The document provides tips for success on social media. It recommends being personable online like at a cocktail party through small talk and engagement. It advises against over-automating posts and instead focusing on quality over quantity. Acknowledging people who comment and asking questions are seen as ways to create engagement and community. The document also suggests mixing up professional and personal content to help stand out.
2. Be Personable
There are no shortcuts in social media. No app will
ever replace the human connection. Bring your voice
alive online by engaging others - just as you would if
you were at a cocktail party. Small talk is essential.
Thursday, September 15, 11
3. Don’t Automate
Instead of using automation to maintain your social
media accounts, think about posting one good link each
day (as opposed to a barrage of automated links
throughout the entire day). Automation = spam. You
don’t want to be a spammer. Do you?
Thursday, September 15, 11
4. Acknowledge People
Just as life, it’s important to acknowledge people. If
someone makes a comment on your blog or on your
Facebook page, it’s essential to acknowledge them.
When you acknowledge people, you make them feel
part of your online community.
Thursday, September 15, 11
5. Ask Questions
People love to give their opinion and their expertise. A
great way to create engagement is to ask a question
and acknowledge those who take the time to answer it
for you.
Thursday, September 15, 11
6. Mix It Up
If you’re marketing your business online, remember:
nobody likes to be sold to. Mix up your professional
presence with your personality. Don’t make it *just*
about business. Share music, pictures from vacation,
aspects of your personal life that make you unique -
helping you stand out in the sea of faces.
Thursday, September 15, 11