This document summarizes a presentation about connecting WordPress sites to social media. The presenter, Noel Saw, discusses plugins like MoShare and Twitter Facebook Social Share that allow sharing blog posts to social networks. The presentation agenda also includes embedding social profiles on websites, updating multiple networks simultaneously, and analytics tools like Klout and Crowdbooster. The meeting concludes with an announcement of upcoming events and a drawing for a free Dashter license.
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Social Media + WordPress - SoCal WP Meetup
1. SoCal WordPress
Social Media + WordPress
February 23rd, 2012
Presenter: Noel Saw
2. Tonights Sponsors
Thank you for your generosity!
Drawing for one free license of Dashter at
end of presentation.
Catering provided by:
3. Agenda
Who am I?
Why are we here and What are we sharing?
Simple ways to hook up WordPress to social media
through sharing plugins including MoShare
Ways to embed Twitter, Facebook fan page, and Google
to your site
Updating EVERYTHING through one service
Using Klout & Crowdbooster
Dashter Presentation
4. Who am I?
Serial Entrepreneur since 1992
Co-run SoCal WordPress along with Natalie MacLees
Over 7,000 Twitter followers @WPverse
Over 2,500 Google+ followers
I write
Over 3k unique visitors a month
Over 150 articles on WordPress
5. Why and What?
We use social networks to attract new
clients/customers and keep them informed +
remind them were here.
How do we do this?
Broadcasting of new content ourselves
Facilitate public sharing of content
(posts, pages, ideas, etc.) through various networks
like FB, Twitter, and now mobile
Create fan pages or brand identities (Twitter handles)
6. Easy social sharing plugins
Other than Twitter, FB make sure it supports
Google+, Linkedin
Sharedaddy version of Jetpack
My current favorite:
Twitter Facebook Social Share
Examples including more obscure services:
EasySocial includes Pintrest support
SocialSharing Toolkit includes Tumblr
8. Different ways to post to
WordPress and
Social Networks
at the same time!
Automatically scan your site via RSS and post to
FB and Twitter
Posterous post via email with auto update to
PixelPipe pushes many, many, many services
9. Next Months Meetup
Microsoft Los Angeles office
Covering Microsofts Matrix allowing WP to run on
Windows Server
WordPress Performance
Weekly WordPress Hackathons starting next week
Developer focus Themes, plugins, PHP
Here at Blankspaces
Stay Tuned!
10. Thanks again to our sponsors
Drawing for one free license of Dashter!
Catering provided by: