The document contains information about a Vacation Bible School (VBS) program held at a church. Over the course of the VBS week, participants learned about the mysteries of Jesus Christ, including who he is, why he came to earth, what he did while here, and where he is now. The schedule included activities like reviewing biblical mysteries, learning memory verses, playing trivia games, and other lessons aimed at teaching about Jesus and his message.
The document contains information about the schedule of services and Bible study classes at the Windsor Church of Christ on Sundays and Wednesdays. It also includes materials from a Vacation Bible School about mysteries related to the life of Jesus Christ, including when he will return, who he is, why and how he came to earth, what he did while here, and where he is now. Trivia questions, memory verses, and humor are included to engage students.
This document provides an introduction to Cambodia presented by Sophina Neang. It includes information about Cambodian greetings, the capital city of Phnom Penh, Angkor Wat being designated a World Heritage Site in 1992, Pol Pot's regime that killed an estimated 3 million people from 1975-1979, traditional Cambodian clothing, cuisine including prahok and fried crickets, music and dances like Apsara dance, and concludes with a quiz and question/answer session about Cambodia.
This document outlines a 4-day schedule for intercultural exchange activities and includes what participants can expect. Each day involves meals, activities focused on culture, language, and relationships, and evening social events. Participants will explore their feelings, go hiking, learn about each other's bodies and cultures through tourism and role-playing, and strengthen friendships through hot springs, pool time, and farewell parties. The schedule aims to foster cultural understanding and connection between participants through a balanced program of activities and rest.
Vishwakarma Electric Industries is a leading manufacturer and supplier of electrical control panels and related products. It offers PLC control panels, electrical panels, fly ash brick machines, and other industrial control equipment. Established in 2000, the company has grown under the leadership of Mr. Hitesh Gajjar and now has up to 10 employees. It aims to meet customers' needs through modern facilities and quality certified products.
Android, Web Development and Digital MarketingWasim Shemna
Seminar held at A.C Patil College for Engineering students by Techmaza Infotech in collaboration with Tech Vision. Major objective of the seminar was to educate the students about the latest trends in the industry of Android, Web development and Digital Market.
Project Management system at Techmaza Infotech is presented by Sadaf Shah as an HR at Techmaza Infotech. The presentation represents that organization profile, organization structure, process and performance planning with competencies of the organization.
The document contains information about a Vacation Bible School (VBS) program held at a church. Over the course of the VBS week, participants learned about the mysteries of Jesus Christ, including who he is, why he came to earth, what he did while here, and where he is now. The schedule included activities like reviewing biblical mysteries, learning memory verses, playing trivia games, and other lessons aimed at teaching about Jesus and his message.
The document contains information about the schedule of services and Bible study classes at the Windsor Church of Christ on Sundays and Wednesdays. It also includes materials from a Vacation Bible School about mysteries related to the life of Jesus Christ, including when he will return, who he is, why and how he came to earth, what he did while here, and where he is now. Trivia questions, memory verses, and humor are included to engage students.
This document provides an introduction to Cambodia presented by Sophina Neang. It includes information about Cambodian greetings, the capital city of Phnom Penh, Angkor Wat being designated a World Heritage Site in 1992, Pol Pot's regime that killed an estimated 3 million people from 1975-1979, traditional Cambodian clothing, cuisine including prahok and fried crickets, music and dances like Apsara dance, and concludes with a quiz and question/answer session about Cambodia.
This document outlines a 4-day schedule for intercultural exchange activities and includes what participants can expect. Each day involves meals, activities focused on culture, language, and relationships, and evening social events. Participants will explore their feelings, go hiking, learn about each other's bodies and cultures through tourism and role-playing, and strengthen friendships through hot springs, pool time, and farewell parties. The schedule aims to foster cultural understanding and connection between participants through a balanced program of activities and rest.
Vishwakarma Electric Industries is a leading manufacturer and supplier of electrical control panels and related products. It offers PLC control panels, electrical panels, fly ash brick machines, and other industrial control equipment. Established in 2000, the company has grown under the leadership of Mr. Hitesh Gajjar and now has up to 10 employees. It aims to meet customers' needs through modern facilities and quality certified products.
Android, Web Development and Digital MarketingWasim Shemna
Seminar held at A.C Patil College for Engineering students by Techmaza Infotech in collaboration with Tech Vision. Major objective of the seminar was to educate the students about the latest trends in the industry of Android, Web development and Digital Market.
Project Management system at Techmaza Infotech is presented by Sadaf Shah as an HR at Techmaza Infotech. The presentation represents that organization profile, organization structure, process and performance planning with competencies of the organization.
Representatives from 26 OAS member states finalized an overhaul of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) instrument used to assess member states' drug policies. The changes update the MEM to align it with the 2010 Hemispheric Drug Strategy and its 2011-2015 Plan of Action. The Inter-Governmental Working Group meeting sought to recast the evaluation process within this framework and improve the Mechanism. They developed a survey of 27 policy recommendations focused on institutional strengthening, demand reduction, supply reduction, control measures, and international cooperation. The results will provide feedback to countries on their progress fulfilling the recommendations. The updated MEM documents will be submitted for approval at the next CICAD commission meeting in November.
The document discusses the author's career path from serving in the Romanian and United States militaries to working in television production. As a child, the author wanted to be a soldier but was kicked out of military school in Romania. He then immigrated to the US and joined the US Army, where he was offered a role in visual documentation that led to a long career in media production within the military. After retiring from the army, he continued working in media production as a civilian for the Department of Defense. He is now pursuing a Bachelor's degree in media communication to further his passion.
Agenda local del mes de desembre 2014 d'Inca, Mallorca.
Totes les activitats que es duran a terme durant la campanya de Nadal.
contacontes, circ bover, cavalcada de nadal, titelles, trenet de Nadal,Nadal esportiu, Patges Reials, concurs de decoraci坦 de balcons, cursa de pare noels, Fotocall peppa pig, Juga amb en Mikei i na Minie als comer巽os d'Inca, Cavalcada de Reis Mags, Cursa Sant Silvestre Ciutat d'Inca 2014, campanya #nadalslowshop on cada setmana es sortejen molts de regals entre tots aquells que visitem els comer巽os Slow Shop Inca, m辿s informaci坦 o a facebook, twitter , instagram ... i moltes coses m辿s, consultau l'agenda.
Aqu鱈 ten辿is un ejemplo de como hacer un gui坦n de radio, os a consejo que hag叩is como esta, poner colores por personas, aclara mucho quien tiene que hablar.
- Diapositiva 3: Introducci坦
- Diapositiva 4: Sortida cultural al Palau Nacional de Barcelona
- Diapositiva 5: Qu竪 hem de portar?
- Diapositiva 6: Preus
- Diapositiva 7: Treball
El Palau Nacional 辿s un palau constru誰t entre els anys 1926 i 1929 en els voltants
de la muntanya de Montju誰c i amb motiu de l'Exposici坦 Universal de 1929.
Es troba situat al final de l'Avinguda de Maria Cristina, entrada principal a
l'Exposici坦 i al Parc de Montju誰c. Va ser inaugurat
pel rei Alfons XIII i la seva esposa, Victoria Eugenia.
Els alumnes de 1r d'ESO, el visitaran el divendres 15 de juny.
nacional de Barcelonanacional de Barcelona
- Sortirem del col揃legi Sant Lluis a les 9:00 h.
- Anirem amb autob炭s a Barcelona.
- Pel mat鱈 muntarem en un bus tur鱈stic i veurem la ciutat.
- Esmorzarem a les 10:30 h a un parc.
- A les 11:30 h marxarem a visitar el Palau nacional de Barcelona i un monitor els hi
explicar coses sobre aquest.
- Quan sortim marxarem a dinar al costat de la font de Mont Ju誰c.
- Finalment, tornarem a l'escola i farem unes activitats sobre tot el que hem vist.
- Esmorzar: un entrep petit per menjar rpid abans d'anar a visitar el Palau. s
recomanable esmorzar una mica abans de sortir de casa.
- Dinar: un entrep o qualsevol altre cosa dins d'un tupper.
- Aigua: una o dues ampolles petites que cpiguen a la motxilla.
- Roba c嘆moda per caminar per Barcelona: portar pantalons
i samarreta i unes bambes c嘆modes per caminar.
- Una llibreta i un bol鱈graf: alguna cosa per escriure i pendre apunts, ja que despr辿s
manaran unes activitats.
- Voluntari: cmera de fer fotografies.
Quan tornem a l'escola els hi manarem unes activitats sobre tot el que han vist i
el monitor ha explicat durant la sortida cultural. Les activitats consten de 25
preguntes que hauran de respondre. Com la majoria de nens no ho acabaran tot
a l'escola, els hi deixarem emportar a casa perqu竪 ho puguin acabar. Tamb辿
hauran de fer un petit resum de tot el que veurem a la sortida cultural.
Finalment, hauran de passar el treball a l'ordinador i incloure-li fotografies
d'Internet o fetes amb la seva cmera.