
狠狠撸Share a Scribd company logo
Presented by Rob Waite
By the end of this session I hope you have a 
better understanding of: 
1. What Social Media Is 
2. How to set up your Social Media Channels 
3. Why you need to use Social Media 
4. The link between Social Media and SEO 
And to have developed: 
? Your own positive Social Media Strategy
“Social media refers to 
interaction among people in 
which they create, share, and/or 
exchange information and ideas 
in virtual 
communities and networks”
Social Media Strategy Workshop
Social Media Strategy Workshop
? 1.3bn active users 
? Average of 18 minutes spent on 
Facebook per visit 
? Business pages easy to set up 
? Showcase Photographs & Links 
? Potential to go Viral 
Facebook Strategy – get … 
1. …business page likes 
2. …website likes 
3. …content shares 
4. Create an engaging Page 
5. Create a Link to Your Website 
Benefits of Using Facebook: 
? SEO 
? It’s Free 
? Access insights with 30 likes
? 646 million active users 
? 58 million tweets per day 
? Easy to set up 
? Showcase Photographs & Links 
? Potential to go Viral 
Twitter Strategy… 
1. Profile is important 
2. Converse through @tags 
3. Search through #tags 
4. Follow other users 
5. Aim for 3 Tweets per day 
6. Create a Link to Your Website 
Benefits of Using Twitter: 
? SEO 
? It’s Free 
? See “referrals” from Google Analytics
? 277 million users 
? Average user spends 17 minutes 
per month on LinkedIn 
? Personal Profile is easy to set up 
? Business page, not so easy! 
? Showcase Yourself 
? SEO benefits unknown 
LinkedIn Strategy… 
1. Create a Profile 
2. Connect with Business Associates 
3. Join Groups & Converse 
Benefits of Using LinkedIn: 
? It’s free 
? SEO benefits unknown 
? Word of Mouth Referral 
? Good for Recruitment
? 300 million monthly active users 
? Average of 7 minutes per visit 
spent on Google+ 
? Easy to set up 
? Showcase Photographs & Links 
? Big SEO benefits 
Google+ Strategy… 
1. +1 as much stuff as possible, 
preferably your own 
2. Get people in your Circles 
3. Converse via Communities 
4. Create a Link to your Website 
Benefits of Using Google+: 
? It’s Free 
? Did I mention SEO?
? 1bn unique users per month 
? 6bn hours of video watched every 
? 2nd most popular search engine 
? Owned by Google 
? Showcase Videos 
YouTube Strategy… 
1. Link channel to other media 
2. Embed YouTube videos 
3. Add Keywords and Links in 
4. Add Captions into Videos 
5. Verify your Account 
Benefits of Using YouTube: 
? SEO 
? It’s Free 
? Live Streaming
“There is a common misconception 
that blogging means writing a white 
Blogging Strategy… 
1. Write about an Engaging Topic 
2. Post Regularly 
3. Keep it down to a few sentences 
4. Embed a Photo or Video 
5. Don’t forget <title>, <heading>, 
<meta description> etc 
Benefits of Updating Your Blog: 
? SEO - adding content regularly 
Keeps Google very happy 
? …and it’s free
1. Firstly, that I became an expert 3 years ago… 
10 years x (365 days - 104 weekend days - 28 days holiday) x (8 hours work per 
day - 2 hours per day for lunch and procrastination) 
= 13,980 hours 
2. Sharing Stuff in Social Media really works!
1. They are all FREE 
2. They all have a positive impact on SEO 
3. You can share stuff on all media, generally: 
1. Photographs 
2. Links 
3. Videos 
4. It’s all about engaging with other people 
5. They all link back to your website… 
Therefore your website should be at the 
centre of your Social Media Strategy
Benefits of SproutSocial: 
? Manage multiple Google+, 
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn 
profiles from one app 
? Conversations 
? Reporting 
Biggest Benefit are by far: 
? Scheduling / Publishing 
? Browsers & Mobile Apps 
You can schedule a whole 
month’s worth of Social Media 
Content with 1 morning’s work
? Thank you for your time, I look forward to 
answering any questions you might have. 
Email: rob@hostpipe.co.uk 
Web: http://www.hostpipe.co.uk 
Twitter: @hostpipe

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Social Media Strategy Workshop

  • 2. By the end of this session I hope you have a better understanding of: 1. What Social Media Is 2. How to set up your Social Media Channels 3. Why you need to use Social Media 4. The link between Social Media and SEO And to have developed: ? Your own positive Social Media Strategy
  • 3. “Social media refers to interaction among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks”
  • 6. ? 1.3bn active users ? Average of 18 minutes spent on Facebook per visit ? Business pages easy to set up ? Showcase Photographs & Links ? Potential to go Viral Facebook Strategy – get … 1. …business page likes 2. …website likes 3. …content shares 4. Create an engaging Page 5. Create a Link to Your Website Benefits of Using Facebook: ? SEO ? It’s Free ? Access insights with 30 likes
  • 7. ? 646 million active users ? 58 million tweets per day ? Easy to set up ? Showcase Photographs & Links ? Potential to go Viral Twitter Strategy… 1. Profile is important 2. Converse through @tags 3. Search through #tags 4. Follow other users 5. Aim for 3 Tweets per day 6. Create a Link to Your Website Benefits of Using Twitter: ? SEO ? It’s Free ? See “referrals” from Google Analytics
  • 8. ? 277 million users ? Average user spends 17 minutes per month on LinkedIn ? Personal Profile is easy to set up ? Business page, not so easy! ? Showcase Yourself ? SEO benefits unknown LinkedIn Strategy… 1. Create a Profile 2. Connect with Business Associates 3. Join Groups & Converse Benefits of Using LinkedIn: ? It’s free ? SEO benefits unknown ? Word of Mouth Referral ? Good for Recruitment
  • 9. ? 300 million monthly active users ? Average of 7 minutes per visit spent on Google+ ? Easy to set up ? Showcase Photographs & Links ? Big SEO benefits Google+ Strategy… 1. +1 as much stuff as possible, preferably your own 2. Get people in your Circles 3. Converse via Communities 4. Create a Link to your Website Benefits of Using Google+: ? SEO, SEO, SEO ? It’s Free ? Did I mention SEO?
  • 10. ? 1bn unique users per month ? 6bn hours of video watched every month ? 2nd most popular search engine ? Owned by Google ? Showcase Videos YouTube Strategy… 1. Link channel to other media 2. Embed YouTube videos 3. Add Keywords and Links in Description 4. Add Captions into Videos 5. Verify your Account Benefits of Using YouTube: ? SEO ? It’s Free ? Live Streaming
  • 11. “There is a common misconception that blogging means writing a white paper…” Blogging Strategy… 1. Write about an Engaging Topic 2. Post Regularly 3. Keep it down to a few sentences 4. Embed a Photo or Video 5. Don’t forget <title>, <heading>, <meta description> etc Benefits of Updating Your Blog: ? SEO - adding content regularly Keeps Google very happy ? …and it’s free
  • 12. 1. Firstly, that I became an expert 3 years ago… 10 years x (365 days - 104 weekend days - 28 days holiday) x (8 hours work per day - 2 hours per day for lunch and procrastination) = 13,980 hours 2. Sharing Stuff in Social Media really works!
  • 13. 1. They are all FREE 2. They all have a positive impact on SEO 3. You can share stuff on all media, generally: 1. Photographs 2. Links 3. Videos 4. It’s all about engaging with other people 5. They all link back to your website… Therefore your website should be at the centre of your Social Media Strategy
  • 14. Benefits of SproutSocial: ? Manage multiple Google+, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles from one app ? Conversations ? Reporting Biggest Benefit are by far: ? Scheduling / Publishing ? Browsers & Mobile Apps You can schedule a whole month’s worth of Social Media Content with 1 morning’s work
  • 15. ? Thank you for your time, I look forward to answering any questions you might have. Email: rob@hostpipe.co.uk Web: http://www.hostpipe.co.uk Twitter: @hostpipe