This document discusses several key topics related to understanding demand and supply for library services:
- It introduces the 80/20 rule, noting that 20% of causes often account for 80% of effects. Focusing on major issues can have outsized impact.
- Supply refers to what value the library provides, like access, reference, and instruction. Demand considers who values these services and how much they are willing to pay.
- Labor is typically the largest library expense. Materials are more important for some libraries. Funding must rise 3.5-4% annually to maintain purchasing power.
- Demand comes from students, faculty, administrators, and others who provide resources because the library provides value
10. 80-20 rule: Vilfredo Pareto 1896, economist: for many events, roughly 80% of the
effects come from 20% of the causes
We can always come up with exceptions
- With limited time, focus on the first-order issues
- We can learn from thinking through exceptions, but to have large impact, focus
your limited decision-making authority and resources on the big issues
14. This is the norm for human decisionmaking
- Good heuristics help us get it right more often than not
- And we adapt
Economic thinking is one set of very powerful heuristics
- E.g., approx assess B and C, even if some of them not quantifiable
- Tells us where to look for more info, what risks of failure we need to manage for
- Provides a principled framework
16. Supply: WHAT are we providing? WHAT are the sources of value we create?
Demand: WHO values what we provide? HOW much? WHAT are they willing to pay?
NB: Thinking about these questions at this level prepares you for conversations with
provost and with donors
17. Critical: people provide us with resources because we provide value.
What do we provide that has value?
How much does it cost to provide it? (MORE OR LESS than the resources people are
willing to give us to provide it?)
20. E.g. access, reference, instruction, learning space, information tools
You may have a different view for your library e.g., book museum, collecting for its
own sake.
- Thats ok! But know your mission what you are providing. Thats your source of
22. Labor is single biggest expense for most large university libraries.
Materials tends to be bigger for liberal arts colleges and smaller private universities
Other less than 20% for almost all research libraries
If funding not rising at least 3.5-4% / year your (purchasing power) budget is declining
24. Now demand:
WHO is going to provide us with resources?
25. As mission priority generally dont want to tie funding (directly) to individual value
26. Social and future value often harder to assess, harder to tie funding to
32. Lets try a harder question. [CLICK TWICE]
Careful: cost of providing usage rights service!
Do we care just about library profit, or social welfare?
Once cost of reproduction paid (if any) society is best off if information is shared
Since net benefit increasing in usage, want to max usage
BUT raising price reduces access
social welfare max requires open access!
34. Useful for decisions within the library when you have discretion
for negotiations with provost when you need higher authority
37. Print: private at an instant clubbish when shared over time (but still: wear, tear, loss
and congestion)
Digital: technically club (licenses may make them private)
Reference: private
Instructional: clubbish up to a point (then private) but online asynch modules?
38. Example: campus wifi
Example: book checkout!
-- many services have mix of characteristics may value public aspects more than
private and not want to suppress usage
-- transaction costs!
45. Scaling: funding for public goods should adjust in some predictable and consistent
way that correlates with the drivers of the need for those services.
- e.g., enrollment growth
From FY2007 to FY2016, campus total operating expenditures increased 55%. During
that same period,
- Library operating expenditures have increased 10%,
- IS&T operating expenditures have increased 22%,
- Facilities Services operating expenditures have increased 22%.
47. Legitimacy: (transparency and accountability)
- full public goods expenditure annually published in simple way
- key financial stakeholders directly see the share of the public goods spend due to
their activity
48. Simplicity: standardized, systematic, data-informed approach to determine total
public goods funding and its allocation
- collapses multiple different revenue-sharing charges into a single charge (tax rate)
50. Direct charge: need good metric for usage very difficult for many services
- especially collections for Library: future access is key
- transactions costs
- many services hard to define service unit
- for most services contrary to university mission to suppress demand
52. So far have talked about money as if it were just money
But isnt money from different sources different?
Restrictions can matter (eg endowment for 16th century French poetry)
Ex: Gift to provide student employment support
- can reduce campus funds for student employment and use them for collections
Corollary: Do all-funds budgeting
- focus strategic decision making on best allocation of total resources
- then figure out how to move the money around
- sometimes youll hit a corner solutionbut rarely
If managing a significant budget (e.g., UL), take an intro class in managerial or
financial accounting ( etc.)
Balance: pile of coin, sitting in bank, at given instant spend it, its gone
Income: flow of coin: how the balance is changing over time
One-time: finite amount with end date (may be more than one period)
Recurring: permanent, open-ended
- one-time is cheaper e.g., in negotiations, can offer more one-time (profl
development funds, program startup funds)
- we pay for X out of reserves if X is recurring is BAD either its running out and
you dont have a plan, or youre actually paying from flow but not showing it as part
of your budget so dont make good trade-off decisions
55. Ex: UCB has been paying for unpredictable maintenance out of reserves but
the amount is pretty predictable, and its recurring
58. In industries in which labor productivity (viz., output per hour) increases relatively
slowly, production cost will rise faster than rest of economy
- wages have to keep up, but rising productivity elsewhere slows cost growth
Suppose in auto mfg, last decade, wages rose 10%, but output per worker increased
by 10% because of better robots
- wages up, but cost of making car hasnt changed
Arts: Beethovens string quartet op. 131, C# minor, took 4 performers when he wrote
it in 1826. Today: takes 4 performers. But wages have risen enormously, so the cost
of a performance has risen enormously.
Teaching: a class size of 25 took 1 teacher in 1910, takes 1 teacher today
Libraries: Has original cataloging gotten much faster? Ordering books? Teaching
instructional section? Shelving books?
60. Monopoly power
- but isnt monopoly 1 seller?
Without copyright have nothing
With all that power, why not double prices? Why only 5% / year?
- power has limits
- some would reduce subscriptions, walk away
- they are balancing getting more from those who stay with losing from those who
How can they do this year after year?
- we can adapt slowly to some rate of increase
- convince provosts to give us more (raise tuition faster than regular inflation)
- slowly starve the monograph budget
- slowly reduce other services
61. Sounds right: if access if free, cost of journals is $0 and no more inflation problem?
BUT: Still costs to publish, so must recover costs somehow
- and if publishing is still monopolized, will still cost too much
What will break their monopoly power?
62. Pay for cost of servers, software, metadata
On *top* of cost of journals as long as researchers want peer review, prestige title
63. Weve been creating new non-profit, open access journals for 3 decades how much
64. Red line tells the story: share of all but big 5 crashing
The big 5 have moved from publishing 10-20% of articles to over 50% in both STEM
and SSH
65. Not the UK approach: Funding agencies mandated OA and agreed to pay APCs
- researchers wanted to publish in same journals so they had the same power
- so just raised the APCs faster than inflation
Need a way to let authors publish where they want, but decrease publisher market
Skin in the game UC approach
67. Coordination costs are real, and tend to rise in the square of the number of
Dont all have the same interests, so aligning interests gets more costly as # increases
ALSO: antitrust law
- UC journal cost sharing
- UC journal negotiations