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The Evidence IIThe Evidence II
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Analysis of SOHO imagesAnalysis of SOHO images
(dealing with intelligent comets)(dealing with intelligent comets)
- compiled by Nobody * -- compiled by Nobody * -
*Movie: Terence Hill / Henry Fonda*Movie: Terence Hill / Henry Fonda
Credit: EVIDENCE  the case for NASA UFOs published by David Sereda
solar activity affects all life on Earth!
LASCO C2: space ships fire beams into the sun?
Do they? Arent they simply attached to the sun?
Credit: AD = Andrew Johnson
Cosmic philosophyCosmic philosophy
DNA is centrally responsible for manifesting and maintaining yourDNA is centrally responsible for manifesting and maintaining your earthlyearthly
DNA DNA  the sacred spiralthe sacred spiral  is, in fact, the ideal super conductor, and micro- is, in fact, the ideal super conductor, and micro-
antennae, designed to perfection beyond the reach of the wildestantennae, designed to perfection beyond the reach of the wildest
imagination, for physical re-spiritualizationimagination, for physical re-spiritualization
DNAs energy signaling is influenced and interrupted by other sources ofDNAs energy signaling is influenced and interrupted by other sources of
energy.energy. These include natural electromagnetic frequencies from spaceThese include natural electromagnetic frequencies from space,,
as well as those coming from our own planetas well as those coming from our own planet
Alternatively,Alternatively, you can be healed by tuning into energy frequenciesyou can be healed by tuning into energy frequencies thatthat
are consistent with the natural tuning of your organism, that is, the way inare consistent with the natural tuning of your organism, that is, the way in
which your DNA and cells have been fine-tuned by nature, or the creator, towhich your DNA and cells have been fine-tuned by nature, or the creator, to
receive and interpret energy signals. In short, your DNA is both a crystalreceive and interpret energy signals. In short, your DNA is both a crystal
receiver and harmonic player developed toreceiver and harmonic player developed to perform symphoniesperform symphonies
transmitted by a Divine orchestratransmitted by a Divine orchestra
Credit: Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral
Useful links / technical papersUseful links / technical papers
 Transformation der Erde (Credit: Dr. MorpheusTransformation der Erde (Credit: Dr. Morpheus ))
 The Sun CruiserThe Sun Cruiser
 The Gods are HereThe Gods are Here
 Stargate FilesStargate Files
 SOHO GallerySOHO Gallery
 The Sun Cruiser ImagesThe Sun Cruiser Images
 Display ResolutionDisplay Resolution
 A Pixel is not a little square!A Pixel is not a little square!
Excursion: SolarizationExcursion: Solarization
粒 = Gamma rays
HX = Hard X-rays
SX = Soft X-Rays
EUV = Extreme ultraviolet
NUV = Near ultraviolet
Visible light
NIR = Near infrared
MIR = Moderate infrared
FIR = Far infrared
Radio waves:
EHF = Extremely high frequency (Microwaves)
SHF = Super high frequency (Microwaves)
UHF = Ultrahigh frequency
VHF = Very high frequency
HF = High frequency
MF = Medium frequency
LF = Low frequency
VLF = Very low frequency
VF = Voice frequency
ELF = Extremely low frequency
- Solarisation is a phenomenon in photography in which the image
recorded on a negative or on a photographic print is wholly or partially
reversed in tone. Dark areas appear light and vice versa
- Solarization refers to a phenomenon in physics where a material
undergoes a temporary change in color after being subjected to high
energy electromagnetic radiation, such as ultraviolet light or X-rays
Excursion: CCD basicsExcursion: CCD basics
In order for a continuous-tone or analog image to be processed or displayed by a computer, it must first be converted into
a computer-readable form or digital format. This process applies to all images, regardless the origin and complexity, and
whether they exist as black and white (grayscale) or full color. To convert a continuous-tone image into a digital format,
the analog image is divided into individual brightness values through two operational processes that are termed
sampling and quantization. After sampling in a two-dimensional array, brightness levels at specific locations in the analog
image are recorded and subsequently converted into integers during the process of quantization. The target objective is to
convert the image into an array of discrete points that each contain specific information about brightness or tonal range and
can be described by a specific digital data value in a precise location. The sampling process measures the intensity at
successive locations in the image and forms a two-dimensional array of intensity information. After sampling is completed,
the resulting data is quantized to assign a specific digital brightness value to each sampled data point, ranging from black,
through all of the intermediate gray levels, to white. The result is a numerical representation of the intensity, which is
commonly referred to as a picture element or pixel, for each sampled data point in the array.
array of
intensity values
CCD = array of photo elements
Excursion: Comet basics IExcursion: Comet basics I
 AA cometcomet is a small body in the solar system that orbits theis a small body in the solar system that orbits the SunSun and (at least occasionally)and (at least occasionally)
exhibits aexhibits a comacoma (or atmosphere) and/or a tail  both primarily from the effects of solar radiation(or atmosphere) and/or a tail  both primarily from the effects of solar radiation
upon the comet'supon the comet's nucleusnucleus, which itself is a minor body composed of rock, dust, and ice. Comets', which itself is a minor body composed of rock, dust, and ice. Comets'
orbits are constantly changing: their origins are in the outer solar system, and they have aorbits are constantly changing: their origins are in the outer solar system, and they have a
propensity to be highly affected (orpropensity to be highly affected (or perturbedperturbed) by relatively close approaches to the major) by relatively close approaches to the major
planets. Some are moved into sun grazing orbits that destroy the comets when they near theplanets. Some are moved into sun grazing orbits that destroy the comets when they near the
Sun, while others are thrown out of the solar system forever.Sun, while others are thrown out of the solar system forever.
 A new comet may be discovered photographically using a wide-field telescope or visually withA new comet may be discovered photographically using a wide-field telescope or visually with
binoculars. However, even without access to optical equipment, it is still possible for the amateurbinoculars. However, even without access to optical equipment, it is still possible for the amateur
astronomer to discover a sun grazing comet online.astronomer to discover a sun grazing comet online.
 Most comets are believed to originate in a cloud (theMost comets are believed to originate in a cloud (the Oort cloudOort cloud) at large distances from the Sun) at large distances from the Sun
consisting of debris left over from theconsisting of debris left over from the condensationcondensation of theof the solar nebulasolar nebula; the outer edges of such; the outer edges of such
nebulae arenebulae are coolcool enough thatenough that waterwater exists in aexists in a solidsolid (rather than(rather than gaseousgaseous)) statestate.. AsteroidsAsteroids
originate via a different process, but very old comets which have lost all theiroriginate via a different process, but very old comets which have lost all their volatilevolatile materialsmaterials
may come to resemble asteroids.may come to resemble asteroids.
 Physical characteristicsPhysical characteristics
 Long-period comets are believed to originate in a distant cloud known as theLong-period comets are believed to originate in a distant cloud known as the Oort cloudOort cloud (after the(after the
astronomerastronomer Jan Hendrik OortJan Hendrik Oort who hypothesised its existence). They are sometimes perturbedwho hypothesised its existence). They are sometimes perturbed
from their distant orbits by gravitational interactions, falling into extremelyfrom their distant orbits by gravitational interactions, falling into extremely elliptical orbitselliptical orbits that canthat can
bring them very close to thebring them very close to the SunSun. One theory holds that as a comet approaches the. One theory holds that as a comet approaches the
inner solar systeminner solar system,, solar radiationsolar radiation causes part of its outer layers, composed of ice and othercauses part of its outer layers, composed of ice and other
materials, to melt and evaporate, but this has not been proven, due to its distance.materials, to melt and evaporate, but this has not been proven, due to its distance.
 The streams ofThe streams of dustdust and gas thus released form a huge, extremely tenuous atmosphere aroundand gas thus released form a huge, extremely tenuous atmosphere around
the comet called thethe comet called the comacoma, and the force exerted on the coma by the Sun's, and the force exerted on the coma by the Sun's radiation pressureradiation pressure
andand solar windsolar wind cause an enormouscause an enormous tailtail to form, which points away from the sun. The streams ofto form, which points away from the sun. The streams of
dust and gas each form their own distinct tail, pointed in slightly different directions. The tail ofdust and gas each form their own distinct tail, pointed in slightly different directions. The tail of
dust is left behind in the comet's orbit in such a manner that it often forms a curved tail. At thedust is left behind in the comet's orbit in such a manner that it often forms a curved tail. At the
same time, the ion tail, made of gases, always points directly away from the Sun, as this gas issame time, the ion tail, made of gases, always points directly away from the Sun, as this gas is
more strongly affected by the solar wind than is dust, following magnetic field lines rather than anmore strongly affected by the solar wind than is dust, following magnetic field lines rather than an
orbital trajectory. While the solid body of comets (called theorbital trajectory. While the solid body of comets (called the nucleusnucleus) is generally less than 50 km) is generally less than 50 km
across, the coma may be larger than the Sun, and ion tails have been observed to extend 1across, the coma may be larger than the Sun, and ion tails have been observed to extend 1
astronomical unitastronomical unit (150 million km) or more."(150 million km) or more."
Excursion: Comet basics IIExcursion: Comet basics II
 Orbital characteristicsOrbital characteristics
 Comets are sometimes classified according to the length of their orbital periods.Comets are sometimes classified according to the length of their orbital periods. Short-periodShort-period
cometscomets, also called, also called periodic cometsperiodic comets, have orbital periods of generally 30 years or less (though, have orbital periods of generally 30 years or less (though
some take the very arbitrary figures of 50, 100, or even 200 years), whilesome take the very arbitrary figures of 50, 100, or even 200 years), while long-period cometslong-period comets
have longer orbital timespans but remain gravitationally bound to the Sun by definition (thosehave longer orbital timespans but remain gravitationally bound to the Sun by definition (those
comets that are ejected from the solar system due to close passes by major planets are nocomets that are ejected from the solar system due to close passes by major planets are no
longer properly considered as having "periods"), and main-belt comets orbit within the asteroidlonger properly considered as having "periods"), and main-belt comets orbit within the asteroid
belt.belt. Single-apparition cometsSingle-apparition comets have parabolic or hyperbolic orbits which will cause them tohave parabolic or hyperbolic orbits which will cause them to
permanently exit the solar system after passing the Sun once.permanently exit the solar system after passing the Sun once.
 Early observations have revealed a few genuinely hyperbolic orbits, but no more than could beEarly observations have revealed a few genuinely hyperbolic orbits, but no more than could be
accounted for by perturbations from Jupiter. If comets pervaded interstellar space, they would beaccounted for by perturbations from Jupiter. If comets pervaded interstellar space, they would be
moving with velocities of the same order as the relative velocities of stars near the Sun (a fewmoving with velocities of the same order as the relative velocities of stars near the Sun (a few
tens of kilometres per second). If such objects entered the solar system, they would have positivetens of kilometres per second). If such objects entered the solar system, they would have positive
total energies, and would be observed to have genuinely hyperbolic orbits. A rough calculationtotal energies, and would be observed to have genuinely hyperbolic orbits. A rough calculation
shows that there might be 4 hyperbolic comets per century, within Jupiter's orbit, give or take oneshows that there might be 4 hyperbolic comets per century, within Jupiter's orbit, give or take one
and perhaps two orders of magnitude.and perhaps two orders of magnitude.
Excursion: Comet basics IIIExcursion: Comet basics III
Comets @work IComets @work I
source: http://www.cometography.com/current_comets.html
Comets @work IIComets @work II
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet
NASA: Monkey businessNASA: Monkey business
2007 Pick of the week2007 Pick of the week
NASA: Claims without the time and date of the picture[s]
are close to worthless, because the data processing cannot
be verified by others
@NASA: false statement!
comet has been photographed by LASCO C2 camera:
2007/06/07, 15:54 -> comet appears the first time
2007/06/08, 04:54 -> comet disappears behind occulter disk
Excursion: Comet analysis IExcursion: Comet analysis I
Step 1: use the original GIF files for visual inspection
Step 2: always scale the images to
identify the objects for visual inspection:
IrfanView 4.0, 8192 x 8192 / 150 dpi
watch the head of the object !
Excursion: Comet analysis IIExcursion: Comet analysis II
Step 3: do not apply PSP solarization filter to scaled images!
How to get this result (use filter before
scaling the image):
1. open GIF with PaintShop Pro XI
2. apply solarization filter
3. IrfanView 4.0, resize 8192 x 8192 / 150 dpi
4. cut-out the comet
2007/06/23, 11:42
2007/06/23, 16:06
2007/06/23, 01:54
2007/06/24, 07:31
2007/06/24, 10:23
Excursion: Comet analysis IIIExcursion: Comet analysis III
Step 4: apply different filters for comparison
IrfanView 4.0
filter: metallic ice
Filters Unlimited 2.0
filter: gradients
PaintShop Pro XI
filter: high-pass
PaintShop Pro XI
inversionPaintShop Pro XI
I/R filter
Corel X3, Photo Paint
filter: Reliefskulptur
NASA: Monkey businessNASA: Monkey business
NASA: Claims without the time and date of the picture[s]
are close to worthless, because the data processing cannot
be verified by others
@NASA: false statement!
-date and time is missing
-no chance to identify the images in the science archive
-first impression implies object rather than comet
(watch the shape of the object!)
Excursion: Comet analysis IVExcursion: Comet analysis IV
watch the shape of the object !
date and time is missing.
Image only available in
TIF or JPG format!
2007/01/06/, 23:42
Excursion: Comet analysis VExcursion: Comet analysis V
How to get this result:
1. image missing in GIF format
2. PaintShop Pro XI solarization filter destroys
the image when JPG or TIF file format
3. open TIF file with IrfanView 4.0
2. apply solarization filter (color table might
be taken from Cosmopolitan )
3. IrfanView 4.0, resize 8192 x 8192 / 150 dpi
4. cut-out the comet
Nobodys final theoryNobodys final theory
 the consequence, if the activitiesthe consequence, if the activities
photographed by NASA around the sunphotographed by NASA around the sun
are hostile in nature?are hostile in nature?
 star nations simply may need to pushstar nations simply may need to push
the right button an we are all stardustthe right button an we are all stardust
 sooner or later we would have beensooner or later we would have been
grilled already or became toast (grilled already or became toast (息dw)βdw)
 decide for yourself after checkingdecide for yourself after checking
thousands of C2/C3 NASA imagesthousands of C2/C3 NASA images
latest cool shotlatest cool shot
Cosmic intelligence @workCosmic intelligence @work
beams dedicated to human beings often referred as sceptics
a funny thing happened ona funny thing happened on
the way to the moon*the way to the moon*
*Credit: Bart Sibrel, www.moonmovie.com
Star Kids, sorry Jungle KidsStar Kids, sorry Jungle Kids
working @NASAworking @NASA
monkey base
here, the jungle has
peace and lovepeace and love

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  • 1. The Evidence IIThe Evidence II - supplement -- supplement - Analysis of SOHO imagesAnalysis of SOHO images (dealing with intelligent comets)(dealing with intelligent comets) - compiled by Nobody * -- compiled by Nobody * - 2007/06/242007/06/24 *Movie: Terence Hill / Henry Fonda*Movie: Terence Hill / Henry Fonda Credit: EVIDENCE the case for NASA UFOs published by David Sereda
  • 3. IntroductionIntroduction solar activity affects all life on Earth! LASCO C2: space ships fire beams into the sun? Do they? Arent they simply attached to the sun? http://www.rense.com/general62/manip.htm Credit: AD = Andrew Johnson www.checktheevidence.com source:
  • 4. Cosmic philosophyCosmic philosophy DNA is centrally responsible for manifesting and maintaining yourDNA is centrally responsible for manifesting and maintaining your earthlyearthly existenceexistence DNA DNA the sacred spiralthe sacred spiral is, in fact, the ideal super conductor, and micro- is, in fact, the ideal super conductor, and micro- antennae, designed to perfection beyond the reach of the wildestantennae, designed to perfection beyond the reach of the wildest imagination, for physical re-spiritualizationimagination, for physical re-spiritualization DNAs energy signaling is influenced and interrupted by other sources ofDNAs energy signaling is influenced and interrupted by other sources of energy.energy. These include natural electromagnetic frequencies from spaceThese include natural electromagnetic frequencies from space,, as well as those coming from our own planetas well as those coming from our own planet Alternatively,Alternatively, you can be healed by tuning into energy frequenciesyou can be healed by tuning into energy frequencies thatthat are consistent with the natural tuning of your organism, that is, the way inare consistent with the natural tuning of your organism, that is, the way in which your DNA and cells have been fine-tuned by nature, or the creator, towhich your DNA and cells have been fine-tuned by nature, or the creator, to receive and interpret energy signals. In short, your DNA is both a crystalreceive and interpret energy signals. In short, your DNA is both a crystal receiver and harmonic player developed toreceiver and harmonic player developed to perform symphoniesperform symphonies transmitted by a Divine orchestratransmitted by a Divine orchestra Credit: Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral
  • 5. Useful links / technical papersUseful links / technical papers Transformation der Erde (Credit: Dr. MorpheusTransformation der Erde (Credit: Dr. Morpheus )) http://www.amazon.de/Transformation-Erde-Interkosmische-Einfl%C3%BCsse-http://www.amazon.de/Transformation-Erde-Interkosmische-Einfl%C3%BCsse- Bewusstsein/dp/393798724X/ref=sr_1_1/303-5244746-7577809?Bewusstsein/dp/393798724X/ref=sr_1_1/303-5244746-7577809? ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1182601002&sr=1-1ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1182601002&sr=1-1 The Sun CruiserThe Sun Cruiser http://iwonderproductions.com/suncru.htmhttp://iwonderproductions.com/suncru.htm The Gods are HereThe Gods are Here http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/more_perseus.htmlhttp://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/more_perseus.html Stargate FilesStargate Files http://www.stargatefiles.com/suncruiser.htmhttp://www.stargatefiles.com/suncruiser.htm OrbitOrbit http://members.aol.com/phikent/orbit/orbitback64.htmlhttp://members.aol.com/phikent/orbit/orbitback64.html SOHO GallerySOHO Gallery http://sohogallery.50megs.com/http://sohogallery.50megs.com/ The Sun Cruiser ImagesThe Sun Cruiser Images http://www.angelfire.com/zine/UFORCE/page58.htmlhttp://www.angelfire.com/zine/UFORCE/page58.html Display ResolutionDisplay Resolution http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Display_resolutionen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Display_resolution PixelPixel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixelhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel A Pixel is not a little square!A Pixel is not a little square! http://alvyray.com/Memos/MemosMicrosoft.htm#PixelIsNotSquarehttp://alvyray.com/Memos/MemosMicrosoft.htm#PixelIsNotSquare
  • 6. Excursion: SolarizationExcursion: Solarization Legend: 粒 = Gamma rays HX = Hard X-rays SX = Soft X-Rays EUV = Extreme ultraviolet NUV = Near ultraviolet Visible light NIR = Near infrared MIR = Moderate infrared FIR = Far infrared Radio waves: EHF = Extremely high frequency (Microwaves) SHF = Super high frequency (Microwaves) UHF = Ultrahigh frequency VHF = Very high frequency HF = High frequency MF = Medium frequency LF = Low frequency VLF = Very low frequency VF = Voice frequency ELF = Extremely low frequency http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solarisation - Solarisation is a phenomenon in photography in which the image recorded on a negative or on a photographic print is wholly or partially reversed in tone. Dark areas appear light and vice versa - Solarization refers to a phenomenon in physics where a material undergoes a temporary change in color after being subjected to high energy electromagnetic radiation, such as ultraviolet light or X-rays
  • 7. Excursion: CCD basicsExcursion: CCD basics In order for a continuous-tone or analog image to be processed or displayed by a computer, it must first be converted into a computer-readable form or digital format. This process applies to all images, regardless the origin and complexity, and whether they exist as black and white (grayscale) or full color. To convert a continuous-tone image into a digital format, the analog image is divided into individual brightness values through two operational processes that are termed sampling and quantization. After sampling in a two-dimensional array, brightness levels at specific locations in the analog image are recorded and subsequently converted into integers during the process of quantization. The target objective is to convert the image into an array of discrete points that each contain specific information about brightness or tonal range and can be described by a specific digital data value in a precise location. The sampling process measures the intensity at successive locations in the image and forms a two-dimensional array of intensity information. After sampling is completed, the resulting data is quantized to assign a specific digital brightness value to each sampled data point, ranging from black, through all of the intermediate gray levels, to white. The result is a numerical representation of the intensity, which is commonly referred to as a picture element or pixel, for each sampled data point in the array. array of intensity values (digital) CCD = array of photo elements brightness values (analog) incoming photons 1 2 3
  • 8. Excursion: Comet basics IExcursion: Comet basics I http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comethttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet AA cometcomet is a small body in the solar system that orbits theis a small body in the solar system that orbits the SunSun and (at least occasionally)and (at least occasionally) exhibits aexhibits a comacoma (or atmosphere) and/or a tail both primarily from the effects of solar radiation(or atmosphere) and/or a tail both primarily from the effects of solar radiation upon the comet'supon the comet's nucleusnucleus, which itself is a minor body composed of rock, dust, and ice. Comets', which itself is a minor body composed of rock, dust, and ice. Comets' orbits are constantly changing: their origins are in the outer solar system, and they have aorbits are constantly changing: their origins are in the outer solar system, and they have a propensity to be highly affected (orpropensity to be highly affected (or perturbedperturbed) by relatively close approaches to the major) by relatively close approaches to the major planets. Some are moved into sun grazing orbits that destroy the comets when they near theplanets. Some are moved into sun grazing orbits that destroy the comets when they near the Sun, while others are thrown out of the solar system forever.Sun, while others are thrown out of the solar system forever. A new comet may be discovered photographically using a wide-field telescope or visually withA new comet may be discovered photographically using a wide-field telescope or visually with binoculars. However, even without access to optical equipment, it is still possible for the amateurbinoculars. However, even without access to optical equipment, it is still possible for the amateur astronomer to discover a sun grazing comet online.astronomer to discover a sun grazing comet online. Most comets are believed to originate in a cloud (theMost comets are believed to originate in a cloud (the Oort cloudOort cloud) at large distances from the Sun) at large distances from the Sun consisting of debris left over from theconsisting of debris left over from the condensationcondensation of theof the solar nebulasolar nebula; the outer edges of such; the outer edges of such nebulae arenebulae are coolcool enough thatenough that waterwater exists in aexists in a solidsolid (rather than(rather than gaseousgaseous)) statestate.. AsteroidsAsteroids originate via a different process, but very old comets which have lost all theiroriginate via a different process, but very old comets which have lost all their volatilevolatile materialsmaterials may come to resemble asteroids.may come to resemble asteroids.
  • 9. Physical characteristicsPhysical characteristics Long-period comets are believed to originate in a distant cloud known as theLong-period comets are believed to originate in a distant cloud known as the Oort cloudOort cloud (after the(after the astronomerastronomer Jan Hendrik OortJan Hendrik Oort who hypothesised its existence). They are sometimes perturbedwho hypothesised its existence). They are sometimes perturbed from their distant orbits by gravitational interactions, falling into extremelyfrom their distant orbits by gravitational interactions, falling into extremely elliptical orbitselliptical orbits that canthat can bring them very close to thebring them very close to the SunSun. One theory holds that as a comet approaches the. One theory holds that as a comet approaches the inner solar systeminner solar system,, solar radiationsolar radiation causes part of its outer layers, composed of ice and othercauses part of its outer layers, composed of ice and other materials, to melt and evaporate, but this has not been proven, due to its distance.materials, to melt and evaporate, but this has not been proven, due to its distance. The streams ofThe streams of dustdust and gas thus released form a huge, extremely tenuous atmosphere aroundand gas thus released form a huge, extremely tenuous atmosphere around the comet called thethe comet called the comacoma, and the force exerted on the coma by the Sun's, and the force exerted on the coma by the Sun's radiation pressureradiation pressure andand solar windsolar wind cause an enormouscause an enormous tailtail to form, which points away from the sun. The streams ofto form, which points away from the sun. The streams of dust and gas each form their own distinct tail, pointed in slightly different directions. The tail ofdust and gas each form their own distinct tail, pointed in slightly different directions. The tail of dust is left behind in the comet's orbit in such a manner that it often forms a curved tail. At thedust is left behind in the comet's orbit in such a manner that it often forms a curved tail. At the same time, the ion tail, made of gases, always points directly away from the Sun, as this gas issame time, the ion tail, made of gases, always points directly away from the Sun, as this gas is more strongly affected by the solar wind than is dust, following magnetic field lines rather than anmore strongly affected by the solar wind than is dust, following magnetic field lines rather than an orbital trajectory. While the solid body of comets (called theorbital trajectory. While the solid body of comets (called the nucleusnucleus) is generally less than 50 km) is generally less than 50 km across, the coma may be larger than the Sun, and ion tails have been observed to extend 1across, the coma may be larger than the Sun, and ion tails have been observed to extend 1 astronomical unitastronomical unit (150 million km) or more."(150 million km) or more." Excursion: Comet basics IIExcursion: Comet basics II
  • 10. Orbital characteristicsOrbital characteristics Comets are sometimes classified according to the length of their orbital periods.Comets are sometimes classified according to the length of their orbital periods. Short-periodShort-period cometscomets, also called, also called periodic cometsperiodic comets, have orbital periods of generally 30 years or less (though, have orbital periods of generally 30 years or less (though some take the very arbitrary figures of 50, 100, or even 200 years), whilesome take the very arbitrary figures of 50, 100, or even 200 years), while long-period cometslong-period comets have longer orbital timespans but remain gravitationally bound to the Sun by definition (thosehave longer orbital timespans but remain gravitationally bound to the Sun by definition (those comets that are ejected from the solar system due to close passes by major planets are nocomets that are ejected from the solar system due to close passes by major planets are no longer properly considered as having "periods"), and main-belt comets orbit within the asteroidlonger properly considered as having "periods"), and main-belt comets orbit within the asteroid belt.belt. Single-apparition cometsSingle-apparition comets have parabolic or hyperbolic orbits which will cause them tohave parabolic or hyperbolic orbits which will cause them to permanently exit the solar system after passing the Sun once.permanently exit the solar system after passing the Sun once. Early observations have revealed a few genuinely hyperbolic orbits, but no more than could beEarly observations have revealed a few genuinely hyperbolic orbits, but no more than could be accounted for by perturbations from Jupiter. If comets pervaded interstellar space, they would beaccounted for by perturbations from Jupiter. If comets pervaded interstellar space, they would be moving with velocities of the same order as the relative velocities of stars near the Sun (a fewmoving with velocities of the same order as the relative velocities of stars near the Sun (a few tens of kilometres per second). If such objects entered the solar system, they would have positivetens of kilometres per second). If such objects entered the solar system, they would have positive total energies, and would be observed to have genuinely hyperbolic orbits. A rough calculationtotal energies, and would be observed to have genuinely hyperbolic orbits. A rough calculation shows that there might be 4 hyperbolic comets per century, within Jupiter's orbit, give or take oneshows that there might be 4 hyperbolic comets per century, within Jupiter's orbit, give or take one and perhaps two orders of magnitude.and perhaps two orders of magnitude. Excursion: Comet basics IIIExcursion: Comet basics III
  • 11. Comets @work IComets @work I source: http://www.cometography.com/current_comets.html
  • 12. Comets @work IIComets @work II source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet
  • 13. NASA: Monkey businessNASA: Monkey business 2007 Pick of the week2007 Pick of the week http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/hotshots/2003_01_17/ NASA: Claims without the time and date of the picture[s] are close to worthless, because the data processing cannot be verified by others @NASA: false statement! comet has been photographed by LASCO C2 camera: 2007/06/07, 15:54 -> comet appears the first time 2007/06/08, 04:54 -> comet disappears behind occulter disk http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/pickoftheweek/old/15jun2007/ ? ?
  • 14. Excursion: Comet analysis IExcursion: Comet analysis I Step 1: use the original GIF files for visual inspection Step 2: always scale the images to identify the objects for visual inspection: IrfanView 4.0, 8192 x 8192 / 150 dpi watch the head of the object !
  • 15. Excursion: Comet analysis IIExcursion: Comet analysis II Step 3: do not apply PSP solarization filter to scaled images! How to get this result (use filter before scaling the image): 1. open GIF with PaintShop Pro XI 2. apply solarization filter 3. IrfanView 4.0, resize 8192 x 8192 / 150 dpi 4. cut-out the comet LASCO C3 2007/06/23, 11:42 LASCO C2 2007/06/23, 16:06 LASCO C2 2007/06/23, 01:54 LASCO C2 2007/06/24, 07:31 LASCO C3 2007/06/24, 10:23
  • 16. Excursion: Comet analysis IIIExcursion: Comet analysis III Step 4: apply different filters for comparison IrfanView 4.0 filter: metallic ice Filters Unlimited 2.0 filter: gradients PaintShop Pro XI filter: high-pass PaintShop Pro XI inversionPaintShop Pro XI I/R filter Corel X3, Photo Paint filter: Reliefskulptur
  • 17. NASA: Monkey businessNASA: Monkey business GalleryGallery http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/gallery/images/2cometsstill.html http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/hotshots/2003_01_17/ NASA: Claims without the time and date of the picture[s] are close to worthless, because the data processing cannot be verified by others @NASA: false statement! -date and time is missing -no chance to identify the images in the science archive -first impression implies object rather than comet (watch the shape of the object!) ?
  • 18. Excursion: Comet analysis IVExcursion: Comet analysis IV watch the shape of the object ! date and time is missing. Image only available in TIF or JPG format! ? LASCO C3 2007/01/06/, 23:42 ?
  • 19. Excursion: Comet analysis VExcursion: Comet analysis V How to get this result: 1. image missing in GIF format 2. PaintShop Pro XI solarization filter destroys the image when JPG or TIF file format 3. open TIF file with IrfanView 4.0 2. apply solarization filter (color table might be taken from Cosmopolitan ) 3. IrfanView 4.0, resize 8192 x 8192 / 150 dpi 4. cut-out the comet
  • 20. Nobodys final theoryNobodys final theory the consequence, if the activitiesthe consequence, if the activities photographed by NASA around the sunphotographed by NASA around the sun are hostile in nature?are hostile in nature? star nations simply may need to pushstar nations simply may need to push the right button an we are all stardustthe right button an we are all stardust sooner or later we would have beensooner or later we would have been grilled already or became toast (grilled already or became toast (息dw)βdw) decide for yourself after checkingdecide for yourself after checking thousands of C2/C3 NASA imagesthousands of C2/C3 NASA images
  • 22. Cosmic intelligence @workCosmic intelligence @work beams dedicated to human beings often referred as sceptics
  • 23. a funny thing happened ona funny thing happened on the way to the moon*the way to the moon* *Credit: Bart Sibrel, www.moonmovie.com
  • 24. Star Kids, sorry Jungle KidsStar Kids, sorry Jungle Kids working @NASAworking @NASA monkey base here, the jungle has landed