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Exposure, Attention, and PerceptionWhat is necessary to reach consumers?Exposure (e.g., consumer must see your billboard)Attention (e.g., consumer must look at ad message)Perception (e.g., consumer must take in message)
AttentionAttention is the process by which we devote mental activity to a stimulus.  A certain amount of attention is necessary for information to be perceived.Attention has three key characteristicsAttention is selectiveAttention is capable of being dividedAttention is limited
PerceptionPerceptionoccurs when stimuli are registered by one of our five senses: vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch.What arouses visual perception?SizeColorColor dimensionsEffects of color on physiological responses and moodsColor and liking
Risk and InvolvementResearchers classify  high vs. low involvement products by the amount of risk to consumers.Consumers are likely to be more involved in purchasing products such as homes, cars and computers than a picture frame or coffee because the former generate higher levels of performance, financial, safety, social, psychological, or time risk and have more extreme personal consequences.Consumers reduce risk by research, reading news articles, comparative shopping, taking to friends or sales reps or being brand loyal.
High Involvement:    HomeLow Involvement :     Soap
   High involvement:  homeExposure  through:   Electronic mediaEncourage consumer attention towards home ad:Appealing to your needs, values and goalsShowing sources similar to target audienceUsing music
Low Involvement:  SoapExposure  through:   Electronic mediaEncourage consumer attention towards Soap ad:Using  attractive models      Using  music              Using  DramasUsing humour
Different SituationsHigh involvementHigh  RiskExpensiveHigh Customer involvement Low involvementlow Risk CheaperLow customer Involvement

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  • 1. Exposure, Attention, and PerceptionWhat is necessary to reach consumers?Exposure (e.g., consumer must see your billboard)Attention (e.g., consumer must look at ad message)Perception (e.g., consumer must take in message)
  • 2. AttentionAttention is the process by which we devote mental activity to a stimulus. A certain amount of attention is necessary for information to be perceived.Attention has three key characteristicsAttention is selectiveAttention is capable of being dividedAttention is limited
  • 3. PerceptionPerceptionoccurs when stimuli are registered by one of our five senses: vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch.What arouses visual perception?SizeColorColor dimensionsEffects of color on physiological responses and moodsColor and liking
  • 4. Risk and InvolvementResearchers classify high vs. low involvement products by the amount of risk to consumers.Consumers are likely to be more involved in purchasing products such as homes, cars and computers than a picture frame or coffee because the former generate higher levels of performance, financial, safety, social, psychological, or time risk and have more extreme personal consequences.Consumers reduce risk by research, reading news articles, comparative shopping, taking to friends or sales reps or being brand loyal.
  • 5. High Involvement: HomeLow Involvement : Soap
  • 6. High involvement: homeExposure through: Electronic mediaEncourage consumer attention towards home ad:Appealing to your needs, values and goalsShowing sources similar to target audienceUsing music
  • 7. Low Involvement: SoapExposure through: Electronic mediaEncourage consumer attention towards Soap ad:Using attractive models Using music Using DramasUsing humour
  • 8. Different SituationsHigh involvementHigh RiskExpensiveHigh Customer involvement Low involvementlow Risk CheaperLow customer Involvement