This is an archive of general information about a technical subject of computing. Information technology (IT) is a set of related fields that encompass computer systems, software, programming languages and data and information processing and storage.[1] IT forms part of information and communications technology (ICT).[2] An information technology system (IT system) is generally an information system, a communications system, or, more specifically speaking, a computer system including all hardware, software, and peripheral equipment operated by a limited group of IT users, and an IT project usually refers to the commissioning and implementation of an IT system.[3]
Although humans have been storing, retrieving, manipulating, and communicating information since the earliest writing systems were developed,[4] the term information technology in its modern sense first appeared in a 1958 article published in the Harvard Business Review; authors Harold J. Leavitt and Thomas L. Whisler commented that "the new technology does not yet have a single established name. We shall call it information technology (IT)."[5] Their definition consists of three categories: techniques for processing, the application of statistical and mathematical methods to decision-making, and the simulation of higher-order thinking through computer programs.[5]
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1. The Sound of Sorting Algorithm Cheat Sheet
Function selectionSort(A : Array of Element; n : N)
for i := 1 to n do
min := i
for j := i + 1 to n do // find smallest element
if A[j] < A[min] then
min := j
swap(A[i], A[min]) // swap element to the beginning
invariant A[1] 揃 揃 揃 A[i]
Function insertionSort(A : Array of Element; n : N)
for i := 2 to n do // {A[1]} is sorted
j := i
while (j > 0) & (A[j 1] > A[j]) // find right position j
swap(A[j 1], A[j]) // move larger elements to the back
j := j 1
invariant A[1] 揃 揃 揃 A[i]
Function mergeSort(A : Array of Element; lo, hi : N)
if hi lo 1 then return // base case
mid := (lo + hi)/2 // middle element
mergeSort(lo, mid), mergeSort(mid, hi) // sort halves
B := allocate (Array of Element size hi lo)
i := lo, j := mid, k := 1 // running indexes
while (i < mid) & (j < hi)
if A[i] < A[j] B[k++] := A[i++] // merge!
else B[k++] := A[j++]
while i < mid do B[k++] := A[i++] // copy remainder
while j < hi do B[k++] := A[j++]
A[lo, . . . , hi 1] := B[1, . . . , (hi lo)] // copy back
dispose (B)
Procedure bubbleSort(A : Array [1 . . . n] of Element)
for i := 1 to n do
for j := 1 to n i do
if A[j] > A[j + 1] then // If right is smaller,
swap(A[j], A[j + 1]) // move to the right
Procedure heapSort(A : Array [1 . . . n] of Element)
buildHeap(A) // construct a max-heap in the array
while n > 1
swap(A[1], A[n]) // take maximum
n := n 1 // shrink heap area in array
siftDown(A, 1) // correctly order A[1] in heap
Procedure buildHeap(A : Array [1 . . . n] of Element)
for i := bn/2c downto 1 do
siftDown(i) // reestablish max-heap invariants
Procedure siftDown(A : Array [1 . . . n] of Element; i : N)
if 2i > n then return
k := 2i // select right or left child
if (2i + 1 n) & (A[2i] A[2i + 1]) then // find smaller child
k := k + 1
if A[i] < A[k] then // if child is larger than A[i],
swap(A[i], A[k]) // switch with child
siftDown(A, k) // and move element further down
Procedure cocktailShakerSort(A : Array [1 . . . n] of Element)
lo := 1, hi := n, mov := lo
while lo < hi do
for i := hi downto lo + 1 do
if A[i 1] > A[i] then // move smallest element in
swap(A[i 1], A[i]), mov := i // A[hi..lo] to A[lo]
lo := mov
for i := lo to hi 1 do
if A[i] > A[i + 1] then // move largest element in
swap(A[i], A[i + 1]), mov := i // A[lo..hi] to A[hi]
hi := mov
Procedure gnomeSort(A : Array [1 . . . n] of Element)
i := 2
while i n do
if A[i] A[i 1] then // move to right while
i++ // elements grow larger
swap(A[i], A[i 1]) // swap backwards while
if i > 2 then i // element grow smaller
2. Procedure quickSort(A : Array of Element; `, r : N)
if ` r then return
q := pickPivotPos(A, `, r)
m := partition(A, `, r, q)
quickSort(A, `, m 1), quickSort(A, m + 1, r)
Function partition(A : Array of Element; `, r : N, q : N)
p := A[q] // pivot element
swap(A[q], A[r]) // swap to the end
i := `
invariant p > p ? p
` i j r
for j := ` to r 1 do
if A[j] p then
swap(A[i], A[j]), i++ // move smaller to the front
assert p > p p
` i r
swap(A[i], A[r]) // move pivot into the middle
assert p p > p
` i r
return i
Procedure quickSortTernary(A : Array of Element; `, r : N)
if ` r then return
q := pickPivotPos(A, `, r)
(m, m0
) := partitionTernary(A, `, r, q)
quickSortTernary(A, `, m 1), quickSortTernary(A, m0
+ 1, r)
Function partitionTernary(A : Array of Element; `, r : N; q : N)
p := A[q] // pivot element
i := `, j := `, k := r
invariant < p > p ? = p
` i j k r
while (j k) // three-way comparison
if A[j] = p then swap(A[j], A[k]), k ;
else if A[j] < p then swap(A[j], A[i]), i++ , j++ ;
else j++ ;
assert < p > p = p
` i k r
:= i + r k + 1
swap(A[i . . . i0
], A[k + 1 . . . r]) // move = p area to the middle
assert < p = p > p
` i i0 r
return (i, i0
Procedure LSDRadixSort(A : Array [1 . . . n] of Element)
K := 4 // number of buckets per round
D := dlogK(max{A[i] + 1 | i = 1, . . . , n})e // calculate number of rounds
B := allocate (Array of Element size n) // temporary array B
for d := 0 to D 1 do // sort by the d-th K-digit.
redefine key(x) := (x div Kd
) mod K
KSortCopy(A, B, n), swap(A, B) // sort from A to B, and swap back
invariant A ist nach den K-Ziffern d..0 sortiert.
dispose (B)
Procedure KSortCopy(A, B : Array [1 . . . n] of Element; K : N)
c = h0, . . . , 0i : Array [0 . . . K 1] of N
for i := 1 to n do c[key(A[i])]++ // count occurrences
sum := 1
for k := 0 to K 1 do // exclusive prefix sum
next := sum + c[k], c[k] := sum, sum := next
for i := 1 to n do
:= A[i] // move element A[i] into bucket of B
Procedure MSDRadixSort(A : Array [1 . . . n] of Element)
K := 4 // number of buckets per round
D := dlogK(max{A[i] + 1 | i = 1, . . . , n})e // count number of round
MSDRadixSortRec(A, D 1, K)
Procedure MSDRadixSortRec(A : Array [1 . . . n] of Element; d, K : N)
c = h0, . . . , 0i : Array [0 . . . K 1] of N // KSort with in-place permuting
redefine key(x) := (x div Kd
) mod K
for i := 1 to n do c[key(A[i])]++ // count occurrences
b = h0, . . . , 0i : Array [0 . . . K] of N
sum := 1
for k := 0 to K do // inclusive prefix sum into b
sum := sum + c[k], b[k] := sum
assert b[K] = n
for i := 1 to n do
while j := b[key(A[i])]
i // walk on cycles until i
swap(A[i], A[j]) // move A[i] into right bucket
i := i + c[key(A[i])] // bucket of A[i] is finished
invariant A ist nach den K-Ziffern d..(D 1) sortiert
if d = 0 return // done?
for k := 0 to K 1 do // recursion into each of the K buckets if
if c[k] 1 // it contains two or more elements
b[k] . . . b[k + 1] 1
, d 1, K)
dispose (b), dispose (c)