You have been using so many channels to market your brand on social media. But you are finding difficult to measure them? Check this documents and see what are the parameters that is to be consider to measure your social media ROI.
4. Brands Share Of Voice
Give Company name in
search results
Measure it for one month
Monitor it for competitors
5. Cont..
Use to find out
share of voice
Give Company name and
site name
Measure SOV per channel for
every month
Monitor for competitors and
plot a graph.
7. Website visits - Google Analytics
Link Google analytics to your
website to find Page visits
through social.
Go to Referral traffic and then
click on Social sources
Then you will get number of
visits from social media sites
All social channels,
Bookmarking sites are listed
under social source.
You can link how many pages
you can on website.
8. Website visits - Bitly Visits
Create Bitly account for every
brand separately.
Create Bitly link for every links
leading to the website
Use bitly links on all social
media channels.
Monitor number of clicks
every month.
You can link how many pages
you can on website.
9. Social media Measurement
Every social media channels are measured based on social engagement
(Likes, comments, shares, Retweet, Favorites)
To measure engagement you need to find engagement per posts,
engagement rate.
Engagement per posts = Total Engagement / Number of posts
Engagement rate = Total Engagement / Total Impression (Facebook)
Engagement rate = Total Engagement / Total followers per month (Twitter)
% Increase in followers = [(Followers this month - Followers last month)/Followers last month ] *
10. Pointers:
Include a graph that compares previous month engagement, followers,
fans so that its easy to measure the performance.
Use formulas for all the channels, Like - Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +
Measure engagement per posts every month, Engagement per post should
Monitor for relevant followers on twitter by downloading free report of
followers every month.
11. General Tools
Use and download free twitter follower report.
Use to measure google plus analytics
Use to measure twitter engagement
Use to measure the twitter follower trends,
Download Facebook free analytics to measure Facebook activity.