Portion sizes have a significant influence on calorie intake and can lead to overeating even foods we may not find very appealing. Larger portions, packages, and containers can add hundreds of extra calories without noticing. Maintaining a healthy weight requires balancing food intake with physical activity, as various examples show certain portion size increases resulting in extra calories equivalent to 1-2 hours of exercise for a 130-160 pound person. Comparative visual examples are provided to help estimate standard portion sizes.
3. “We’re finding that portion
size can influence intake as
much as taste. Large
packages and containers
can lead to overeating
foods we do not even find
~ Brian Wansink, PhD, John Dyson Endowed Chair
in the Applied Economics and Management
Department at Cornell University,
and author of “Mindless Eating”
8. The following illustrations are
representative of comparative sizes.
Calories expended by various physical
activities are approximations and will
vary with age, gender, height/weight,
and intensity of the activity.
Two different weights are used as
examples in the following slides.
43. “Never eat
more than
you can lift.”
~Miss Piggy, the Muppet
Editor's Notes
As one example, Dr. Wansink gave away five-day-old popcorn to moviegoers.Some people receivedenormous buckets while other received smaller ones. Both sizes held more popcorn than a typical person could finish.Yet when the buckets were weighed after the movie, those with the bigger buckets ate an average of 53 percent more.
If you downsize your portion size and feel a smaller portion looks too small … serve it on a smaller plate so it looks larger. Note the difference in the appearance of one cup of cereal when a smaller bowl is used. Using a smaller plate or bowl also can help you eat less according to research by Professors Brian Wansink and Koert van Ittersum. Larger plates can make a serving of food appear smaller. For example, in a study conducted at a health and fitness camp, campers given larger bowls consumed 16% more cereal than those given smaller bowls. Their estimates, however, were 7% lower than the estimates of those eating from the smaller bowls.
The Nutrition Facts label on this 20-oz. beverage bottle it lists the number of calories in an 8-oz. serving (100) even though the bottle contains 20 oz. or 2.5 servings. To figure out how many calories are in the whole bottle, you need to multiply the number of calories in one serving by the number of servings in the bottle (100 x 2.5). You can see that the contents of the entire bottle actually contain 250 calories even though what the label calls a "serving" only contains 100.