13. Social Media Commandments Be Transparent The internet will always find out if you obscure the facts. Be Authentic Social media is about real people talking to each other. Be Valuable Nothings worse than uninspired or worthless status updates or links. Make me care. Be Responsive If you ask for advice or action be prepared to act on it. Be Patient and Persistent Sometimes, its hard to catch fire. The secret to maintaining a flame is to feed it regularly without smothering it.
20. General Social Media Strategies Listen: research, monitor and track public sentiment Talk: participate in 2-way dialogue Energize: empower, engage supporters to disseminate information on your behalf Support: facilitate ways for public to support itself Embrace: integrate pubic feedback into business process and products (source: Forrester Research) Some tactics will fall into multiple strategies
36. Know the proper format Fan page not a personal profile The devils in the details Fill out contact info Link to other social media efforts Its not about you Speak to your audience Share dont spam No more than one post a day Be Interactive Give people something to do Be social Fan other fan pages Talk to your customers - Facebook
42. Know how to use it Not very user friendly Twitter customs The devils in the details Fill out the info Custom background Not just a megaphone Be interactive Offer specials Be social Retweeting builds relationships Talk to your customers - Twitter
54. The holy grail of social media success is finding Hard R.O.I.
55. Like the grail, finding Hard R.O.I. is (likely) impossible. Instead use: KPI Key Performance Indicators
56. Community Health Community size Is your community growing/shrinking What rate is your community growing/shrinking Demographics Location Age Does your community include: Existing constituents Prospective constituents Other target audiences
57. Interactivity What is Interactivity Acknowledgment, wave, saying hello Simple and easy actions that require little or no effort You cant have a community without interactivity Figuratively Literally Can be measured by On your fan page Page views Walls posts On your news feed Impressions Likes Comments
58. Engagement What is Engagement A stop-chat, grabbing a cup of coffee, a barn raising A conscious effort to affiliate with, contribute to, or support You dont want a community without engagement Figuratively Literally Can be measured by On social media Shares Profile pictures In real life Attending events Volunteering Contributions