This document outlines a social media strategy for Twitter and LinkedIn that involves curating and scheduling content in advance using automation software. On Twitter, posts will be scheduled daily covering topics like quotes, facts, articles and engaging with followers. On LinkedIn, a similar process will occur along with responding to discussions and engaging with targeted contacts. The goal is to generate content through Thursday of each week to keep social media active through automation.
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Social media plan
1. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
-Curate Content till Thursday afternoon
What I will look for: Articles, blog posts, inspirational quotes and any attributed quotes
from credible source.
Process: Schedule out all curated content by noon up till Thursday morning, will need a
service or software that is capable of holding up to x amount of social media accounts and
pre-scheduled tweets (up to at least 15 posts) I.E-Bufferapp, Zapier
***The software is a must, otherwise I cannot implement the process.
***May duplicate posts into LinkedIn (unless it is a fact or statement then I wont)
8 am 9 am: Inspirational quote about leadership, entrepreneurship, work, networking, or
an audio from by 9 am
11 am 12 pm: Fact or Statement about business intelligence
1 pm 3:30 pm: R/T up to two relevant posts, statements, opinions; follow-up with any new
users over the weekend with a direct tweet; DM any potential follower for an offline
4pm 8 pm: 4) Article extracted from Informationweek, BusinessInsider, Times, New
York Post, BusinessIntelligence, CIOinsight, Business Intelligence Journal, Forbes,
ComputerWorld, or/and Business Cloud News
***In-between: I will periodically scan for any prospect leads to contact or/and directly
message; building a relationship, follow and/or R/T. I.E- Thanks the follow, looking
forward to reading your tweets, my Must keep under 140 characters
and respond in less than 8 -12 hours only for potential contacts for an off-line conversation.
Base it off of his/her latest posts, bio, and followers. (Is she/he alive?) Request on LinkedIn.
All posts, articles, quotes, statements, and blogs should already be automated for the day.
Will follow Mondays format of scheduling out posts.
Additional Post (depending on the day/time allotted based on days workload): I will spend
no more than one-hour or an hour and a half to write a 他 of a page blog for Wednesday,
including research. This would be done bi-weekly and on Tuesday. Topics will vary. I.E-Any
2. business intelligence keyword for the week/day, a trending topic in the tech industry, what
company X is up to, or a new development in BI or IT.
Bi-weekly a blog from Company X will post, manually set.
All tweets are scheduled from Monday, will follow the same format from Monday.
Tweets are scheduled up till noon.
9 am noon: Will repeat Mondays process, by filtering and searching through articles,
journals, blogs, magazines and quotes from credible source inside the company or outside
sources with attached Twitter handle name for credit.
***The time spent will generate content up till Monday at noon (total of five days)
1230 pm 100 pm: Will launch five days of content into Twitter
330 pm 600 pm: Periodically will R/T content, thank followers, DM followers that may be
a candidate for a valuable conversation off line on LinkedIn, etc.
Friday through Monday at noon:
All Twitter content will be automated till noon and I will be regenerating content for up to
Thursday at noon on Mondays.
-Curate Content till Thursday afternoon
What I will look for: Articles, blog posts, inspirational quotes and any attributed quotes
from credible inside source.
Writing: A 他 of a page to 1-page response based on designated group conversation, or
relevant trending topic in LinkedIn (will do bi-weekly, different week from Twitter blog;
this will be done on Thursday at the end of the day or Monday)
Process: Schedule out all curated content by noon up till Thursday morning, will need a
service or software that is capable of holding up to x amount of social media accounts and
pre-scheduled tweets (up to at least 15 posts)
***The software is a must, otherwise I cannot implement the process. I.E- Bufferapp, Zapier
8 am 9 am: Article or audio
11 am 130pm: Post Blog (industry insight, discussion of interest, thoughts/questions on a
trending topic)
1 pm 3:30 pm: Engage in an on-line LinkedIn discussion, write a comment, respond to
someones post of an article; feedback, questions, or challenge the idea/thought
4pm 8 pm: 4) Article extracted from Informationweek, BusinessInsider, Times, New
York Post, BusinessIntelligence, CIOinsight, LinkedIn Business Intelligence Journal, Forbes,
ComputerWorld, or/and Business Cloud News
***In-between: I will periodically scan for any prospect leads to contact or/and directly
message; building a relationship. This process will be different than LinkedIn since a
3. message cannot be initiated unless he/she is already a contact. With permission, I will
connect to individuals that follow a criteria set by you and copy and paste a message to
him/her to engage in a conversation.
Posts automated, will follow Mondays schedule, depending on week; it may be with or
without the 11am 130pm blog.
Post are all automated till Thursday at noon.
Posts are scheduled up till noon.
***May duplicate the same posts on LinkedIn and Twitter to save on-time.
9 am noon: Will repeat Mondays process, by filtering and searching through articles,
journals, blogs, magazines and quotes from credible inside source or outside sources.
***The time spent will generate content up till Monday at noon (total of five days)
1230 pm 100 pm: Will launch five days of content into LinkedIn (Thursday at noon till
Monday at noon)
330 pm 600 pm: Periodically will share content and engage in group discussions
Friday through Monday at noon:
All LinkedIn content will be automated till noon on Monday, and first task in the am will be
blocked to regenerate content till Thursday at noon each week.
The Mode Group nurtures organic business development and implementation with
dedication to promise quality for your business enterprise success. It understands that a
ROI is essential to fulfillment of all orders in retail, healthcare, technology, manufacturing,
fashion, and consulting. The Mode Group is a full-service consulting company working with
entrepreneurs, start-ups and small to large sized firms.
Contact The Mode Group team at for feedback, developing
content, social media strategy, planning a marketing plan or connecting to The Mode Group
for public relation inquires on events, writing press kits, press releases, or media contacts.
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