Social media is defined as activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and sharing various types of digital content. It accounts for about 10% of total internet usage and visiting social sites has become the fourth most popular online activity. The top social media platforms include Facebook with over 1 billion users, Twitter with over 300 million tweets per day, and Pinterest with over 1.5 million daily unique users. To effectively utilize social media, companies should focus on conversations and engagement with customers, think of social media as a dialogue rather than a monologue, and measure the results of their social media strategy and efforts.
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Social Media Intro
2. Social Media is an umbrella term that
defines the various activities that
integrate technology, social
interaction, and the construction of
words, pictures, videos, and audio.
Its also a fancy way to describe the
zillions of conversations people are
having online 24/7.
3. Why should l care - REASONS
Because time spent on social networks is growing at 3X the overall
Internet rate, accounting for ~10% of all Internet time
Because 2/3 of the global internet population visit social networks
Because visiting social sites has now become the 4th most popular
activity ahead of personal e-mails
Because Social Media is like word of
mouth activity
Because, friends are forced to be
reckoned with social media
4. Social Media Platforms & Stats
5,000,000,000 1382% - monthly 100 million - 5 million users, and is
number of minutes growth rate from users across rapidly growing.
spent each day January to February the globe
2009. Nearly 1.5 million
1,000,000,000 3,000,000 - average 56% - users unique users visit
Amount of content number of Tweets are from Pinterest daily
(web per day outside US
links, news, stories, 15 millions - Active 15 minutes - Avg
users time spent by a visitor
blog, posts, notes, on the site
photos, etc.)
Shared weekly
5. Few Other Platforms & Stats
The number of
videos viewed
articles available
per day
on Wikipedia.
490 million
unique users
24.2 million
4 billion+ images unique users
3,000 images are 11.6 billion page
uploaded every views
minute 50,000 new users
6. Define Social This has to be more obvious than with
Media Strategy email. Your company has a chance to turn
its email list into a two-way
Start Thinking communication.
Conversations, I
nitiations, Engag Example:
ments "We want to talk to you, "they say. "But we
don't want to hear back from you. Unless
you want to place an order, and if so click
8. How to Move Forward
Public Relations - The state of the relationship between the public and a
company or other organization or a famous person
Customer Service - is the provision of service to customers before, during and
after a purchase
Loyalty Building - Giving or showing and strengthen constant support or
allegiance to a person or institution or organization
Collaboration - action of working with someone to produce or create
something OR Team Work
Networking - Connect as or operate with a network with people or comunity
Thought Leadership - innovative ideas
Customer Acquisition direct goal of acquiring new customers without thinking
to make profit
9. Heres What U Need To Do:
3 Golden Rules