openHPI is the online education platform of the Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Systems Engineering, which is affiliated with the University of Potsdam. The platform offers practical and engineering-focused IT system engineering courses. This document confirms that Wim De Groote participated in a 6-week openHPI course on automated visual software analytics that covered topics like software engineering, metrics, and data mining techniques.
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1. openHPI is the educational internet platform of the
Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) for Software Systems
Engineering. The HPI is affiliated with the University
of Potsdam and offers a practical and engineering
oriented study program in IT System Engineering.
has participated in the following openHPI course:
The participant quali鍖ed for this con鍖rmation by accessing
more than 50% of all learning material.
Potsdam, May 5, 2015
The 6-week course covered the following topics:
Week 1: Introduction to Software Engineering
Week 2: Software Metrics
Week 3: Software Analytics
Week 4: Automated Data Mining and Visualization Techniques
Week 5: Applying Visual Software Analytics
Week 6: Related Techniques and Outlook
by Prof. Dr. J端rgen D旦llner
Automated Visual Software
Wim De Groote
born on: July 12, 1972