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Tuscawilla Animal
Social Media Strategy
Table of Contents
 Executive Summary
 Social Media Audit
 Social Media Objectives
 Online Brand Persona and Voice
 Strategies and Tools
 Timing and Key Dates
 Social Media Roles and Responsibilities
 Social Media Policy
 Critical Response Plan
 Measurement and Reporting Results
Executive Summary
 Goal: To improve our online presence and the quality
of activity to gain recognition
 We want to focus on our customer relations and
building trust to gain clientele in the local community
 Share our bond with our animal patients
 Two Main Strategies:
 Post on social media more frequently
 Create consistent media projects and posts, such as Pet
Spotlight and Veterinarian Biographies
Social Media Audit
 Social Media Assessment: There is little activity overall, with
the primary source being Facebook. Should consider creating
another social media account to improve social media
presence and post more on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Social Network URL Follower
Avg Weekly
Facebook www.facebook.com/T
313367256434/ 358
1 Post 5 Likes Per
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin
10 0 0
Twitter None 0 0 0
Instagram None 0 0 0
Social Media Audit
 Website Traffic Sources Assessment: Facebook is yet again
the largest source of traffic to the website. There is little activity
on LinkedIn and Instagram only exists for the clinic as a
location, but there are clients tagging the clinic.
Source Volume % of Overall
Facebook 100 Unique
15% 5%
LinkedIn 20 Unique Visits 2% .05%
Instagram No Data No Data No Data
Twitter No Data No Data No Data
Social Media Audit
 Audience Demographics Assessment: The majority of clients lie in
the 30-50 age range. Facebook is the main network used and clients
need routine care for animals, with emergency visits and boarding care
for animals coming second.
15% 20-30 60%
care for
35% 30-40 40% Male 0% Twitter
35% 40-50 0%
15% 50-70
Social Media Audit
 Competitor Assessment: The main competitor is Tuscawilla Oaks
Animal Hospital. They have a much more consistent social presence
with more photos and interactive links, as well as replying to
customers. The other two clinics are also not very present on social
Competitor Name Social Media Profile Strengths Weaknesses
Tuscawilla Oaks
Animal Hospital
FB: TuscawillaOaks Larger following,
photos used, posts
complete About
Generic dog
Lake Jesup Animal
Good quality
Rarely posts,
lacks contact
Winter Springs
None Loyal customer
reviews on Yelp
No social
profile, No
Social Media Objectives
 The overall objective is to increase social media
activity and gain more followers as a result of a larger
social media presence.
 Specific Objectives:
 Post 30% more visual content on Facebook by May 31st,
 Includes photo, video, and links
 Increase posts from 1 to 3-5 posts weekly on Facebook
 Reach 800 followers by May 31st, 2017
 Create an Instagram account
 Reach 100 followers on the account
Social Media Objectives
 # of Followers on Facebook and Instagram
 # of posts weekly
 # of likes on posts
 # of replies to comments
 Key Messages
 Animal care you can count on
 Veterinarians for your animal AND you
Social Media Objectives
Target Customer: Female between ages of 30-50 with a pet
Online Brand Persona and
 Adjectives that describe our brand
 Example of Brand Voice in Social Media Interactions
 Fun photos of pets/clients
 Cares for customers specific needs
 Shares articles for certain holidays and pet health
Online Brand Persona and
 Designate a veterinarian technician to be the social media
manager and raise their pay. Also boost the Facebook
posts to get more recognition
 Post a minimum of three times on Facebook weekly and
change profile picture/cover to consistent branding.
 Post on LinkedIn at least three times a week and ensure
all staff are connected to company page
 On new Instagram, feature specific clients with
#PetPaparazzi and also weekly staff spotlights to promote
the friendly professionals at the clinic.
 Create Twitter account and utilize #PetPaparazzi on
Twitter as welll
 Connect with existing clients on both platforms by finding
the tagged location
 Use Facebook to promote the other social media
 Existing Subscription Licenses
Timing and Key Dates
 Holiday Dates
 Memorial Weekend
 July 4th
 Internal Events
 Robyns Break (April 1st-April 31st)
 Lead Times
 Reporting Dates
 Report on the 31st of each month
Social Media Roles and
 Social Media Director: Maria Suero
 Oversees social media manager and coordinator
 Decides when to offer promotions on social media
 Social Media Manager: Amy Newkirk
 Posts on all social media platforms
 Manages Social Media Coordinator
 Picks photos to use, hashtags, and watches KPIs
 Social Media Coordinator: Monica Suero
 Chooses pet spotlight of the week
 Takes all photos for social media accounts
 Creates promotions for social media to place in clinic
Social Media Policy
 Be Respectful
 No Profanity
 No Blurry Photos
 Reply to any comments within 24 hours
 Use flattering photos of animals/staff
 Dont speak about the competition
 Talk speak poorly about the pets
Critical Response Plan
 Scenario 1: Picture of dog unconscious after medical procedure
 1. Maria (Social Media Director) screenshots post
 Deletes post
 2. Touches base with Amy (Social Media Manager) to see why
picture was posted
 Discuss what to do next if client complains, people are upset over
sensitive material, etc
 3. Amy creates follow up apology post. Maria handles any upset
clients, press, etc
 4. Monica (Social Media Coordinator) is not to photograph
unconscious patients in future; consider disciplinary action
 Pre-Approved Messaging: Up to Marias discretion on severity of
post/how long it was left on account
Critical Response Plan
 Scenario 2: Angry client posts about dogs care
 1. Maria reads post, immediately pulls animal file to see who was the
veterinarian in charge of animal
 Check sign-out forms to see if dog was in any pain when leaving
 2. Amy replies to post with apologetic tone, asks if they would like to
come in or call to speak with staff
 3. Maria handles direct contact with customer in person or over the
 Shows paperwork if needed or complimentary follow-up with vet
 If legal action is pursued, Maria handles the situation from there
 Pre-Approved Messaging: We are extremely sorry for pets name
discomfort! Please contact us at phone number or come by the
clinic so we can know more about the situation.
Contact Information
Position Name Telephone
Owner Alex Suero 407-699-1500
Social Media Director Maria Suero 407-699-1500
Social Media Manager Amy Newkirk 407-321-8090
Social Media Coordinator Monica Suero 407-866-5123
Measurement and Reporting
 Quantitative KPIs
 Reporting period: Monthly
 Data as of February 15th
Measurement and Reporting
 Social Network Data
Social Network URL Follower
Avg Weekly
Facebook www.facebook.co
Up 30%
3 Posts Per Week 15%
LinkedIn https://www.linkedi
Up 90%
1 Post Per Week
Up 100%
Instagram TuscPets 100 Followers
Up 100%
3 Posts Per Week
Up 300%
Twitter TuscPets 100 Followers
Up 100%
3 Posts Per Week
Up 300%
Measurement and Reporting
 Website Traffic Sources Assessment
Source Volume % of
Facebook 1500 Unique Visits
Up 90%
30% 10%
Twitter 300 Unique Visits
Up 300%
15% 5%
Instagram 150 Unique Visits
Up 150%
20% 5%
LinkedIn 100 Unique Visits
Up 80%
10% 5%
Measurement and Reporting
 Results Assessment
 Over 50 people checked in at the clinic on Instagram
within the first month. The posts with the #PetPaparazzi
got upwards of 200 interactions and Twitter also reached
 Sentiment Analysis
 Customers revealed with their Instagram and Twitter
posts that their dogs were happier after their visits
 They appreciated the family quality at the clinic and the
pet highlights showing customer care
Measurement and Reporting
 Proposed Actions
 Being highlighting staff each week using social media
 Continue posting regularly on all social media
 Offer promotions from social media pages for checkups,
dental, etc
 Continue pet highlights weekly

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Social Media Strategy

  • 2. Table of Contents Executive Summary Social Media Audit Social Media Objectives Online Brand Persona and Voice Strategies and Tools Timing and Key Dates Social Media Roles and Responsibilities Social Media Policy Critical Response Plan Measurement and Reporting Results
  • 3. Executive Summary Goal: To improve our online presence and the quality of activity to gain recognition We want to focus on our customer relations and building trust to gain clientele in the local community Share our bond with our animal patients Two Main Strategies: Post on social media more frequently Create consistent media projects and posts, such as Pet Spotlight and Veterinarian Biographies
  • 4. Social Media Audit Social Media Assessment: There is little activity overall, with the primary source being Facebook. Should consider creating another social media account to improve social media presence and post more on Facebook and LinkedIn. Social Network URL Follower Count Avg Weekly Activity Avg Engagement Rate Facebook www.facebook.com/T uscawilla-Animal- Hospital- 313367256434/ 358 1 Post 5 Likes Per Post LinkedIn https://www.linkedin .com/company- beta/4567484/ 10 0 0 Twitter None 0 0 0 Instagram None 0 0 0
  • 5. Social Media Audit Website Traffic Sources Assessment: Facebook is yet again the largest source of traffic to the website. There is little activity on LinkedIn and Instagram only exists for the clinic as a location, but there are clients tagging the clinic. Source Volume % of Overall Traffic Conversion Rate Facebook 100 Unique Visits 15% 5% LinkedIn 20 Unique Visits 2% .05% Instagram No Data No Data No Data Twitter No Data No Data No Data
  • 6. Social Media Audit Audience Demographics Assessment: The majority of clients lie in the 30-50 age range. Facebook is the main network used and clients need routine care for animals, with emergency visits and boarding care for animals coming second. Age Distributio n Gender Distribution Primary Social Network Secondary Social Network Primary Need Secondary Need 15% 20-30 60% Female 100% Facebook 5% LinkedIn Routine medical care for animals Boarding animals/eme rgency 35% 30-40 40% Male 0% Twitter 35% 40-50 0% Instagram 15% 50-70
  • 7. Social Media Audit Competitor Assessment: The main competitor is Tuscawilla Oaks Animal Hospital. They have a much more consistent social presence with more photos and interactive links, as well as replying to customers. The other two clinics are also not very present on social media. Competitor Name Social Media Profile Strengths Weaknesses Tuscawilla Oaks Animal Hospital FB: TuscawillaOaks Larger following, photos used, posts frequently, complete About section Generic dog photos Lake Jesup Animal Hospital FB: lakejesupanimalhospita Good quality photos Rarely posts, lacks contact info Winter Springs Veterinary Hospital None Loyal customer reviews on Yelp No social media profile, No activity
  • 8. Social Media Objectives The overall objective is to increase social media activity and gain more followers as a result of a larger social media presence. Specific Objectives: Post 30% more visual content on Facebook by May 31st, 2017 Includes photo, video, and links Increase posts from 1 to 3-5 posts weekly on Facebook Reach 800 followers by May 31st, 2017 Create an Instagram account Reach 100 followers on the account
  • 9. Social Media Objectives KPIs # of Followers on Facebook and Instagram # of posts weekly # of likes on posts # of replies to comments Key Messages Animal care you can count on Veterinarians for your animal AND you
  • 10. Social Media Objectives Target Customer: Female between ages of 30-50 with a pet
  • 11. Online Brand Persona and Voice Adjectives that describe our brand Loving Caring Genuine Reliable Gentle Diligent Example of Brand Voice in Social Media Interactions Fun photos of pets/clients Cares for customers specific needs Shares articles for certain holidays and pet health
  • 12. Online Brand Persona and Voice
  • 13. Strategies Paid: Designate a veterinarian technician to be the social media manager and raise their pay. Also boost the Facebook posts to get more recognition Owned Post a minimum of three times on Facebook weekly and change profile picture/cover to consistent branding. Post on LinkedIn at least three times a week and ensure all staff are connected to company page
  • 14. Strategies Earned On new Instagram, feature specific clients with #PetPaparazzi and also weekly staff spotlights to promote the friendly professionals at the clinic. Create Twitter account and utilize #PetPaparazzi on Twitter as welll Connect with existing clients on both platforms by finding the tagged location Use Facebook to promote the other social media platforms
  • 15. Tools Approved Hootsuite Buffer Twitter Instagram Rejected N/A Existing Subscription Licenses N/A
  • 16. Timing and Key Dates Holiday Dates Memorial Weekend July 4th Thanksgiving Christmas Internal Events Robyns Break (April 1st-April 31st) Lead Times N/A Reporting Dates Report on the 31st of each month
  • 17. Social Media Roles and Responsibilities Social Media Director: Maria Suero Oversees social media manager and coordinator Decides when to offer promotions on social media Social Media Manager: Amy Newkirk Posts on all social media platforms Manages Social Media Coordinator Picks photos to use, hashtags, and watches KPIs Social Media Coordinator: Monica Suero Chooses pet spotlight of the week Takes all photos for social media accounts Creates promotions for social media to place in clinic
  • 18. Social Media Policy Be Respectful No Profanity No Blurry Photos Reply to any comments within 24 hours Use flattering photos of animals/staff Dont speak about the competition Talk speak poorly about the pets
  • 19. Critical Response Plan Scenario 1: Picture of dog unconscious after medical procedure posted 1. Maria (Social Media Director) screenshots post Deletes post 2. Touches base with Amy (Social Media Manager) to see why picture was posted Discuss what to do next if client complains, people are upset over sensitive material, etc 3. Amy creates follow up apology post. Maria handles any upset clients, press, etc 4. Monica (Social Media Coordinator) is not to photograph unconscious patients in future; consider disciplinary action Pre-Approved Messaging: Up to Marias discretion on severity of post/how long it was left on account
  • 20. Critical Response Plan Scenario 2: Angry client posts about dogs care 1. Maria reads post, immediately pulls animal file to see who was the veterinarian in charge of animal Check sign-out forms to see if dog was in any pain when leaving clinic 2. Amy replies to post with apologetic tone, asks if they would like to come in or call to speak with staff 3. Maria handles direct contact with customer in person or over the phone Shows paperwork if needed or complimentary follow-up with vet If legal action is pursued, Maria handles the situation from there Pre-Approved Messaging: We are extremely sorry for pets name discomfort! Please contact us at phone number or come by the clinic so we can know more about the situation.
  • 21. Contact Information Position Name Telephone Owner Alex Suero 407-699-1500 Social Media Director Maria Suero 407-699-1500 Social Media Manager Amy Newkirk 407-321-8090 Social Media Coordinator Monica Suero 407-866-5123
  • 22. Measurement and Reporting Quantitative KPIs Reporting period: Monthly Data as of February 15th
  • 23. Measurement and Reporting Social Network Data Social Network URL Follower Count Avg Weekly Activity Avg Engagement Rate Facebook www.facebook.co m/Tuscawilla- Animal-Hospital- 313367256434/ 1000 Up 30% 3 Posts Per Week 15% LinkedIn https://www.linkedi n.com/company- beta/4567484/ 100 Up 90% 1 Post Per Week Up 100% 5% Instagram TuscPets 100 Followers Up 100% 3 Posts Per Week Up 300% 10% Twitter TuscPets 100 Followers Up 100% 3 Posts Per Week Up 300% 10%
  • 24. Measurement and Reporting Website Traffic Sources Assessment Source Volume % of Overall Traffic Conversion Rate Facebook 1500 Unique Visits Up 90% 30% 10% Twitter 300 Unique Visits Up 300% 15% 5% Instagram 150 Unique Visits Up 150% 20% 5% LinkedIn 100 Unique Visits Up 80% 10% 5%
  • 25. Measurement and Reporting Results Assessment Over 50 people checked in at the clinic on Instagram within the first month. The posts with the #PetPaparazzi got upwards of 200 interactions and Twitter also reached 100 followers. Qualitative Sentiment Analysis Customers revealed with their Instagram and Twitter posts that their dogs were happier after their visits They appreciated the family quality at the clinic and the pet highlights showing customer care
  • 26. Measurement and Reporting Proposed Actions Being highlighting staff each week using social media Continue posting regularly on all social media Offer promotions from social media pages for checkups, dental, etc Continue pet highlights weekly