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Solar energy and PV cells
1. Solar energy and PV Cells
Supervisor: Dr. Shah Alam
Mentor: Dr.M.J.Siddiqui
Presented By:
Surbhi Agarwal
2. Contents
Basic Concept of Solar energy
Physics of Photovoltaic cells
PV modules
Emerging Technologies
Environmental Aspects
Indian Scenario
Application of solar panel
Disadvantages of solar cells
3. What is solar energy?
radiant energy emitted by the sun.
The Sun daily provides about 10,000 times more energy to the Earth than we
The earth receives 174 petawatts [1015 watts] of solar radiations from the sun.
The total energy absorbed by earths atmosphere, oceans, land mass is 3,850,000
exajoules [1018 joules] per year.
The energy reaching earths atmosphere consists of about 8% UV radiation, 46% visible
light, 46% infrared radiations.
5. Why Solar Energy ?
Solar energy is the most readily available source of energy.
It is free.
It is also the most important of the non-conventional sources of energy
because it is non-polluting.
It is a renewable source of energy.
(Renewable Energy) (Nonrenewable Energy)
6. What is a Photovoltaic Cell?
also called solar cell, is an electrical device that converts the energy
of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect.
Solar Cell (PV)
Light Electricity
7. Photovoltaic effect
Sunlight is composed of photons, or particles of solar energy that contain various amounts
of energy corresponding to the different wavelengths of the solar spectrum.
The electrons present in the valence band absorb energy and, being excited, jump to the
conduction band and become free.
These highly excited electrons are accelerated into a different material by a built-in
This generates an electromotive force, and thus
some of the light energy is converted into electric
8. History of Solar Cells
Discovery of Photovoltaic effect by French physicist , Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel.
A description of the first solar cells made from selenium wafer were made by Charles
Fritts and operated at 1% effeciency .
Charles Fritts constructed what was probably the first true solar cell. He coated a
semiconductor material (selenium) with an extremely thin layer of gold.
A cadmium sulphide p-n junction was produced with an efficiency of 6%
Audobert and Stora discover the photovoltaic effect in cadmium sulfide (CdS).
The The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy achieve a 44.7% efficiency in solar cell
The University of South Wales breaks the 20% efficiency barrier for silicon solar cells
under one sun conditions.
10. When sun light falls on silicon metal cell, the
photon energy allows the electrons from the P-
layer to move to the N-layer, creating an
electric potential difference on the
semiconductor borders.
If these borders are connected to a load by
conductive wires, there will be a flow of
electric current, getting back the electrons to
the P-layer and starting the process again.
A photovoltaic cell generally has low current
and voltage levels, of about 3 A and 0.7
V, respectively.
Operation of a solar cells
11. For this , many cells are connected in series and/or parallel to obtain the expected
current and voltage levels and this set of cells is mounted on an appropriate structure
to create a photovoltaic module.
Assemblies of cells are used to make solar modules , also known as solar
panels and these panels are combined to form arrays.
PV modules
13. Nellis solar power plant contains 70,000 solar
panels that generate 25 gigawatt-hours
one, California
1,800 sun-tracking
mirrors reflect heat
to a central
a solar farm in the Philippines
Major Solar Plants
14. Types of PV cells
Silicon Crystalline Cells Thin Film Cells
made by using crystalline silicon solar
cells,developed from the microelectronics
technology industry.
made by depositing one or more thin
layers (thin film) of photovoltaic material
on a substrate.
Mono Crystalline PV Cells
Multi Crystalline PV Cells
Amorphous Silicon PV Cells
Poly Crystalline PV Cells
(Non-Silicon based)
15. Silicon Crystalline Technology
Currently makes up 86% of PV market
Very stable with module efficiencies 10-16%
Mono crystalline PV Cells
Made using saw-cut from single cylindrical
crystal of Si
Operating efficiency up to 15%
Multi Crystalline PV Cells
Caste from ingot of melted and recrystallised
Cell efficiency ~12%
Accounts for 90% of crystalline Si market
16. Thin Film Technology
Silicon deposited in a continuous on a base material such as glass, metal or polymers.
Thin-film crystalline solar cell consists of layers about 10亮m thick compared with 200-
300亮m layers for crystalline silicon cells.
Low cost substrate and fabrication
Not very stable .
17. Amorphous Silicon PV Cells
The most advanced of thin film technologies .
Operating efficiency ~6% .
Makes up about 13% of PV market .
Mature manufacturing technologies
available .
Initial 20-40% loss in efficiency .
18. Poly Crystalline PV Cells
( Non Silicon Based Technology )
16% laboratory efficiency
6-9% module efficiency
Immature manufacturing process
Unlike most other II/IV material CdTe exhibits direct band gap of 1.4eV and high
absorption coefficient
20. Emerging Technologies
Electrochemical solar cells have their
active component in liquid phase.
Dye sensitizers are used to absorb light
and create electron-hole pairs in
nanocrystalline titanium dioxide
semiconductor layer.
Cell efficiency ~ 7%
Discovering new realms of Photovoltaic Technologies
Electrochemical solar cells
21. Ultra Thin Wafer Solar Cells
Thickness ~ 45亮m
Cell Efficiency as high as 20.3%
Anti- Reflection Coating
Low cost deposition techniques use a
metalorganic titanium or tantanum mixed with
suitable organic additives
Emerging Technologies
Discovering new realms of Photovoltaic Technologies
22. Environmental Aspects
Exhaustion of raw materials
CO2 emission during fabrication process
Disposal problems of hazardous semiconductor material
In spite of all these environmental concerns,
Solar Photovoltaic is one of the cleanest form of
23. In terms of overall installed PV capacity, India
comes fourth after Japan, Germany and U.S. (With
Installed capacity of 110 MW).
India today is the second largest manufacturer
in the world of PV panels.
The Delhi Government has decided to make use
of solar power compulsory for lighting up hoardings
and for street lighting .
Solar power generation is merely concentrated in
three states.
Where India now and its total installed capacity?
24. Solar panels are expensive.
Solar power is inefficient in cloudy areas.
A solar energy installation requires a large area for the system to be efficient in
providing a source of electricity.
Solar power maintenance is a problem especially to those who doesnt know the
proper techniques.
Disposal is difficult for the batteries and solar panels when they have broken down
because they contain toxic chemicals like lead, sulfuric acid & cadmium telluride.
Disadvantages of solar cells
Solarbuzz European and US All Solar Module
Retail Price Index
25. Conclusions
Solar energy is the energy emitted by the sun.
It is the most abundant and renewable form of energy.
Photovoltaic cells convert light energy into electrical energy.
Assembly of PV cells make solar panels.
Solar panels finds its applications in many fields such as domestic
lighting, solar vehicles etc.
Cost and area are big disadvantage of solar cells.
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[6] Mohit Kr. Srivastava, Sharad Kr. Gupta, Ashish Gupta, Environmental Aspects of Solar Cell Modules.