Basic social media interaction presentation about the things that needs to be done when you have social media profiles and you want to have interaction with other social media users...
8. points
1. How to properly establish profiles
2. Posting etiquittes (Do's and Don'ts)
3. How to interact to those in your network
4. How to search for targeted users
5. What are to be posted
9. How To Properly Establish Profiles
Establishing profiles on social media
websites is not an easy thing to do
because it takes time and patience
to get established and be influential
in social media.
There are steps that you need to
follow for you to easily achieve your
goal in becoming a person of
influence in social media.
10. Reminders...
Not all social media websites
have similar activities with
regards to establishment of
11. Posting Etiquittes (Do's and Don'ts)
Posting on social websites have rules that
needs to be followed so that your
reputation won't go down.
You just don't go around posting anything
you like on social media sites.
12. The Do's
Post information rich posts
Post niche related information
Post information which does not offend other
people online
Post moderately
Lengthen the gap between posts
13. The Dont's
Post irrelevant information
Post unverified information
Post information which offends other people
Do massive posts
Shorten the gap between posts
14. How To Interact To Those In Your
Saying thank you
Send acknowledgement notes
Comment on what he or she has
Suggest people to follow
Participate in discussions
15. How To Search For Targeted Users
There are many ways to search for
targeted users. It can be anywhere
online as long as it follows what
your target market is...
22. Conclusion
Creating and keeping a healthy social media profile will
really help you and your website gain visibility online,
giving you the social media influence that you deserve
so that in the future you'll be looked up as a social
The Social Sifu