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Individual Perspective in International Security:
The Story of Romeo Dallaire
Shake Hands With the Devil
Genocide Background
 Talat Pasha
 Social Death
 Social Restrictions
Certainly human beings and their
cultures are more important than a
ship and its cargo.
Main Players
Just 2
Dallaire and
for State
Internal Players
RPF  Rebel population from Refugee camps
Neutral Military observers
Mysterious 3rd Party Informant
Individual Perspective
Types of Problems
 Storm Chasing
Drawing Parallels: Canada And
Francophile vs.
French vs
Hutu vs. Tutsi
Belgian vs.
Initial Plans
Create the National Guard, intergrates elements of the RPF, RGF and Gendarmerie. retrained for jobs in
civilian life. As this process closed out troops would decrease to 1000
Phase Three: 3 months demobilization and reintegration process.
Phase Two: Lasts 90 days deployment of 2,548 a battalion group of 800 supported by an engineer
company of another 200 personnel, would be moved into the demilitarized zone
take over the monitoring of the demilitarized zone and establish teams of unarmed military observers to
roam the 10 provinces
Phase 1: 90 days provide security for the city of Kigali and ensure the withdrawal of the French troops in
accordance with Arusha.
30 months -four phases maximum force strength of 2,548
vs. Luxury
of troops
IR Comparisons
 Crime Organizations
 N. Korea
 Ouroboros Paradox
 Cthulu Effect
 Strategic Timing and General Guideline Enforcement Rules
Solving the OuroborosEffect
 Boarder Control
 Building Renovation - UN
 Equalization through Nationalism + Reports
 Increase Philosophical study of Genocide
 Cultural rebuilding
 UN Allocations
 Specific monetary needs of the mission
 Accept the jurisdiction of the ICC
 Add additional clauses to the Convention

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Solving Genocide

  • 1. Individual Perspective in International Security: The Story of Romeo Dallaire
  • 2. Shake Hands With the Devil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mikwRioy0eE
  • 3. Genocide Background Talat Pasha Forms Definition Social Death Patterns Social Restrictions Certainly human beings and their cultures are more important than a ship and its cargo.
  • 4. Main Players Belgium Colonial power, troops Canada, Just 2 soldiers Dallaire and Brent United States Motivator for State intervention
  • 5. Internal Players RPF Rebel population from Refugee camps The MRND Neutral Military observers Mysterious 3rd Party Informant
  • 7. Types of Problems Structural Cultural Monetary Legal Physical Hybrids Epidemic Storm Chasing Surgeon
  • 8. Drawing Parallels: Canada And Rwanda Canada Francophile vs. Anglophile French vs English Rwanda Hutu vs. Tutsi Belgian vs. African
  • 9. Initial Plans Create the National Guard, intergrates elements of the RPF, RGF and Gendarmerie. retrained for jobs in civilian life. As this process closed out troops would decrease to 1000 Phase Three: 3 months demobilization and reintegration process. Phase Two: Lasts 90 days deployment of 2,548 a battalion group of 800 supported by an engineer company of another 200 personnel, would be moved into the demilitarized zone take over the monitoring of the demilitarized zone and establish teams of unarmed military observers to roam the 10 provinces Phase 1: 90 days provide security for the city of Kigali and ensure the withdrawal of the French troops in accordance with Arusha. 30 months -four phases maximum force strength of 2,548
  • 11. IR Comparisons Ukraine Crime Organizations N. Korea ISIS Ouroboros Paradox Cthulu Effect STAGGER Strategic Timing and General Guideline Enforcement Rules
  • 12. Solving the OuroborosEffect Structural Boarder Control Building Renovation - UN Cultural Equalization through Nationalism + Reports Increase Philosophical study of Genocide Cultural rebuilding Monetary UN Allocations Specific monetary needs of the mission Legal Accept the jurisdiction of the ICC Add additional clauses to the Convention