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Social Media at the intersection of Corporate
Social Responsibility and Credit Card Product

Loubnani Card from Bank Audi: Case Study


I.   About Bank Audi
         Bank Audi CSR Commitment
         Product and Innovation
         Audi and Digital Media
II. Social Media Background
         What is Social Media
         Why Social Media
         Importance of Social Media
III. Case Study: Loubnani Card
         Segmentation and Market Strategy
               i. Traditional Channel                2
               ii. Online and Social Media Channel
About Bank Audi
Bank Audi CSR Commitment

Bank Audi is a firm believer in the role of corporations in
           supporting social and national causes

Product and Innovation

       In the past 6 six years, Audi Bank:

           Has a very active and exclusive Electronic Banking and card
            Services Department

           Has launched 48 different card products addressing different
            population segments, each of one meeting various consumer
            needs and behavior

           Spearheaded the growth of the regional credit card industry

           Has been a pioneer in the use of electronic media in the
            communication and support of its product offerings
Product and Innovation

Audi and Digital Media

Social Media Background

What is Social Media?

Common social media marketing tools include
   Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr and
 YouTube as well as many independent subject
                 matter blogs

Importance of Social Media

Importance of Social Media in general:
   Reach customers and build or maintain reputation
   Reach a broader range of consumers
   New tool for effective business marketing and sales
   Socializing and connecting friends, relatives and employees
   Available to anyone at little or no cost
   Social media can be altered almost instantaneously by
    comments or editing

Importance of Social Media

Social Media vs. Traditional Media:

   Traditional media advertising is based upon the concept of
    casting a wide net, hoping that you catch a few customers
   However, social media is word of mouth on steroids
   Social media brings with it the power of community

Importance of Social Media

Social Media vs. Traditional Media in the Arab World:
   Around 56 million Arab internet users in the Arab world
   The announcement on 24 May 2010 that the social networking
    site Facebook has more subscribers in the MENA countries than
    the number of newspapers circulated in the region has
    highlighted the dramatic surge in popularity of social media
    in the Arab world



   Facebook viewers in Lebanon: around 1 Million
   Facebook viewers in the Middle East: around 13 Million
   Facebook viewers Worldwide: around 500 Million



  Today, YouTube is the 3rd most popular website on the
               Internet after Google & Yahoo



Twitter is among the 30 most visited websites in Lebanon,
                      Qatar, Saudi Arabia

Case Study: Loubnani Card
Let The Lira Have its Say!

To project our belief in a solid and powerful
economy, backed by a strong currency, we
created a concept based on the core
characteristics of the country, its people and
local currency

Therefore, we created the
Loubnani card which is inspired from those
characteristics and is considered to be unique in
both design and benefits offered.


 The design
    The Loubnani logo is meant to look like a signature to
   capture and represents the individuality of the Lebanese
    The card has an embedded Lebanese Cedar scent; a
   technique used for the first time which adds more flair to it
    The card comes in 5 attractive visuals representing
   each a special scenery from Lebanon. The cardholder gets
   the option to choose the design that meets best his own
   perception of Lebanons most representative site
    To translate this concept into reality, we created a card with a
   design inspired from the unique Lebanese identity and
   benefits inspired from the content



 The benefits:
     The         (Talk Lebanese) loyalty program


 The benefits:
     The         (Mizat Loubnani)

Selection of Communication Channels

   Advertising          Promotion      Public Relations      Personal Selling      Web and Social          Direct
                                                                                       Media              Marketing

Print Adv.          Premiums        Press Kits            Sales                Banner            Catalogues
Packaging           Gifts           Speeches              Presentations         Advertising        Mailing
Inserts             Sampling        Seminars              Sales Meetings       Search Engines    Telemarketing
TVC                 Fairs           Annual Reports        Incentive Programs   Trust Based       Internet
Brochures           Tradeshows      Charity               Samples              Advisors          Branch
Poster              Exhibits        Sponsorships          Fairs                Internet Portal
Directories         Demonstration   Publications          Tradeshows           Social Media
Billboards          Loyalty         Community Relations   Telephone            Mobilization
Display Signs       Free Standing   Lobbying                                    Campaigns
Points of           Inserts          In-house magazine
Purchase                              Events
Trade Dress
Product Placement


Communication was through two main channels

      i. The traditional media channels
       General Audience, Direct Sell
      ii. Online and Social media channels
       Youth, Patriotism and the Loubnani Profile


We created a campaign entitled: Let the Lira
have its say                  denoting that
people should use our countrys local currency
and support it by using the       Credit
Card billed in LBP

i. Traditional Media - Billboard

i. Traditional Media

i. Traditional Media  Press Ads

i. Traditional Media  Press Ads

i. Traditional Media  TV Ad

ii. Online and Social Media Channels

 Therefore, in order to reach a wider
target and create a buzz, We need to use
Social Media

Step 1  TVC on Youtube & Facebook
   Fan Page

 As a first step we published TVC on YouTube,
where we uploaded the TV ad and watched the
comments and reviews skyrocket.
 We created a Facebook fan page

Step 2  The Lira Pledge

Step 3  Facebook and Twitter

Step 4  Creating a Microsite

Step 4  Creating a Microsite

A) First Game: Lira wara Lira

Step 4  Creating a Microsite

B) Second Game: Locate & Win

Step 4  Creating a Microsite

C) Third Game: My Vintage Photos

Step 5  Create a Twitter Account

Loubnani Brand: Socially Activated

Moving Forward- Loubnani

Majority of Regional
                International Banks

Thank you

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Social Media

  • 1. BANK AUDI Social Media at the intersection of Corporate Social Responsibility and Credit Card Product Launch Loubnani Card from Bank Audi: Case Study 1
  • 2. Index I. About Bank Audi Bank Audi CSR Commitment Product and Innovation Audi and Digital Media II. Social Media Background What is Social Media Why Social Media Importance of Social Media Figures III. Case Study: Loubnani Card Concept Segmentation and Market Strategy Campaign i. Traditional Channel 2 ii. Online and Social Media Channel
  • 4. Bank Audi CSR Commitment Bank Audi is a firm believer in the role of corporations in supporting social and national causes 4
  • 5. Product and Innovation In the past 6 six years, Audi Bank: Has a very active and exclusive Electronic Banking and card Services Department Has launched 48 different card products addressing different population segments, each of one meeting various consumer needs and behavior Spearheaded the growth of the regional credit card industry Has been a pioneer in the use of electronic media in the communication and support of its product offerings 5
  • 9. What is Social Media? Common social media marketing tools include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr and YouTube as well as many independent subject matter blogs 9
  • 10. Importance of Social Media Importance of Social Media in general: Reach customers and build or maintain reputation Reach a broader range of consumers New tool for effective business marketing and sales Socializing and connecting friends, relatives and employees Available to anyone at little or no cost Usability Social media can be altered almost instantaneously by comments or editing 10
  • 11. Importance of Social Media Social Media vs. Traditional Media: Traditional media advertising is based upon the concept of casting a wide net, hoping that you catch a few customers However, social media is word of mouth on steroids Social media brings with it the power of community 11
  • 12. Importance of Social Media Social Media vs. Traditional Media in the Arab World: Around 56 million Arab internet users in the Arab world The announcement on 24 May 2010 that the social networking site Facebook has more subscribers in the MENA countries than the number of newspapers circulated in the region has highlighted the dramatic surge in popularity of social media in the Arab world 12
  • 13. Figures Facebook: Facebook viewers in Lebanon: around 1 Million Facebook viewers in the Middle East: around 13 Million Facebook viewers Worldwide: around 500 Million 13
  • 14. Figures YouTube: Today, YouTube is the 3rd most popular website on the Internet after Google & Yahoo 14
  • 15. Figures Twitter: Twitter is among the 30 most visited websites in Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia 15
  • 17. Let The Lira Have its Say!
  • 18. Concept To project our belief in a solid and powerful economy, backed by a strong currency, we created a concept based on the core characteristics of the country, its people and local currency Therefore, we created the Loubnani card which is inspired from those characteristics and is considered to be unique in both design and benefits offered. 18
  • 19. Concept The design The Loubnani logo is meant to look like a signature to capture and represents the individuality of the Lebanese charm The card has an embedded Lebanese Cedar scent; a technique used for the first time which adds more flair to it The card comes in 5 attractive visuals representing each a special scenery from Lebanon. The cardholder gets the option to choose the design that meets best his own perception of Lebanons most representative site To translate this concept into reality, we created a card with a design inspired from the unique Lebanese identity and benefits inspired from the content 19
  • 20. Concept 20
  • 21. Concept The benefits: The (Talk Lebanese) loyalty program 21
  • 22. Concept The benefits: The (Mizat Loubnani) 22
  • 23. Selection of Communication Channels Advertising Promotion Public Relations Personal Selling Web and Social Direct Media Marketing Print Adv. Premiums Press Kits Sales Banner Catalogues Packaging Gifts Speeches Presentations Advertising Mailing Inserts Sampling Seminars Sales Meetings Search Engines Telemarketing TVC Fairs Annual Reports Incentive Programs Trust Based Internet Brochures Tradeshows Charity Samples Advisors Branch Poster Exhibits Sponsorships Fairs Internet Portal Directories Demonstration Publications Tradeshows Social Media Billboards Loyalty Community Relations Telephone Mobilization Display Signs Free Standing Lobbying Campaigns Points of Inserts In-house magazine Purchase Events Logos Symbols Trade Dress Product Placement 23
  • 24. Campaign Communication was through two main channels i. The traditional media channels General Audience, Direct Sell ii. Online and Social media channels Youth, Patriotism and the Loubnani Profile 24
  • 25. Campaign We created a campaign entitled: Let the Lira have its say denoting that people should use our countrys local currency and support it by using the Credit Card billed in LBP 25
  • 26. i. Traditional Media - Billboard 26
  • 28. i. Traditional Media Press Ads 28
  • 29. i. Traditional Media Press Ads 29
  • 31. ii. Online and Social Media Channels Therefore, in order to reach a wider target and create a buzz, We need to use Social Media 31
  • 32. Step 1 TVC on Youtube & Facebook Fan Page As a first step we published TVC on YouTube, where we uploaded the TV ad and watched the comments and reviews skyrocket. We created a Facebook fan page 32
  • 33. Step 2 The Lira Pledge 33
  • 34. Step 3 Facebook and Twitter 34
  • 35. Step 4 Creating a Microsite 35
  • 36. Step 4 Creating a Microsite A) First Game: Lira wara Lira 36
  • 37. Step 4 Creating a Microsite B) Second Game: Locate & Win 37
  • 38. Step 4 Creating a Microsite C) Third Game: My Vintage Photos 38
  • 39. 39
  • 40. 40
  • 41. Step 5 Create a Twitter Account 41
  • 42. Loubnani Brand: Socially Activated 42
  • 43. Moving Forward- Loubnani Majority of Regional International Banks Banks Audi Bank: Loubnani 43