The document describes SoPhy, socks with sensors and a web interface designed to enhance physiotherapists' ability to assess lower limb movements during video consultations. A study was conducted with 10 physiotherapists and 1 actor to test SoPhy versus video alone. Physiotherapists reported higher diagnostic confidence and needing fewer repetitions of exercises like squats when using SoPhy. It captured weight distribution, range of motion, and foot orientation data not available through video alone. The findings suggest wearable sensors can provide deeper insights during telehealth assessments.
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SoPhy: A wearable Technology for Lower Limb Assessment in Video Consultations of Physiotherapy
1. SoPhy: A Wearable Technology
for Lower Limb Assessment
in Video Consultations of
Deepti Aggarwal, Weiyi Zhang, Thuong Hoang,
Bernd Ploderer, Frank Vetere, Mark Bradford
Wednesday, 10 May 17
10. Research Aim
How can we design technologies
to enhance diagnostic confidence
of physiotherapists for assessing
lower limb movements during
video consultations?
Wednesday, 10 May 17
19. Study Design (2x2)
Extreme pain Low pain
Factors: Consultation Technology & Pain Levels
Wednesday, 10 May 17
20. Study Design (2X2)
Consultation Technology - with
SoPhy & without SoPhy
Pain Levels - extreme and low
Weight Distribution, Range of
Movement, Foot Orientation,
Confidence, #Repetitions
Interviews, Questionnaire, Video
Wednesday, 10 May 17
21. Tasks for
Assess the patient’s exercises
Organize 4 video sessions
Fill in a questionnaire (total 4)
Wednesday, 10 May 17
23. Increase in Confidence
The sock system offered confirmation to my
hypothesis. I used the strategy of first seeing
the video and then form an assessment. After
a couple of repetitions with video, I used the
interface to confirm my assessment. (P8)
Exercises with SoPhy without SoPhy
F(1,36) = 10.97, p<.01
M = 5.75,
SD = 1.06
M = 4.17,
SD = 1.13
Wednesday, 10 May 17
24. Fewer Repetitions of Exercises
Exercises with SoPhy
F(1,36) = 6.99, p<.05
M = 8.10,
SD = 3.21
M = 11.25,
SD = 4.54
F(1,36) = 6.14, p<.05
M = 7.45,
SD = 3.88
M = 10.60,
SD = 4.24
F(1,36) = 8.36, p<.01
M = 6.05,
SD = 2.48
M = 8.05,
SD = 3.18
Wednesday, 10 May 17
25. Fewer Repetitions of Exercises
Over video, I can see the person only from
one direction. [...] The sock system provides
me this detailed information irrespective of
how the person is standing or sitting. I did not
ask the patient to turn backwards or sideways
when I had the sock data - the system was
already doing it for me. (P3)
Wednesday, 10 May 17
26. Deeper Insights on Weight Distribution
It’s always challenging to understand weight
bearing because the pressure points are not
visible. It’s easy in cases when the person is
putting more weight on one foot than other.
But it is difficult to understand how the
pressure is distributed across the foot, is it on
the heels, or on the balls. (P8)
Wednesday, 10 May 17
30. Conclusion
Extension of video consultations beyond audio-
visual medium
First exploration to enhance the ability of
physiotherapists during video consultations
Wednesday, 10 May 17