Somesh Mishra has over 5 years of experience in VLSI design and verification. He has worked with several companies on various projects involving PCIe, AXI, APB bridges, dual port RAM, and routers. Some of his responsibilities include developing testcases, writing checkers, analyzing protocols, and architecting UVM verification environments. He is proficient with Verilog, SystemVerilog, and tools like VCS, Verdi, Questasim.
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1. Somesh Mishra
Tessolve Semiconductors
Bhubaneswar Email:
Odisha , India – 751013 Mobile: +91-9090965929
VLSI Domain Skills
HDL: Verilog
HVL: SystemVerilog
Verification Methodologies: Coverage Driven Verification
Assertion Based Verification - SVA
TB Methodology: UVM
EDA Tool: VCS, Verdi, DVT, Questasim, Modelsim, NCSim and ISE
Domain: ASIC/FPGA Front-end Design and Verification
Knowledge: RTL Coding, Simulation, Code Coverage, Functional Coverage,
Synthesis, SVA
Scripting language: Perl
Tessolve Semiconductors (Acquired Aims Technology Inc.) Jan 2016 – Current
Maven Silicon VLSI Design and Verification Center, Bangalore June to August 2015
QSocs Technologies, August to Dec 2015
[1]Pcie2Axi and Axi2Pcie traffic: (Client Broadcom )
The axi transactions were converted to pcie transaction with internal addressing logics and
inbound/outbound memory logics. Was given the task of generating axi to pcie traffic and
vice versa and writing checker for few scenarios.
 In Axi2pcie path wrote testcase for Axi transfers and checker for pcie ,writing
checker for wrap burst, writing checker for unaligned aligned addressing w.r.t pcie
 Develop testcase to generate axi burst transfer, aligned and unaligned addressing.
 Develop testcase for Wrap data transfer and writing checker for the unaligned
addressing and wrap addressing. Writing Checker for pcie TL packets. Checked fbe,
lbe, payload, address, th, tc etc..
 Ran regression for axi to pcie path and done debugging.
 Implementing checker for fbe, lbe, byte count etc..
 Implemented constraint for address mapping of pcie to axi
 Check Pcie2Axi path by sending vendor messages from Pcie to SES (SCSI enclosure
service, a SAS protocol)
 Develop pcie testcase for sending plx , non-plx vendor message
 Implementing checker and monitor for monitoring interrupt and checking messages by
using callback.
2. [2] PCIe Gen 4 :
Description: The avery VIP of PCIe Gen 4 was given. Task assigned to understand the
transaction layer protocol and run the related test cases.
 Went through the transaction layer protocols, packet formation, Buffer and ordering
flow control mechanism, error checking mechanism and ran the test cases respectively.
 Analyze the above testcases, debug and observe on waveform.
[3] Verification of AHB to APB Bridge using UVM
HDL: Verilog
HVL: SystemVerilog
TB Methodology: UVM
EDA Tools: Questasim and ISE
Description: The AHB to APB bridge is an AHB master and APB slave, providing an
interface between the high-speed AHB and the low-power APB. Read and write transfers on
the AHB are converted into equivalent transfers on the APB.
 Architected the class based verification environment using UVM
 Verified the RTL model using UVM testbench
 Generated functional and code coverage for the RTL verification
[4] Verification of Dual Port RAM using System Verilog
HDL: Verilog
EDA Tools: Questasim
TB Methodology: Constrained Randomized TB
 RTL design included integration of 4 dual port memory and 2 decoder for read and
write address.
 Design was verified using the System Verilog with functional and code
 Formulating design from requirements, RTL coding, integration and debug of various
blocks, built SV TB components, integration with design
 Architected the design
 Checked the code coverage using Questasim
 Implemented code for functional Coverage
 Verified the RTL model using SystemVerilog.
3.  Generated functional and code coverage for the RTL verification
 Checked the code using assertion based verification
[5] Router 1x3 – RTL design and Verification
HDL: Verilog
HVL: SystemVerilog
TB Methodology: UVM
EDA Tools: Questasim and ISE
Description: The router accepts data packets on a single 8-bit port and routes them to one of
the three output channels, channel0, channel1 and channel2.
 Architected the design
 Implemented RTL using Verilog HDL.
 Architected the class based verification environment using UVM TB.
 Verified the RTL model using UVM TB.
 Generated functional and code coverage for the RTL verification
 Synthesized the design
Maven Silicon Certified Advanced VLSI Verification course
from Maven Silicon VLSI Design and Training Center, Bangalore June to August 2015
Orange Semiconductors, Bangalore: Undergone internship during Dec 15 -10 Jan 2014
GRID INDIA IT INNOVATIONS: Internship from 25th
May to July 25th
2014, Bangalore
Professional Qualification
Completed five year integrated B.Tech (ECE) + in VLSI from School of ICT,
Gautam Buddha University ,Greater Noida with 7.9 CGPA till last semester.
Personal Information:
Father’s Name: Satyanarayan Mishra
Date of Birth: 08-11- 1993
Place of Birth: Pondicherry
Gender: Male
Hobbies: Music, reading novels, tech surf etc..
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Oriya, Tamil