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Social Media and impact on economy and society
What is a Social Media
Social means an informal gathering of people. A party of
people assembled to promote sociability and communal
Media, this word is a plural of Medium. It is a bridge to
communicate a large number of people.
Social Media is a variety of medium used to draw people
together with a common goal or objective. It is the collective
of online communications channels dedicated to community-
based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.
History Of Social Media
Social Media and impact on economy and society
 Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg
introduced printing to Europe.
 The Printing Revolution occurred when the spread of the
printing press facilitated the wide circulation of information
and ideas, acting as an "agent of change" through the societies
that it reached.
 When the World Wide Web became popular in the mid
1990s, it enabled people to share information in ways that were
never possible in the past decades.
The first recognizable social
media site, Six Degrees,
was created in 1997. It
enabled users to upload a
profile and make friends
with other users. In 1999,
the first blogging sites
became popular, creating
a social media sensation
that's still popular today.
The Most Popular Social Media
Formed in 2004
1.44 billion monthly active users.
46,307,580 users are from India.
India is the third-biggest
Facebook market, behind the U.S.
If Facebook was a country it
would be 4th largest in world
Facebook tops Google for weekly
cyber traffic in the US
$ 2.1
Billion$ 1.4
$ 0.5
Facebook's effect on Indian Economy
Connectivity Effect
Marketing Effect
Platform Effect
Popular Facebook Pages
Page Name Likes
Facebook for
Every Phone
Facebook 163,050,030
Shakira 102,806,134
Formed in 2006
302 million active
users. 41.2 million
users are from Brazil
According to BBC,
Twitter is one of the
fastest growing
Tweet Tweet
Lady Gaga,
Justin Bieber,
Britney Spears
have more twitter
followers than the
entire population
of these countries
Social Media and impact on economy and society
Social Media and impact on economy and society
Why Twitter Is now a Source of Marketing?
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Seek Customer support
Purchasing products/
Look for discount/ sale
Ask for opinions about
products/ services
Provide opinions about
products/ services
Learn about product/
Below 20 % Below 40 % Above 40%
Twitter plays an active role
in purchasing decisions.
 80% of Twitter updates are on mobile
 78% of Twitter user are on mobile.
 Some universities stop giving email accounts, instead
distributing e-readers, iPad, Tablets
 77% of Twitter accounts are outside of US
 2nd highest Twitter users in India
 70% of small business are on Twitter
 82% of Fortune 100 engage with customer on Twitter each
Most Popular Brands In Twitter
0 10 20 30 40 50
CNN Breaking News
You Tube
Bbove 30% Below 40% Below 50%
 Formed in 2003
 Over 50000 companies are in
 LinkedIn operates the worlds
largest professional network on
the Internet with more than
380 million members in over
200 countries and territories
 Professionals are signing up to
join LinkedIn at a rate of more
than two new members
per second
 There are over 39 million students
and recent college graduates on
LinkedIn. They are LinkedIn's
fastest-growing demographic
 LinkedIn is currently available in
24 languages:
Arabic, English, Chinese, Czech,
Danish, Dutch, French, German,
Indonesian, Italian, Japanese,
Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish,
Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,
Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai
and Turkish.
Social Media and impact on economy and society
 Founded in 2005
 It is the second largest search
 In March, YouTube said that
24 hours of video being
uploaded to YouTube every
minute? Now that number has
jumped to 35 hours per minute.
That breaks out to
2,100 hours uploaded every 60
minutes, or
50,400 hours uploaded
to YouTube every day
 YouTube has over a billion users  almost one-third of all people on the
Internet  and every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on
YouTube and generate billions of views
 More than half of YouTube views come from mobile devices
 80% of YouTube viewers are from outside of the US
 All of the top 100 global brands have run TrueView ads over the past year,
and 95% of TrueView advertisers have run campaigns across screens. We're
also seeing strong growth in new advertisers adopting TrueView, as the
number of advertisers using TrueView grew 45% in 2014.
The World's Highest-
Paid YouTube Stars
Felix Kjellberg
$12 million
Ian Hecox and
Anthony Padilla
$8.5 Million
Benny Fine and
Rafi Fine
Fine Brothers
$8.5 million
Lindsey Stirling
$6 million
Some other famous Social Networking Sites
Time Spent On Social Media (2015)
average number of hours that social media users spend using social media each day
1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2 2
2.4 2.6 2.8
2.0 to 1.0 2.0 to 3.0 4.0 to 3.0
How Social Media helped?
 In Jamaica health workers distribute information about HIV via
social media
 In Mexico, citizens are using social media to report information
about drug and cartels
 India has a website I Paid A Bribe, to report an act of corruption
 A fundraising video for Syria by Save the Children was viewed by
over 30 Million people
 The success of president Obama's campaign back in 2008 was almost
purely driven by the social networks
In 2011,the internet was censored in more than 40 different
 CHINA- censored words on Weibo include Sex, 18+, Muslim,
Marijuana and Conflict (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+,
Instagram are banned)
 UGANDA- Social Media Monitoring Centre established by the
 VIETNAM- $5000 fine for anyone who criticizes the
Government on social media
Pitfalls of Social Media
 Psychological addiction, 15
percent of users are actually
unable to control the timing.
Logging off is difficult for
 Multitasking Online reduces
brain ability to filter out
interferences and can make
harder for your brain to store
information in your memory.
 Using MRI scans scientists
find that people brain are
more active when they are
talking about their views and
posts in social media.
 Lack of physical interaction.
Social networking provides a false
sense of security. Face accounts,
cyber bulling, sexual harassments
etc. It can lead people to anxiety
depression and suicide
 The ability to anonymously
publish lies or false stories and
attach false or photo shopped
pictures to them
 According to a report by the
Federal Trade Commission,
Identity Theft was ranked as the
top consumer complaint in 2013
 Only 18% of traditional TV
campaigns generate a
positive ROI (Return On
 People are choosing to watch
online. Services like: BBC
iplayer, ITV player, On
demand etc.
 24 of the 25 largest
Newspapers are
experiencing record decline
in circulation
 People are getting
newspapers from alternative
sources like Online sites,
Tweeter updates, Blog etc.
 The actual radio set doesnt
exist now these days.
Because people are now
listening to alternatives like
Online radio, Podcast,
Streaming Services (Spotify)
Years to Reach 50 Million users
 Radio : 38 years
 Television : 13 years
 Internet : 4 years
Buzzz Social Media
Social Media and impact on economy and society

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Social Media and impact on economy and society

  • 2. What is a Social Media
  • 3. Social means an informal gathering of people. A party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity. Media, this word is a plural of Medium. It is a bridge to communicate a large number of people. Social Media is a variety of medium used to draw people together with a common goal or objective. It is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community- based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.
  • 6. Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg introduced printing to Europe. The Printing Revolution occurred when the spread of the printing press facilitated the wide circulation of information and ideas, acting as an "agent of change" through the societies that it reached. When the World Wide Web became popular in the mid 1990s, it enabled people to share information in ways that were never possible in the past decades.
  • 7. The first recognizable social media site, Six Degrees, was created in 1997. It enabled users to upload a profile and make friends with other users. In 1999, the first blogging sites became popular, creating a social media sensation that's still popular today.
  • 8. The Most Popular Social Media Websites
  • 9. Formed in 2004 1.44 billion monthly active users. 46,307,580 users are from India. India is the third-biggest Facebook market, behind the U.S. If Facebook was a country it would be 4th largest in world Facebook tops Google for weekly cyber traffic in the US
  • 10. $ 2.1 Billion$ 1.4 Billion $ 0.5 Billion Facebook's effect on Indian Economy Connectivity Effect Marketing Effect Platform Effect
  • 11. Popular Facebook Pages Page Name Likes Facebook for Every Phone 492,036,623 Facebook 163,050,030 Shakira 102,806,134 Cristiano Ronaldo 96,374,506
  • 12. Formed in 2006 302 million active users. 41.2 million users are from Brazil According to BBC, Twitter is one of the fastest growing networks
  • 13. Tweet Tweet Follow Me. Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Britney Spears have more twitter followers than the entire population of these countries
  • 21. Why Twitter Is now a Source of Marketing? 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Seek Customer support Purchasing products/ services Look for discount/ sale Ask for opinions about products/ services Provide opinions about products/ services Learn about product/ services 19% 21% 28% 31% 41% 42% Below 20 % Below 40 % Above 40% Twitter plays an active role in purchasing decisions.
  • 22. 80% of Twitter updates are on mobile 78% of Twitter user are on mobile. Some universities stop giving email accounts, instead distributing e-readers, iPad, Tablets 77% of Twitter accounts are outside of US 2nd highest Twitter users in India 70% of small business are on Twitter 82% of Fortune 100 engage with customer on Twitter each week
  • 23. Most Popular Brands In Twitter 0 10 20 30 40 50 ESPN CNN Breaking News Twitter Instagram You Tube 15.92 23.7 35.04 37.36 48.64 Bbove 30% Below 40% Below 50%
  • 24. Formed in 2003 Over 50000 companies are in LinkedIn LinkedIn operates the worlds largest professional network on the Internet with more than 380 million members in over 200 countries and territories Professionals are signing up to join LinkedIn at a rate of more than two new members per second
  • 25. There are over 39 million students and recent college graduates on LinkedIn. They are LinkedIn's fastest-growing demographic LinkedIn is currently available in 24 languages: Arabic, English, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai and Turkish.
  • 27. Founded in 2005 It is the second largest search engine In March, YouTube said that 24 hours of video being uploaded to YouTube every minute? Now that number has jumped to 35 hours per minute. That breaks out to 2,100 hours uploaded every 60 minutes, or 50,400 hours uploaded to YouTube every day
  • 28. YouTube has over a billion users almost one-third of all people on the Internet and every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views More than half of YouTube views come from mobile devices 80% of YouTube viewers are from outside of the US All of the top 100 global brands have run TrueView ads over the past year, and 95% of TrueView advertisers have run campaigns across screens. We're also seeing strong growth in new advertisers adopting TrueView, as the number of advertisers using TrueView grew 45% in 2014.
  • 29. The World's Highest- Paid YouTube Stars 2015 Felix Kjellberg PewDiePie $12 million
  • 30. Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla Smosh $8.5 Million
  • 31. Benny Fine and Rafi Fine Fine Brothers $8.5 million
  • 33. Some other famous Social Networking Sites
  • 34. Time Spent On Social Media (2015) average number of hours that social media users spend using social media each day 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2 2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.4 2.0 to 1.0 2.0 to 3.0 4.0 to 3.0
  • 35. How Social Media helped? In Jamaica health workers distribute information about HIV via social media In Mexico, citizens are using social media to report information about drug and cartels India has a website I Paid A Bribe, to report an act of corruption A fundraising video for Syria by Save the Children was viewed by over 30 Million people The success of president Obama's campaign back in 2008 was almost purely driven by the social networks
  • 36. In 2011,the internet was censored in more than 40 different countries- CHINA- censored words on Weibo include Sex, 18+, Muslim, Marijuana and Conflict (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Instagram are banned) UGANDA- Social Media Monitoring Centre established by the Government VIETNAM- $5000 fine for anyone who criticizes the Government on social media
  • 38. Psychological addiction, 15 percent of users are actually unable to control the timing. Logging off is difficult for them. Multitasking Online reduces brain ability to filter out interferences and can make harder for your brain to store information in your memory. Using MRI scans scientists find that people brain are more active when they are talking about their views and posts in social media.
  • 39. Lack of physical interaction. Social networking provides a false sense of security. Face accounts, cyber bulling, sexual harassments etc. It can lead people to anxiety depression and suicide The ability to anonymously publish lies or false stories and attach false or photo shopped pictures to them According to a report by the Federal Trade Commission, Identity Theft was ranked as the top consumer complaint in 2013
  • 40. Only 18% of traditional TV campaigns generate a positive ROI (Return On Investment) People are choosing to watch online. Services like: BBC iplayer, ITV player, On demand etc.
  • 41. 24 of the 25 largest Newspapers are experiencing record decline in circulation People are getting newspapers from alternative sources like Online sites, Tweeter updates, Blog etc.
  • 42. The actual radio set doesnt exist now these days. Because people are now listening to alternatives like Online radio, Podcast, Streaming Services (Spotify)
  • 43. Years to Reach 50 Million users Radio : 38 years Television : 13 years Internet : 4 years