A talk (with audio - allow for stream time!) for the Danish Industry's network for marketing and communications leaders about social media and the impact on their business.
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Social Media in marketing and communications
1. Social media in organisationsMarketing and other communications
2. Business before 2.0 The businessUsers/customersThe business websiteInteraction
22. The modern enterprise no longer communicates only through its PR department, but through its employees and deportalised servicesDeportalised servicesThe business
#13: Users move between modes of behaviour, interaction and even personality on the web.Each one of these sites are a different element of my personality online, work, friends, groups.
#24: This gives rise to the view, that a person, product or object no longer exists in one place, or in one medium. But exists simultaneously in multiple waysIn other words the context of the experience makes it unique to us and as a result the usability of an interaction becomes redefined.Usability itself is becoming less of a focus as the many different worlds we inhabit each have a particular look and feel