form Directly on Your Fan Page
FaceBook Wall

                          Possible Order

New Blog Posts
Pulled Into FB
Twitter Pro鍖le

                    Site Traf鍖c

                    Key Words

Link to blog                 Audience

 Monster.com Webinar (600+ attendees)
 Radio interview on a nationally syndicated show
 On an international radio call-in show out of Australia
 Interviews from California and Norway
 Established several joint venture partnerships
  Potential Customer
Google Search Is Turning Real Time
             First page!

                          Real Time

Sales Page
Why Do I Need A Blog?

 Drive traf鍖c to your website
 New current information (google likes this)
 Easily post articles,video,pictures,slide shows
 Facebook Connect
 Free Plugins
 ITS FREE! www.Wordpress.org
Website Traf鍖c From Facebook & Twitter
Vogel Social Media Byte Size Series
     14 Videos. Twice Per Week (T/Th). 10-20 Minutes Each. Step By Step Training.
 Lesson 1- Creating & Optimizing Your Facebook Business Page
 Lesson 2- Building Your Facebook Page Community & Following
 Lesson 3- Integrating Your Facebook Page With Your Website
 Lesson 4- What to Post & How To Create Engagement On Your Facebook Page
 Lesson 5- Driving Traf鍖c From Your Facebook Page To Your Website
 Lesson 1- Twitter Page Professional Setup
 Lesson 2- What & How To Post To Your Twitter Stream
 Lesson 3- Where To Find Current Information To Share On Twitter
Lesson 1- Initial Set-Up Of Your LinkedIn Pro鍖le
Lesson 2- Integrating LinkedIn to Wordpress,Twitter, & Facebook

Lesson 1- Setting Up Your YouTube Channel
Lesson 2- What Types Of Videos To Do
Lesson 3- Driving Traf鍖c To Your URL From YouTube
Lesson 4- Gain More Views To Your YouTube Videos
SignUp today and it includes:
-Of鍖ce hours-one hour twice per month on a 鍖rst come 鍖rst serve basis during series (Of鍖ce times will be emailed)
-Setting up your welcome Aweber follow up message. Link: www.aweber.com
(Email your username and password to eric@vogelsocialmedia.com)

                                                     $ 120
                     Sign Up: www.vogelsocialmedia.com/workshops/videoseries

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Social Media

  • 4. YEARS TO REACH 50 MILLION USERS 38 years Added 100 million users in less than 9mths
  • 5. 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations over advertising In the near future we will no longer search for油 products and services they will 鍖nd us via social media Successful companies in social media act more like party planners, aggregators, and content providers than traditional advertiser
  • 6. 4 Social Media Sites You Must Be On www.FACEBOOK.com www.TWITTER.com www.LINKEDIN.com www.YOUTUBE.com Facebook- Connecting & Sharing on a more intimate & personal level Twitter- An online cocktail party where you get to pick & choose your conversations in 140 character doses. LinkedIn- The professional social networking site YouTube- Basically creating your own show thats viewable to millions of online youtube viewers.
  • 7. 3 KEYS To Social Media 1. 80/20 RULE 2. Expert 3. Be Patient
  • 8. How To Brand Your Business Using Social Media Pro鍖le Picture Logo & Personal Pic for Biz Page Consistency Respond
  • 9. What To Share Its more than talking about your breakfast! Engage In Conversations Ask Questions Share Links Share Others Posts Personal Experiences
  • 11. Facebook Business Pages & Applications
  • 12. Embed Aweber Form Directly on Your Fan Page
  • 13. FaceBook Wall Possible Order Testimonials
  • 14. New Blog Posts Automatically Pulled Into FB
  • 15. Twitter Pro鍖le Site Traf鍖c Key Words Link to blog Audience article
  • 16. RESULTS SO FAR FROM TWITTER Monster.com Webinar (600+ attendees) Radio interview on a nationally syndicated show On an international radio call-in show out of Australia Interviews from California and Norway Established several joint venture partnerships
  • 19. Google Search Is Turning Real Time First page! Real Time
  • 20. VIDEO IS A MUST!
  • 22. Why Do I Need A Blog? Drive traf鍖c to your website New current information (google likes this) Easily post articles,video,pictures,slide shows Facebook Connect Free Plugins ITS FREE! www.Wordpress.org
  • 23. Website Traf鍖c From Facebook & Twitter
  • 24. Vogel Social Media Byte Size Series 14 Videos. Twice Per Week (T/Th). 10-20 Minutes Each. Step By Step Training. Facebook: Lesson 1- Creating & Optimizing Your Facebook Business Page Lesson 2- Building Your Facebook Page Community & Following Lesson 3- Integrating Your Facebook Page With Your Website Lesson 4- What to Post & How To Create Engagement On Your Facebook Page Lesson 5- Driving Traf鍖c From Your Facebook Page To Your Website Twitter: Lesson 1- Twitter Page Professional Setup Lesson 2- What & How To Post To Your Twitter Stream Lesson 3- Where To Find Current Information To Share On Twitter LinkedIn: Lesson 1- Initial Set-Up Of Your LinkedIn Pro鍖le Lesson 2- Integrating LinkedIn to Wordpress,Twitter, & Facebook YouTube: Lesson 1- Setting Up Your YouTube Channel Lesson 2- What Types Of Videos To Do Lesson 3- Driving Traf鍖c To Your URL From YouTube Lesson 4- Gain More Views To Your YouTube Videos SignUp today and it includes: -Of鍖ce hours-one hour twice per month on a 鍖rst come 鍖rst serve basis during series (Of鍖ce times will be emailed) -Setting up your welcome Aweber follow up message. Link: www.aweber.com (Email your username and password to eric@vogelsocialmedia.com) $ 120 Sign Up: www.vogelsocialmedia.com/workshops/videoseries

Editor's Notes

  • #4: -Not from your website to social site but from social site to your main website. -PRODUCTS & SERVICES SOLD
  • #8: -Remember that Social Media is 80% conversation, and only 20% offering products & services. Engage more than announce.-Feed your networks with mostly FREE quality content consistently. (Aweber- Newsletter)-You want people to look at you as the expert in your industry.-Figure out where your customers hang out and focus more in that social network. Builds Loyalty
  • #10: •Build a community of fans that are interested in what you offer. Be unique and add value. Keep them coming for more, eager to get your next update or newsletter. •When you post a new update there’s a huge possibility people that are already a fan and will refer someone if you are pumping out awesome stuff.
  • #12: •Facebook Applications- YouTube, Twitter, Blog (Networked Blogs), Aweber form,vertical custom banner
  • #13: •When you post a new update there’s a huge possibility people that are already a fan will refer someone if you are pumping out awesome stuff.
  • #17: Keep in mind these are people contacting her through twitter.
  • #19: -Hootsuite