The social learning theory of Albert Bandura focuses on learning through observation and modeling behaviors. Key concepts include observational learning, imitation, and modeling. Bandura demonstrated that children learn behaviors by observing others, like imitating aggressive actions towards a Bobo doll. Social learning can occur without behavior change by just observing. Cognitive factors like attention, retention, motivation influence learning. Reciprocal determinism describes the interaction between person, behavior, and environment. Different types of models include live, verbal instructional, and symbolic models seen in media. The environment reinforces modeling through the model, third parties, or consequences of the modeled behavior.
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1. The social learning theory of Bandura focuses on
the learning that occurs within a social context.
It considers that people learn from one another,
including such concepts as observational
learning, imitation, and modeling (Abbott).
2. This learning theory emphasizes the importance
of observing and modeling the behaviors,
attitudes, and emotional reactions of others.
3. General principles of social
learning follows:
1. People can learn by observing the behavior of others
and the outcomes of those behaviors (Abbott).
In his famous "Bobo doll" studies, Bandura
demonstrated that children learn and imitate
behaviors they have observed in other people.
The children in Bandura's studies observed an
adult acting violently towards a Bobo doll.
When the children were later allowed to play in
a room with the doll, they began to imitate the
aggressive actions they had previously
observed (Van Wagner).
4. 2. Learning can occur without a change in behavior.
Behaviorists say that learning has to be represented by a
permanent change in behavior, in contrast social learning
theorists say that because people can learn through
observation alone, their learning may not necessarily be
shown in their performance. Learning may or may not
result in a behavior change (Abbott).
5. 3. Cognition plays a role in learning. Over the last 30 years social
learning theory has become increasingly cognitive in its
interpretation of human learning. Awareness and expectations of
future reinforcements or punishments can have a major effect on
the behaviors that people exhibit (Abbott).
6. 4. Social learning theory can be considered a bridge or a transition
between behaviorist learning theories and cognitive learning theories
7. The Component Processes
Underlying Observational Learning
1. Attention - In order to learn, you need to be paying
2. Retention - The ability to store information is an important
part of the learning process.
3. Motor Reproduction - Once you have paid attention to the
model and retained the information, it is time to actually
perform the behavior you observed.
4. Motivation -In order for for observational learning to be
successful, you have to be motivated to imitate the behavior
that has been modeled (Van Wagner).
8. Cognitive Factors in Social
Social learning theory has cognitive
factors as well as behaviorist factors
(actually operant factors).
1. Learning without performance:
Bandura makes a distinction between
learning through observation and the
actual imitation of what has been
2. Cognitive processing during
learning: Social learning theorists
contend that attention is a critical
factor in learning (Abbott).
9. 3. Expectations: As a result of being reinforced, people form
expectations about the consequences that future behaviors
are likely to bring. They expect certain behaviors to bring
reinforcements and others to bring punishment. The learner
needs to be aware however, of the response reinforcements
and response punishment. Reinforcement increases a
response only when the learner is aware of that connection.
4. Reciprocal causation: Bandura proposed that behavior can
influence both the environment and the person. In fact each
of these three variables, the person, the behavior, and the
environment can have an influence on each other.
5. Modeling: There are different types of models. There is
the live model, a verbal instructional model and the symbolic
model. (Abbott).
10. Bandura identified the characteristics of the following
models of observational learning:
1.A live model involves an actual demonstration or
acting out a behavior.
2. A verbal instructional model involves descriptions
and explanations of behavior.
3.A symbolic model, which real of fictional characters
displaying behaviors in books, films, television
programs or online media (Van Wagner).
11. How the environment reinforces and
punishes modeling:
People are often reinforced for modeling the behavior
of others. Bandura suggested that the environment
also reinforces modeling. This is in several possible
1.The observer is reinforced by the model. For
example a student who changes dress to fit in with a
certain group of students has a strong likelihood of
being accepted and thus reinforced by that group
12. 2. The observer is reinforced by a third person. The
observer might be modeling the actions of someone
else, for example, an outstanding class leader or
student. The teacher notices this and compliments and
praises the observer for modeling such behavior thus
reinforcing that behavior.
3. The imitated behavior itself leads to reinforcing
consequences. Many behaviors that we learn from
others produce satisfying or reinforcing results.
4. Consequences of the model’s behavior affect the
observers behavior vicariously. This is known as
vicarious reinforcement. This is where in the model is
reinforced for a response and then the observer
shows an increase in that same response (Abbott).
13. A guy named Al playing a bandura A guy named Al(bert) Bandura
used with permission from
Who is Albert Bandura?
18. Social Learning Theory & Technology
Example 3:
Second Life
19. Social Learning Theory & Technology
Example 3:
Second Life
Australia Day
20. Social Learning Theory & Technology
Social Learning Today:
"The social learning theory explains human behavior in terms of
a continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive,
behavioral and environmental determinants."
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Editor's Notes
#3: I'm not sure this image is that great - it is hard to find something good - there was this one:Â
which is a manipulation of the original photo and then scaled...