This document outlines a lesson plan for having students build solar-powered cars and create wiki pages to document their projects. Students will build solar cars from kits, take photos and videos of their cars, and upload their media to wiki pages. On their pages, students will include a photo of their car, an energy chain diagram, a video of the car moving, and a paragraph explaining how it works along with researched facts about solar cars. Students will provide feedback on each other's pages.
2. Students should be familiar with creating wiki pages Students should be familiar with flip cameras and digital cameras Students should be able to upload all of these files to a wiki page Students should be familiar with Inspiration or other web-making software. This mini-unit should be completed after a unit on alternative sources of energy.
3. Students will learn the benefits of solar energy and solar powered cars Students will build their own solar cars from a kit Students will be able to create a multi-media web page to teach others about their car and their learning. Students will learn to give feedback to others on their work. Students will use peer feedback to improve their own work.
4. Solar Car kits Laptops Wikispaces account Digital Camera Flip Camera Internet Connection
5. Create a template for the students wiki pages that you want them to create about their car. Picture of car Energy chain of car using Inspiration Video of car moving Paragraph explaining how the car works 5 facts about solar cars that they find through research. References of where students found 5 facts.
6. Have students build the solar car. You may have to do it step by step with them so they dont make any unfixable mistakes This will take about 1 hour of class time. Have the students take a digital picture of their completed car and save it to their hard drive or a flash drive so they can upload it later to their wiki page.
8. Make videos of cars moving Take the class outside on a sunny day Have them take turns creating a flip video of their car working. When you go back inside have the kids save their video to their flash drive or personal account. They will upload these to a wiki page later .
9. Show the students how to create their new page and where to find the template for their page. Go over the requirements for the page and show some examples (if possible) of a completed page. Allow the students to get started on their wiki pages. Students will need three class periods to complete all of the work on their wiki pages.