Social media requires understanding your audience, engaging them through relevant content like images and questions, and rewarding advocates to grow your reach. Women are more engaged in social media than men, more likely to comment and share. The key is listening to what your audience cares about and providing value through entertaining, useful content that encourages interaction.
7. Women are more likely to share
Men and women are almost equally present
on social network sitesHowever
Women outpace men in social media engagement
5 to 1
Women are 50% more likely to comment on a post
Women are 80% more likely to share something
on your fan page with their friends
8. Social media channels are not your bullhorn
Social media requires listening skills
Whos talking about you?
What do they think of you?
What do they care about?
9. Know your audience
Who are they?
What do they care about?
What motivates them?
Where do they tend to go?
Who would they associate with/who are their
friends and influencers?
12. Why people like or follow brands
They joined for a chance to win
You offered them something (like a discount
or sales promo)
They know someone who invited them
They are already a customer or member
They are an employee or part of the
They are a competitor
26. In summary
Social media is about
Knowing your audience
Giving them things they want
Engaging them in a way that makes sense for what
you are promoting
Rewarding them for promoting you