The document provides tips for reducing stress and bringing order during and after a divorce, including defining goals, reconnecting with dreams, establishing life balance, and maximizing the use of time. It emphasizes the importance of managing commitments through techniques like using a master list, categorizing tasks, prioritizing, and breaking down projects. Decluttering and organizing one's environment are also recommended to eliminate wasted time and simplify life. The overall message is that bringing order is a process involving motivation, evaluation, regulation of habits, and celebration of progress.
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Sos presentation 3.13
1. Proven Organizational Methods to
Restore Order for Yourself and Your
Family During and After a Divorce.
Tips to reduce stress & keep you sane.
Denise Caron-Quinn
3. What do you want the future to
hold for you and your family??
? Bus riddle
? What are we after? Define what you
? IMAGINE ¨C Reconnect with your
? What are your BIG PICTURE goals?
? What can you do to reestablish life
8. Time is precious
¡°There is never enough time
unless you¡¯re serving it.¡±
Malcolm Forbes
9. Using Personal Productivity pearls
which maximize your use of time
¡°You delay but time does
Benjamin Franklin
10. The Overworked American
Americans work 163 additional hours
or one month a year more today than
in 1969.
The Employee Benefits Research
Institute tells us that Americans work
more hours per year than any other
industrialized nation ¨C putting in an
avg. of 6.5 weeks longer than the
French workforce and 8 weeks longer
than Germany¡¯s.
11. Can we really manage time?
Nearly half of employees polled
in a nationwide survey stated
that time management was
the #1 source of stress in their
12. Time Map
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
6:00 AM
6:30 AM
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
1:30 PM
2:00 PM
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
14. The Ready State of the Martial Artist
? Your ability to generate power is
directly proportional to your ability to
? The ¡°Mind like Water Simile¡±
? ¡°If your mind is empty, it is always
ready for anything ¨C it is open to
everything.¡± - Shurnyu Suzuki
15. Dealing Effectively with Internal Committments
? ¡°There is usually an inverse
relationship between how much
something is on your mind and how
much it¡¯s getting done.¡±
David Allen
? #1. Using a Master List
? Get it out of your head ¨C
16. Begin to work with the Master List
? Initial Step: List everything, capture all your
open loops . . .
anything you have full or shared responsibility for,
commitments to yourself and others. do not analyze or
organize this list just put it all down so you can later
arrange them into some meaningful fashion. This is
just a data dump ¨C do not feel compelled to do
anything about any of this yet
(ie. Broken needs fixing , Committee minutes to be typed and
distributed, Performance Appraisal, Travel
Arrangements, Present s to buy, schedule car for service,
dental appointment to . . . )
18. Realistic Expectations
Creative minds always have more
ideas than the physical body can
carry out.
Recognize that fact and spend time
planning to identify the most crucial
Actual vs. Someday/Maybe
19. Decide upon what to do when stuff shows up
. . . . . not blows up!
Carpenter¡¯s motto:
¡°measure twice . . . saw once¡±
Ancient Asian Proverb:
¡°the more you sweat in peace
the less you¡¯ll bleed in war¡±
20. Working with the Master List
? Categorization
? Portability
? Review constantly and keep it current
? Organize your reminders ¨C prioritize
? Break down complex projects into
smaller parts
? Determine next steps
? Delegate and share wherever possible.
21. Managing the Master List
? Collect it. Create the list.
? Process it. Decide what actions must
be taken to get each thing done.
? Organize it. System for reminders of
projects and next action steps
? Review it. Maintain the list, keeping it
current and complete.
? Do it! Getting it done.
24. Managing Clutter
The average US executive
wastes one hour per day
searching for missing
information in messy desks
and files according to the Wall
Street Journal
25. Decluttering at home
Getting rid of clutter would eliminate
40% of housework in the average
American home (National Soap and
Detergent Association)
26. Less is more
¡°Our lives are frittered away by detail.
. . . . Simplify, simplify
Henry David Thoreau
Fung Shui ¨C
Literal translation = wind and water.
The Chinese tradition says the more
things you own the more problems you
have in life.
27. Does anyone really know what time it is?
A person with one watch
knows what time it is . . .
a person with two
watches is never quite
Lee Segall
28. Aim for success . . . not perfection
¡°Besides the noble art of getting
things done there is the noble art
of leaving things undone. The
wisdom of life consists of the
elimination of non-essentials¡±.
Dr. Lin Yutang
29. More pearls
? A place for everything and everything
in it¡¯s place
? Build upon what is working
? Make the most of short windows of
? Crunch your container
? Make time for yourself
? Backward scheduling
? Identify and manage recurrent time
30. Steps to bring about order and
reduced stress.
? Motivate
? Evaluate
? Don¡¯t Procrastinate
? Regulate
? Automate
? Delegate
? Donate
? Celebrate
My objective for today is to share with you some ¡°personal productivity pearls¡±. As with a necklace, a solitary pearl has value but the more pearls you add the more valuable the necklace. Each of you have unique situations ¨C these tips are universally useful to improve your present situation
Harvard Economist Juliet Schor wrote ¡°the overworked american¡±. She states that we are workaholics by nature.the drug that was designed to reduce the need for sleep
Out of sight ¨C out of mind is really a misnomer. Where do we start to address everything that we have full or partial responsibility for? Any undone ¡°to do¡± remains on our minds either consciously or subconsciously.
Where do we start to address everything that we have full or partial responsibility for? Any undone ¡°to do¡± remains on our minds either consciously or subconsciously.
Begin Master list data dump
Second part A vs S,
Not taking this step creates situations where our lives become reactive responsives to crisis rather than clearly directed action choices. Of what you identify as current what is the next action step required to enable you to cross this off your list??If more than one action is necessary identify what the next steps needed to move this project forward
Exercise -
Automation, use of auto bill pay, finding a tech specialist, working with google docs, network with outlook and, electroniic reminders, back up everything
Space Management Have distinct zones for in, out, and working p 152Invest in a labeler ¨C Create a filing system that works easily and consistently. If you and others can file and retrieve things quickly and easily form your current filing system, great. No need to change anything. However if your current system is not working for you or others needing to access your files, I suggest that you create one that does. Control paper piles ¨C the number one reason people pile instead of file is due to fear of not never finding it again once it is filed away. Keep track of important contact information.Gain more space by going up not out - Use wall space to maintain order ¨C shelves, trays, pockets, Focused workspace both at home and workSet aside 15 minutes before going home to put everything away, file papers and review action list.
He who dies with the most toys wins??? Not really Camel / eye of a needle
Not what we typically teach our young children. We say ¡°always do your best¡± but .. As adults we find that any job or project has a point of diminishing returns. Think of time as return on investment. Will the payoff of this task be worth the effort that you¡¯re putting into it? That is the juncture at which additional time or effort spent is not going to significantly affect or enhance the end result. Beware of trying to complete an action step more perfectly than is necessary to satisfy your boss, client or yourself. A job that is done ¡°too¡± well is may require the devotion of time that could be better applied somewhere else. Selective perfectionism -- Point of diminishing returnsWhere is it ok to cut corners? What jobs can be just good enough. How many drafts and re-dos are really necessary. Establish your plan ¨C create your blueprint before setting out on a project. If you¡¯re not sure where you¡¯re going your never sure when enough is enough.
Kindergarten model.A considerable impact may be made upon your action management lists by regularly taking small bites.Develop the habit of handling instant tasks (2 minutes or less) as they arise or at the first reasonable opportunity. You¡¯ll gradually make an impact as you continue taking small bites. 6. Downsize your day. Crunch your container Movie supersize me ¨C not what we want. Subsize is more like it. Empty spaces get filled Anticipate activities to take longer than expected. Schedule accordingly. ?Give yourself a deadline?