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The smart alternative to
Hardshell Isolators
The versatile containment solution
designed for easy operation.
soloPLUS | 2014
Product Handling Chamber (PHC)
2 | www.solocontainment.com
Operator protection at sub g/M3
levels and easy use is part
of everyday performance for the soloPLUS range (when
operated in accordance with Solos potent compound handling
procedures). soloPLUS is equally competent at aseptic and
Bio-Hazard applications and can be interfaced with most H2
gassing technologies and may generate ISO 1 CLEANROOM -
conditions with turbulent HEPA filter airflow (at rest).
Whilst Solo offer a number of standard process package
solutions, we are always prepared to develop custom solutions
with the option of a full scale mock up to challenge and prove
ergonomic suitability for specific tasks.
Whatever design you select from the soloPLUS range you
can be sure that all films and materials are fully certified for
Regulatory Compliance.
Developed to cater for easy process equipment integration soloPLUS has
demonstrated its containment ability in many Pharmaceutical applications.
Superior Performance Factors
To assure highest containment standards soloPLUS operation is based on a proven one way street operating strategy. Materials
loading is typically through either an acrylic or flexible film loading airlock (load lock). Reach into the load lock is only permitted
with contamination free gloves. For environment critical applications such as anaerobic or inert gas applications a range of BI/BO
systems are available permitting drum or container entry with minimal loss of critical environment.
All handling of APIs or hazardous materials is confined
to a central negatively pressurised product handling
chamber (PHC) designed with ergonomic access to your
The PHC may feature a sanitary stainless steel base tray
and wash/spray lances, powder transfer to contained
valve technology and Nitrogen purge inlet filters.
For applications where exposure of metal parts is
unacceptable the PHC may feature a flexible film base
panel with virgin PTFE powder transfer connections.
Glove sleeves are welded into optically clear Seiden
Crystal vision panels and are equipped with Solos safe
change glove cuff as standard.
Push Push change gloves are available for cytotoxic
compound handling or applications requiring rapid glove
change over. For applications requiring extreme reach
or lifting that cannot be accommodated by glove sleeve
access Solo offers a Half-Suit interface option.
Product exit can be via contained valve technology or
a conventional bag out system. At OEB 5 containment
level our engineers will carry out a risk assessment and
may recommend multi stage bag-out or weldable foil to
ensure containment levels at exit locations.
Where avoidance of batch to batch cross contamination
is vital our engineering team can offer full film enclosures
(stainless work deck underneath the film base) that may
be vacuum collapsed at the end of each manufacture
Solos engineers have taken special care to offer welded
in HEPA filter technology for disposable envelope
applications ensuring that the envelope and all filtration
devices form an integrated particle entrapment during
Above: Three chamber continuous weld envelope
Used for Oncology Drug re-packing. Proven OEB 5
containment standards in a cost effective negative
pressure envelope.
3 | www.solocontainment.com
soloPLUS provides a cost effective, and easy to use alternative to a Hard
Shell System.
With soloPLUS you can specify a stainless steel work tray
that creates a durable work platform for the PHC whilst the
containment enclosure is created from flexible film. The
soloPLUS provides for easy changeover of the flexible canopy
when manufacturing campaigns change over and minimise
cleaning validation issues.
Minimising the flexible film canopy reduces running costs -
whilst the robust stainless steel work table and canopy support
frame create the ideal structure for attachment of Rapid
Transfer Ports service connections such as WFI or drain lines
or alternative powder transfer valve systems. Where drum
lifting or tilting is needed Solos engineers have a number of
proven solutions.
soloGRIP is an engineered film to table interface that leaves
nothing to chance.
Unlike our competitors our soloGRIP system creates a snap
into place canopy base detail that is clamps the film enclosure
onto the stainless base tray using soloGRIP sections creating a
gas tight GMP joining detail.
With soloGRIP the film mounting is right this time, next time
every time.
Sanitary stainless work tray
Engineered flexible film attachment soloGrip
Clean contamination free PHC
soloGRIP fast fit every time
No envelope gluing - No u-grip
4 | www.solocontainment.com
Air Filtration Options
As you would expect from the Solo Containment team, the negative pressure
airflow cascade in soloPLUS isolators leaves nothing to chance.
Solo offer certified H14 HEPA filters on innovative single
use mount brackets enabling both the contaminated flexible
envelope and the used HEPA filters to be disposed as a
contained unit.
Where HEPA filter change out is required we offer Push-Push
safe change HEPA filters in tandem providing two stage exhaust
Instrumentation showing static pressure and filter pressure
drop can be incorporated into the LOP (local operator panel)
along with the option of manual fan speed control or automatic
closed loop control to agreed set points.
For applications including high airflow exhaust such as house
vacuum interface Solo are able to offer H14 inlet HEPA filters to
accommodate most airflow requirements.
Standard H14 HEPA filter
H14 Push-Push HEPA filter exhaust housing
HEPA filter high volume air inlet
Safe change housing for tandem push  change
HEPA filter  with variable speed exhaust fan
Typical soloPLUS applications
5 | www.solocontainment.com
Process Isolation
Charge Bag - Loading
Tray Dryer
Roller Compactor
Tablet Press
Clinical Trials Packing
Typical soloPLUS Options and Accessories
6 | www.solocontainment.com
Nitrogen Purge Filters
Drum Raise/Lower & Tipping
Rigid Airlock System
Container coupling interface
Instruments and Alarms
Push Change Gloves
Raise/Lower Platforms
Wash Lance/Drains
Rapid Transfer Port for
material transfer
Process Interface Isolator System
The perfect partner for Spray dryer, filter dryer or reactor vessel
containment. Rugged support frame capable of supporting up
to 500Kg. Fully welded services connections through sanitary
stainless steel base tray.
Nitrogen inlet
Wash lance supply pipe
7 | www.solocontainment.com
What are the benefits of soloPLUS?
Fast delivery timings
Rapid set up
Proven performance
soloPLUS can be shipped flat pack to your facility and may be set up by in house
technicians. Alternatively we offer a full service option that includes:
Site assembly and set up
Operator training for potent compound handling
HEPA filter and air flow validation
Material certification for regulatory compliance
Wide range of options and
Cost effective
+44(0)1625 344014 | sales@solocontainment.com
Solo Containment Limited, Unit 6 Rupert Park, Poynton, Cheshire, SK121PQ
Certificate Number. 10507
ISO 9001:2008
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the technical details are correct Solo Containment reserve the right to change designs and
dimensions from time to time. All dimensions will be confirmed at time of ordering. Containment performance will be dependent on the
containment device being used with the correct work procedures. Contact your own EHS specialist for advice.
Tell us what you need.
Containment Target for soloPLUS applicaton
Occupatonal exposure limit for material
to be handled
Define mass of powder to be handled
within the soloPLUS isolator during
normal operation
Please list any solvents to be used in the
Operation to be contained
Please detail operational steps
involving hazardous materials, transfers
into and exit from isolator are critical
Equipment to be housed within isolator
Balance, Make/Model
Number of electrical power
supplies needed
W (mm)
Material drums/containers
Please list largest drum/container
size to enter isolator
Height (mm) Diameter (mm)
8 | www.solocontainment.com
H (mm) L (mm)
Inert Environment5
Is inert environment needed? Typical purge time
Yes / No
9 | www.solocontainment.com
Preferred soloPLUS layout6
Exhaust Fan and HEPA filtration system7
Does exhaust system need to run isolator at negative pressure for added safety? (Venturi
is vibration free)
Yes / No
Please choose your preferred options to be itemised on quotation8
Stainless steel
Additional utility
Granite base tray PVC base tray
Wash lance Safe change glove
Set-up zip in front
Additional airlock
Additional glove
Site set-up and
Your contact details9
Telephone Number
Email Address
Upon completion of this form please save it to your desktop then email it to sales@solocontainment.com and one of our
team will be in touch shortly.
2 Glove PHC 3 Glove PHC 4 Glove PHC
My preferred layout
Flexible Containment FAQs
What are the advantages of Flexible
Containment over conventional systems?
Reduced cost of ownership
Reduced delivery timings
Elimination of cleaning procedures, cleaning
Will a flexible containment system deliver
the same containment standards?
Yes. Providing a flexible containment system is
operated in accordance with the developed SOPs the
performance will equal a hard shell isolator.
What are the ergonomic advantages of a
flexible film containment system?
Because of the flexibility of the containment envelope
the soloPLUS is extremely user friendly.
What is the operating life cycle of a flexible
film containment system?
Some flexible film containment systems can operate
for several years. Often in laboratory applications
where batch to batch cross contamination is not an
issue, although flexible containment systems are
designed for short life cycle  manufacture batch
specific operations. At Solo Containment longevity is
part of our build specification.
How do the costs of ownership compere
between flexible and hard shell?
A typical glove bag flexible containment system
represents a low percentage of the cost of a hard shell
Can my flexible containment system be
changed after installation if my process
Yes. One of the great advantages of flexible film
containment technology is that new enclosures can
be supplied to suit changing process needs with
reasonable price variations.
Can flexible film containment dissipate
static charge?
At Solo all of our films for powder contact are FDA
compliant  permanent anti static grade. Test samples
can be provided.
Can flexible containment systems handle
solvent contact?
For solvent applications we provide compatibility
samples. Typical designs for solvent saturated solids
use high air change rates and solvent splash guards.
Can Flexible film containment systems
operate at negative pressure for added
Solo offer a wide range of designs that are capable
of operating at Negative pressure. Our project team
will help select the correct exhaust fan, and filtration
system for your application.
What glove choices are available with
flexible film containment systems?
A wide range of gloves and sleeves are available from
chemically impervious materials, cytotoxic grade or
low cost nitrile.
Understanding OEBs:
Ambient pressure glove bags
When supplied with P3 Breather filters are usually
limited to OEB 2 or 3 compounds
Negative pressure isolators on a support frame
When used with our H14 HEPA system are graded
for OEB 4 Compounds
Negative pressure flex isolators
With Push-Push change double HEPA filter
exhaust and multiple stage contamination free
material exit ports are graded for OEB5 comp
Contact Solo for our OEB 3 , 4 and 5 dust
burden visualization chart.
Call or email us on:
+44(0)1625 344014
solocontainment | FAQs

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Solo plus data sheet vf

  • 1. The smart alternative to Hardshell Isolators The versatile containment solution designed for easy operation. soloPLUS | 2014
  • 2. Product Handling Chamber (PHC) 2 | www.solocontainment.com Operator protection at sub g/M3 levels and easy use is part of everyday performance for the soloPLUS range (when operated in accordance with Solos potent compound handling procedures). soloPLUS is equally competent at aseptic and Bio-Hazard applications and can be interfaced with most H2 O2 gassing technologies and may generate ISO 1 CLEANROOM - conditions with turbulent HEPA filter airflow (at rest). Whilst Solo offer a number of standard process package solutions, we are always prepared to develop custom solutions with the option of a full scale mock up to challenge and prove ergonomic suitability for specific tasks. Whatever design you select from the soloPLUS range you can be sure that all films and materials are fully certified for Regulatory Compliance. Developed to cater for easy process equipment integration soloPLUS has demonstrated its containment ability in many Pharmaceutical applications. Superior Performance Factors To assure highest containment standards soloPLUS operation is based on a proven one way street operating strategy. Materials loading is typically through either an acrylic or flexible film loading airlock (load lock). Reach into the load lock is only permitted with contamination free gloves. For environment critical applications such as anaerobic or inert gas applications a range of BI/BO systems are available permitting drum or container entry with minimal loss of critical environment. All handling of APIs or hazardous materials is confined to a central negatively pressurised product handling chamber (PHC) designed with ergonomic access to your process. The PHC may feature a sanitary stainless steel base tray and wash/spray lances, powder transfer to contained valve technology and Nitrogen purge inlet filters. For applications where exposure of metal parts is unacceptable the PHC may feature a flexible film base panel with virgin PTFE powder transfer connections. Glove sleeves are welded into optically clear Seiden Crystal vision panels and are equipped with Solos safe change glove cuff as standard. Push Push change gloves are available for cytotoxic compound handling or applications requiring rapid glove change over. For applications requiring extreme reach or lifting that cannot be accommodated by glove sleeve access Solo offers a Half-Suit interface option. Product exit can be via contained valve technology or a conventional bag out system. At OEB 5 containment level our engineers will carry out a risk assessment and may recommend multi stage bag-out or weldable foil to ensure containment levels at exit locations. Where avoidance of batch to batch cross contamination is vital our engineering team can offer full film enclosures (stainless work deck underneath the film base) that may be vacuum collapsed at the end of each manufacture campaign. Solos engineers have taken special care to offer welded in HEPA filter technology for disposable envelope applications ensuring that the envelope and all filtration devices form an integrated particle entrapment during disposal. soloPLUS Above: Three chamber continuous weld envelope Used for Oncology Drug re-packing. Proven OEB 5 containment standards in a cost effective negative pressure envelope.
  • 3. 3 | www.solocontainment.com soloPLUS provides a cost effective, and easy to use alternative to a Hard Shell System. With soloPLUS you can specify a stainless steel work tray that creates a durable work platform for the PHC whilst the containment enclosure is created from flexible film. The soloPLUS provides for easy changeover of the flexible canopy when manufacturing campaigns change over and minimise cleaning validation issues. Minimising the flexible film canopy reduces running costs - whilst the robust stainless steel work table and canopy support frame create the ideal structure for attachment of Rapid Transfer Ports service connections such as WFI or drain lines or alternative powder transfer valve systems. Where drum lifting or tilting is needed Solos engineers have a number of proven solutions. soloGRIP is an engineered film to table interface that leaves nothing to chance. Unlike our competitors our soloGRIP system creates a snap into place canopy base detail that is clamps the film enclosure onto the stainless base tray using soloGRIP sections creating a gas tight GMP joining detail. With soloGRIP the film mounting is right this time, next time every time. soloPLUS Sanitary stainless work tray Engineered flexible film attachment soloGrip Clean contamination free PHC soloGRIP fast fit every time No envelope gluing - No u-grip
  • 4. 4 | www.solocontainment.com Air Filtration Options As you would expect from the Solo Containment team, the negative pressure airflow cascade in soloPLUS isolators leaves nothing to chance. Solo offer certified H14 HEPA filters on innovative single use mount brackets enabling both the contaminated flexible envelope and the used HEPA filters to be disposed as a contained unit. Where HEPA filter change out is required we offer Push-Push safe change HEPA filters in tandem providing two stage exhaust filtration. Instrumentation showing static pressure and filter pressure drop can be incorporated into the LOP (local operator panel) along with the option of manual fan speed control or automatic closed loop control to agreed set points. For applications including high airflow exhaust such as house vacuum interface Solo are able to offer H14 inlet HEPA filters to accommodate most airflow requirements. Standard H14 HEPA filter H14 Push-Push HEPA filter exhaust housing HEPA filter high volume air inlet Safe change housing for tandem push change HEPA filter with variable speed exhaust fan soloPLUS
  • 5. Typical soloPLUS applications 5 | www.solocontainment.com Sub-Division Milling Process Isolation Charge Bag - Loading Tray Dryer Roller Compactor Granulation Tablet Press Clinical Trials Packing soloPLUS
  • 6. Typical soloPLUS Options and Accessories 6 | www.solocontainment.com Nitrogen Purge Filters Drum Raise/Lower & Tipping Rigid Airlock System Container coupling interface Instruments and Alarms Push Change Gloves Raise/Lower Platforms Wash Lance/Drains Rapid Transfer Port for material transfer soloPLUS Process Interface Isolator System The perfect partner for Spray dryer, filter dryer or reactor vessel containment. Rugged support frame capable of supporting up to 500Kg. Fully welded services connections through sanitary stainless steel base tray. Nitrogen inlet Wash lance supply pipe Drainage
  • 7. 7 | www.solocontainment.com What are the benefits of soloPLUS? Fast delivery timings Rapid set up Proven performance soloPLUS can be shipped flat pack to your facility and may be set up by in house technicians. Alternatively we offer a full service option that includes: Site assembly and set up Operator training for potent compound handling HEPA filter and air flow validation IQ / OQ Material certification for regulatory compliance Wide range of options and accessories Cost effective soloPLUS www.solocontainment.com +44(0)1625 344014 | sales@solocontainment.com Solo Containment Limited, Unit 6 Rupert Park, Poynton, Cheshire, SK121PQ solocontainment Certificate Number. 10507 ISO 9001:2008 DISCLAIMER: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the technical details are correct Solo Containment reserve the right to change designs and dimensions from time to time. All dimensions will be confirmed at time of ordering. Containment performance will be dependent on the containment device being used with the correct work procedures. Contact your own EHS specialist for advice.
  • 8. Tell us what you need. Containment Target for soloPLUS applicaton Occupatonal exposure limit for material to be handled Define mass of powder to be handled within the soloPLUS isolator during normal operation Please list any solvents to be used in the enclosure Operation to be contained Please detail operational steps involving hazardous materials, transfers into and exit from isolator are critical Equipment to be housed within isolator Balance, Make/Model Number of electrical power supplies needed Equipment dimensions W (mm) Material drums/containers Please list largest drum/container size to enter isolator Height (mm) Diameter (mm) 8 | www.solocontainment.com gr/Kg g/M3 H (mm) L (mm) 1 2 3 4 Inert Environment5 Is inert environment needed? Typical purge time Yes / No soloPLUS
  • 9. 9 | www.solocontainment.com Preferred soloPLUS layout6 Exhaust Fan and HEPA filtration system7 Does exhaust system need to run isolator at negative pressure for added safety? (Venturi is vibration free) Yes / No Please choose your preferred options to be itemised on quotation8 Stainless steel frame Additional utility sleeves Granite base tray PVC base tray Wash lance Safe change glove cuffs Set-up zip in front panel Additional airlock Additional glove ports FAT Site set-up and commissioning Validation: IQ/OQ Your contact details9 Name Company Telephone Number Email Address Upon completion of this form please save it to your desktop then email it to sales@solocontainment.com and one of our team will be in touch shortly. 2 Glove PHC 3 Glove PHC 4 Glove PHC soloPLUS My preferred layout
  • 10. Flexible Containment FAQs What are the advantages of Flexible Containment over conventional systems? Reduced cost of ownership Reduced delivery timings Elimination of cleaning procedures, cleaning validation Will a flexible containment system deliver the same containment standards? Yes. Providing a flexible containment system is operated in accordance with the developed SOPs the performance will equal a hard shell isolator. What are the ergonomic advantages of a flexible film containment system? Because of the flexibility of the containment envelope the soloPLUS is extremely user friendly. What is the operating life cycle of a flexible film containment system? Some flexible film containment systems can operate for several years. Often in laboratory applications where batch to batch cross contamination is not an issue, although flexible containment systems are designed for short life cycle manufacture batch specific operations. At Solo Containment longevity is part of our build specification. How do the costs of ownership compere between flexible and hard shell? A typical glove bag flexible containment system represents a low percentage of the cost of a hard shell isolator. Can my flexible containment system be changed after installation if my process changes? Yes. One of the great advantages of flexible film containment technology is that new enclosures can be supplied to suit changing process needs with reasonable price variations. Can flexible film containment dissipate static charge? At Solo all of our films for powder contact are FDA compliant permanent anti static grade. Test samples can be provided. Can flexible containment systems handle solvent contact? For solvent applications we provide compatibility samples. Typical designs for solvent saturated solids use high air change rates and solvent splash guards. Can Flexible film containment systems operate at negative pressure for added safety? Solo offer a wide range of designs that are capable of operating at Negative pressure. Our project team will help select the correct exhaust fan, and filtration system for your application. What glove choices are available with flexible film containment systems? A wide range of gloves and sleeves are available from chemically impervious materials, cytotoxic grade or low cost nitrile. Understanding OEBs: Ambient pressure glove bags When supplied with P3 Breather filters are usually limited to OEB 2 or 3 compounds Negative pressure isolators on a support frame When used with our H14 HEPA system are graded for OEB 4 Compounds Negative pressure flex isolators With Push-Push change double HEPA filter exhaust and multiple stage contamination free material exit ports are graded for OEB5 comp Contact Solo for our OEB 3 , 4 and 5 dust burden visualization chart. Call or email us on: +44(0)1625 344014 sales@solocontainment.com solocontainment | FAQs