Odoacer destroyed the last Roman emperor of the West, Romulus Augustulus, in 476 when he was only 15 years old. He deported Romulus to Campania and declared himself Roman emperor. Later, in 493, Odoacer was invited to a banquet by Theodoric the Great and killed with his sword, allowing Theodoric to become the king of the Ostrogoths and move the capital to Ravenna, uniting the Ostrogoths and Visigoths into a common kingdom. After Odoacer's death, Justinian invaded some territories and coins were made depicting both Theodoric and Odoacer.
2. 2013/06/14
He destroyed to the last Roman emperor of the Ocident, Rómulus
Augustululus in 476,( when he was only 15 years).Wich was
deported to the Castellum Lucullanum in the bay of Naples
( that means that he throw out to that place). So Odoacer became
the Roman Emperor. After that he had the opurtinity to name a
new emperor titular (Zenón).
4. 2013/06/14
Before Odoactro dies (493) Teodorico the big invite him to a banquet
and is thought that Teodorico killed Odoacro with his sword and
being with all his kingdom.
After de death of Odoacro Theodoric becames the king of the
Ostrogoths and he moves the capital to Ravaenna.
Then the Ostrogoths and visigodos they were assemble into a common
After the death of Odoacro the Justinian invaded some territories
Then they made some roman coins with the face of Theodoric the great
and with the face of Odoacro