3. We everyone know these very
well-How to Success in life;
Here is some tips, tricks, advice,
secrets and lessons, if you follow,
maintain, listen, and practice in
everyday life, success will knock
your door.
4. Before that we need to define the
definition of Success
Want to be a moneyed man
Want to be a traveler
Want to success in business
Want to success in job
Want to reduce body weight
Want to be a singer
5. So fulfillment of once desire may
be called success.
The 5 things we need for every
Mental Strength
Punctuality (Time Management)
Tolerance Power
Knowledge on the Subject
Target to the Goal
6. Tips for Success
Deep faith on Allah
Deep confidence on himself
Faith in your family and friends
Time Management
Early rising same time
Divide daily time into 4 or 5 parts
Be punctual
Yearly work program and planning
7. Senses and approaches
Rich aesthetical sense
Humoristic sense
Real royal approach
Smiling face
Sound face
Good voice
Need to know self strength
Need to know self weaknesses
8. Behavioral output and pattern
Kind behavior
Strong behavior
Argument less behavior
Tolerant power
Good body language always be straight.
Manner should be positive
Respect every one, even an animal
Forgiveness attitude
Good eye contact when speak others
Helping attitude do complete help
Good virtue should be practiced
Output should be holistic
9. Health and Mind
Daily exercise
Take Less meat more little fish as food
Take more vegetable daily
Control body weight
Have to leave every kind of bad habits
Smoking, alcohol and others
Neatness your dress, office, body
Quality to make others laugh.
Sound sleep
Good and strong memory
Pray daily (Min 5 times)
10. Writing habit
Pen and paper should be the part of life
Write dreams and thoughts
Daily diary maintain
Write down a list of your friends
Write down a list of your enemies
Write down a list of your bad habits
Write details of your personal problem
Write a list of your achievement in life
Write daily and future fixed expenses
write quotation which you feel better
11. Money Management
Record of self expenses
Control unexpected expenses
Saving manner for your family and
Never go for unethical earning
Never take loan from a person
Never give loan to a person but
certain of manageable level
12. Self Management
Self Marketing
Make your own brand
Should normal care on dress
Desire to win (gross)
Desire to own (unique)
Little bit selfish
Try to be an expert in your profession
Try to be a scholar on a subject
beyond your business and profession
Keep some extra time daily for
reading books
13. Skill ness development
Know at list one musical instrument
Know sport well, practice regularly
Rich collection of Knowledge
Should be strong in language
Speak less and listen more, 1:2
Add own name with star people in
positive way
Always careful about formal and
informal recognitions
14. Relationship Management
Be careful and make care to your every
Need to keep phone, mobile, email
numbers of known persons in an
organized way.
More friends more success (conditional)
Wish the persons around you yearly more
then 2, by using modern
communication tools.
Call your well wishers for a good diner
more then 2 times in a year.
15. Others
Join social activities
Listen and read books when there is time
Travel (long run) minimum two times in a
Give unconditional Love around you
Pay more attention to your wife and kids
Never give information or advice until and
unless any one asked
Never get information or advice without
payment (mode of payment may be cash
or kind or love)