Keynote presentation. In-house awareness session on social networking. Introduction to new tools for networking, collaborating, knowledge creation and (internal/external) communication. This third presentation is on Wikis. Eleven slides, one video. April 2010.
(org. title 'Social media-Wikis')
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Social Media : Wikis
1. wikis blogs
by Judith den Hollander
a combination of personal experiences and observations
a short Knowledge Management awareness session on social media tools
(tags: social media, ecdpm 2.0, staff competency 2.0)
April 2010
2. De鍖nitions
A wiki is a website designed for multiple people to
collaborate by adding and editing content
A collaborative website which can be directly
edited by anyone with access to it
A collaborative website oriented to providing
knowledge in some domain
A web-publishing tool that can be utilized by groups
of people simultaneously
A speedy tool to manage projects and team
Wikis facilitate transparent online interactions
3. Wikis in plain English,
for the late adopters
4. Why should we wiki?
See the 32.400 hits / answers on
Google Scholar search for wiki ef鍖ciency....
5. Any cons?
Of course
Advantages and disadvantages listed on wiki
Also here on UCL
Wikis come with a learning curve
Collaborative writing : Wiki editing options are simple
compared to comprehensive Word editing and track
changes options ; heavy multiple editing with foot and
endnotes, big tables etc. is not possible/advisable
Training and/or guidelines might be needed
6. Wiki links
Wiki selection
Wiki adoption, for trainers:
7. ecdpm and social media pilots
Work plan 2010-2011 Recognising knowledge management and communication as a 鍖eld
that cuts across all the Centres departments, we accept the need to address it persistently but
gradually, without placing an excessive workload on our staff. We also need continually to ask
ourselves how to strike the right balance in terms of addressing the general public and working
with the media. Finally, we are conscious of the need to bring in new working methods and
techniques offered by new technologies. Before introducing these, however, we test them
thoroughly to 鍖nd out whether they can add value to our work.
Intranet and IT architecture renewing internal technical set-up and our way of working: The
KM unit and the IT of鍖ce will work together to fundamentally renew our internal information
and knowledge exchange architecture. This work will touch on all areas of the organisation, it
will include: a re-design of our intranet, change and/or updating of the archiving (including shared
photo database and change of central storage system); simplifying and harmonising of the
knowledge exchange within teams and across Centre by use of social media tools. 2010 will see
a start of this long-term project and substantial investments in training to get the new
technologies integrated for daily use in-house
Hence these awareness sessions on social media. See First presentation on Blogs and staff
competency 2.0 | slide share - Second presentation on Social networking and 際際滷share
8. Internal wiki
pilots for
Lists that often change
Team meeting docs
Procedures, instructions,
Sharing of frequently used
corporate text, statements
Projects, work/task
division, reporting
Learning about (social)
tagging Folksonomy vs
Learning/Adopting social
media tools
Internal information
sharing and collaboration