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Najla Brown
Social Media Strategy
Table of
1.Executive Summary
2.Social Media Audit
3.Social Media Objectives
4.Online Brand Persona and Voice
5.Strategies and Tools
6.Timing and Key Dates
7.Social Media Roles and
8.Social Media Policy
9.Critical Response Plan
10.Measurement and Reporting Results
• With the focus of myself in my personal brand on
traveling, I wish to have my online following grow
along with my name in 2018.
• I hope to reach a bigger audience, spread more
content and have my name be recognized with the
personal brand I am promoting.
• Along with my objectives, I need to engage more with
my followers on Facebook and reach out to users via
messenger or comments.This will hopefully bring
recognition on myself being active on my brand.
Media Audit
• Social Media Assessment:
• As of 2018, the social media outlet with the most traffic
is twitter.With mentions, retweets and heavy
impressions happen through tweets. Facebook will be
considered to involve more with followers and move
forward in the future to post multiple times a week.
Social Network URL Follower Count Average Weekly
Facebook https://www.face
27 1 post a week 3 weekly users
Twitter https://twitter.co
54 2-3 posts a week 5 user mentions
Media Audit
• WebsiteTraffic Sources Assessment:
• Twitter is still at the top with the larger network for
traffic.With 734 profile visits in the past 28 days,
compared to Facebook with 16 to 17 people looking at
certain posts a week, not even engaging with them.
Source Volume Percentage of
Conversion Rate
Facebook 16-17 people reach 25% No Data
Twitter 734 profile visits No Data No Data
Media Audit
• Audience Demographics Assessment
• Since close friends and family follow my personal travel
brand Facebook page. I do not have access to all the
data, but if I did I think it would look like more
females who follow me than males.
Source Age
Facebook 80% 18-30
20% 30-60
10% males
No Data No Data Most
are college
Twitter A various
Various No Data No Data No Data No Data
Media Audit
• Competitor Assessment
1. With my personal brand, I do not have any
2. There are no other brands I could find that match my
strengths and weaknesses.
3. I believe that since I am a personal brand growing
slowly by myself, it is important to only focus on
myself and how I can develop on my own.
• The focus on my personal brand is for users to engage
with the posts while I reach out to the users. In order
for the brand to grow, the followers and likes need to
grow with it. Specific objectives are set out in the next
6 months.
1. Increase followers and likes by boosting posts and
buying social advertisements on Facebook page.
2. Create a live chat at LEAST every two weeks so I can
develop a connection with my followers.
3. Write stories and interview travel agencies on topics
that could interest local readers.
• I did not have access to all this data, but if I did I think it
would look like a percent of more females than males.
Since my personal brand is reached across my family
members and close friends, I have a reach of more
females than males.
• My objective is to reach a bigger audience outside of my
comfortable circle.
and Voice
Social Media Strategy
and Tools
• While I post about once a week about various articles or
statues updates, my strategy is to stick to the goal of my
page which is anything and everything about travel.
• The tool I greatly succeeded with in my engagement was
my video montage I created when I got back from my trip
to California.
• Monitor keywords of traveling, flying, destinations and
worldwide news to share new content or generate ideas
to share.
Adobe Premiere Pro
Timing and
Key Dates
• My personal brand can be posted whenever the time
feels right about the subject of traveling or when I go
and travel the country myself. However, there are key
dates I look out for to post the right themes for my
followers .
• The Seasons of 2018:
SPRING EQUINOX March 20, 12:15 P.M. EDT
FALL EQUINOX September 22, 9:54 P.M. EDT
WINTER SOLSTICE December 21, 5:23 P.M. EST
Social Media
Roles and
• My role in my personal brand is myself and only myself.
I work to develop all roles and responsibilities.
• Since this is not a company, I work to just have it grow
with me in college because it is my personal brand.
• In the future, I will still plan for this brand to just have
myself managing the social media outlets.With
traveling, I write and make the videos so there is not
much other roles for people.
• If I had to use these terms I fall under, I am all three:
1. Marketing Director
2. Social Media Manager
3. Social Media Coordinator
Social Media
• With my brand I follow policies to make sure my
personal brand is professional to the public:
1. Reply to followers comments as soon as possible. If I
can’t answer a question, I message separately and tell
them respectively I will find the answer as soon as
2. Be polite to users no matter what.
3. Show passion and love for the subject I am branding
with myself.
4. A professional environment should be made known
through conversations, videos or updates.
5. Become dedicated to this brand and be adventurous
to try new things.
Plan 1
• Scenario 1- Not connecting with targeted audience
1. Realize which posts are not reaching certain users
with likes and comments.
2. Respond to every comment or concern by reading
every response while also using apps such as buffer.
3. Follow similar brands and even ask some questions
on how they connect with their followers.
4. Be creative and generate new posts or find new
inspiration on what could be exciting to post in the
near future.
Plan 2
• Scenario 2- Hate Comment Under Specific Post
1. Reply quick and be professional.
2. If the follower is not happy about what you posted,
bring it to a separate group message where you can
fix problem privately.
3. It is the internet and nothing goes away so depending
on how serious the comment was, flagging it could
notify Facebook.
4. Be responsible and professional with any situation no
matter the comment and take actions in your own
t and
• WebsiteTraffic Sources Assessment: similar to social
media audit
• Quantitative KPIs: last 2 months
Source Volume Percentage of
Facebook 3 monthly users 3 % of users No Data
Twitter 734 profile visits 5% of users No Data
t and
• Social Network Data
• As of August 2018
• My accounts have consistently stayed the same with
followers and average weekly activity.
Social Network URL Follower Count Average Weekly
Facebook https://www.face
27 1 post a week 3 weekly users
Twitter https://twitter.co
54 2-3 posts a week 5 user mentions
t and
• Sentiment Analysis
• An analysis of the 10 Facebook posts andTwitter
tweets revealed a very small engagement with the
• Each post would range between one to three users
liking the posts.
• Usually each person was the same who displayed
• Positive sentiment was shown by accepting my invite
to like my page and follow my journey.
• Negative sentiment was if this audience was actually
interested in traveling or where I traveled.
and Reporting
• Future Actions:
• Continue building my personal brand.
• Build a wider audience by not being afraid of unfamiliar
faces entering my bubble.
• Engage more with users by creating fun content.
• Link other social media platforms such as Instagram
and Snapchat so many outlets can reach my personal

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Social Media Strategy

  • 1. NAJLA BROWN: TRAVEL WITH ME 6/16/18 Najla Brown Social Media Strategy MMC5636
  • 2. Table of Contents 1.Executive Summary 2.Social Media Audit 3.Social Media Objectives 4.Online Brand Persona and Voice 5.Strategies and Tools 6.Timing and Key Dates 7.Social Media Roles and Responsibilities 8.Social Media Policy 9.Critical Response Plan 10.Measurement and Reporting Results
  • 3. Executive Summary • With the focus of myself in my personal brand on traveling, I wish to have my online following grow along with my name in 2018. • I hope to reach a bigger audience, spread more content and have my name be recognized with the personal brand I am promoting. • Along with my objectives, I need to engage more with my followers on Facebook and reach out to users via messenger or comments.This will hopefully bring recognition on myself being active on my brand.
  • 4. Social Media Audit • Social Media Assessment: • As of 2018, the social media outlet with the most traffic is twitter.With mentions, retweets and heavy impressions happen through tweets. Facebook will be considered to involve more with followers and move forward in the future to post multiple times a week. Social Network URL Follower Count Average Weekly Activity Average Engagement Rate Facebook https://www.face book.com/najlabb rown/ 27 1 post a week 3 weekly users Twitter https://twitter.co m/najlabrown_?la ng=en 54 2-3 posts a week 5 user mentions
  • 5. Social Media Audit • WebsiteTraffic Sources Assessment: • Twitter is still at the top with the larger network for traffic.With 734 profile visits in the past 28 days, compared to Facebook with 16 to 17 people looking at certain posts a week, not even engaging with them. Source Volume Percentage of OverallTraffic Conversion Rate Facebook 16-17 people reach 25% No Data Twitter 734 profile visits No Data No Data
  • 6. Social Media Audit • Audience Demographics Assessment • Since close friends and family follow my personal travel brand Facebook page. I do not have access to all the data, but if I did I think it would look like more females who follow me than males. Source Age Distribution Gender Distribution Primary Social Network Secondary Social Network Primary Need Secondary Need Facebook 80% 18-30 20% 30-60 90% females 10% males No Data No Data Most followers are college students Family statuses Twitter A various age distribution Various No Data No Data No Data No Data
  • 7. Social Media Audit • Competitor Assessment 1. With my personal brand, I do not have any competitors. 2. There are no other brands I could find that match my strengths and weaknesses. 3. I believe that since I am a personal brand growing slowly by myself, it is important to only focus on myself and how I can develop on my own.
  • 8. Social Media Objectives • The focus on my personal brand is for users to engage with the posts while I reach out to the users. In order for the brand to grow, the followers and likes need to grow with it. Specific objectives are set out in the next 6 months. 1. Increase followers and likes by boosting posts and buying social advertisements on Facebook page. 2. Create a live chat at LEAST every two weeks so I can develop a connection with my followers. 3. Write stories and interview travel agencies on topics that could interest local readers.
  • 9. Social Media Objectives • I did not have access to all this data, but if I did I think it would look like a percent of more females than males. Since my personal brand is reached across my family members and close friends, I have a reach of more females than males. • My objective is to reach a bigger audience outside of my comfortable circle.
  • 12. Strategies and Tools • While I post about once a week about various articles or statues updates, my strategy is to stick to the goal of my page which is anything and everything about travel. • The tool I greatly succeeded with in my engagement was my video montage I created when I got back from my trip to California. • Monitor keywords of traveling, flying, destinations and worldwide news to share new content or generate ideas to share. Tools: Buffer Adobe Premiere Pro
  • 13. Timing and Key Dates • My personal brand can be posted whenever the time feels right about the subject of traveling or when I go and travel the country myself. However, there are key dates I look out for to post the right themes for my followers . • The Seasons of 2018: SPRING EQUINOX March 20, 12:15 P.M. EDT SUMMER SOLSTICE June 21, 6:07 A.M. EDT FALL EQUINOX September 22, 9:54 P.M. EDT WINTER SOLSTICE December 21, 5:23 P.M. EST
  • 14. Social Media Roles and Responsibilitie s • My role in my personal brand is myself and only myself. I work to develop all roles and responsibilities. • Since this is not a company, I work to just have it grow with me in college because it is my personal brand. • In the future, I will still plan for this brand to just have myself managing the social media outlets.With traveling, I write and make the videos so there is not much other roles for people. • If I had to use these terms I fall under, I am all three: 1. Marketing Director 2. Social Media Manager 3. Social Media Coordinator
  • 15. Social Media Policy • With my brand I follow policies to make sure my personal brand is professional to the public: 1. Reply to followers comments as soon as possible. If I can’t answer a question, I message separately and tell them respectively I will find the answer as soon as possible. 2. Be polite to users no matter what. 3. Show passion and love for the subject I am branding with myself. 4. A professional environment should be made known through conversations, videos or updates. 5. Become dedicated to this brand and be adventurous to try new things.
  • 16. Critical Response Plan 1 • Scenario 1- Not connecting with targeted audience 1. Realize which posts are not reaching certain users with likes and comments. 2. Respond to every comment or concern by reading every response while also using apps such as buffer. 3. Follow similar brands and even ask some questions on how they connect with their followers. 4. Be creative and generate new posts or find new inspiration on what could be exciting to post in the near future.
  • 17. Critical Response Plan 2 • Scenario 2- Hate Comment Under Specific Post 1. Reply quick and be professional. 2. If the follower is not happy about what you posted, bring it to a separate group message where you can fix problem privately. 3. It is the internet and nothing goes away so depending on how serious the comment was, flagging it could notify Facebook. 4. Be responsible and professional with any situation no matter the comment and take actions in your own hands.
  • 18. Measuremen t and Reporting Results • WebsiteTraffic Sources Assessment: similar to social media audit • Quantitative KPIs: last 2 months Source Volume Percentage of OverallTraffic Conversion Rate Facebook 3 monthly users 3 % of users No Data Twitter 734 profile visits 5% of users No Data
  • 19. Measuremen t and Reporting Results • Social Network Data • As of August 2018 • My accounts have consistently stayed the same with followers and average weekly activity. Social Network URL Follower Count Average Weekly Activity Average Engagement Rate Facebook https://www.face book.com/najlabb rown/ 27 1 post a week 3 weekly users Twitter https://twitter.co m/najlabrown_?la ng=en 54 2-3 posts a week 5 user mentions
  • 20. Measuremen t and Reporting Results • Sentiment Analysis • An analysis of the 10 Facebook posts andTwitter tweets revealed a very small engagement with the audience. • Each post would range between one to three users liking the posts. • Usually each person was the same who displayed engagement. • Positive sentiment was shown by accepting my invite to like my page and follow my journey. • Negative sentiment was if this audience was actually interested in traveling or where I traveled.
  • 21. Measurement and Reporting Results • Future Actions: • Continue building my personal brand. • Build a wider audience by not being afraid of unfamiliar faces entering my bubble. • Engage more with users by creating fun content. • Link other social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat so many outlets can reach my personal brand.