Cut out pieces of the pirate hat along solid lines using scissors or an X-ACTO knife on a cutting mat. Glue the tabs on the front and back pieces together so that the printed sides face outward, allowing the glue to dry completely. Measure the hat against the child's head and if needed, cut the back band, add the extender piece, and glue in place to ensure a proper fit.
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1. Using scissors or an X-ACTO knife and cutting mat, cut out hat1.
pieces on solid lines.
With printed sides facing outward, glue tab on hat front to2.
inside of back band. Glue white tab on back band to inside of hat
front. Allow to dry completely.
Measure hat to childs head. If needed, make a cut in the center3.
of back band, add extender piece to fit, and glue in place.
息2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company