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Winter 2015 /2016
Sisters of Today and Tomorrow (SOT)
recently guest hosted girls from the Boys &
Girls Clubs of Hall County, GA, to attend the
Rainbow Push Youth Summit, in Atlanta,
Georgia. The organization also partnered
with YALE Heritage Theatre Ensemble
(HTE) in New Haven, Connecticut for the
workshop and play of For Colored Girls Who
Considered Suicide when the rainbow is
enuf by Ntozake Shange.
Partnering with two organizations provided a
pel0thra of experiences for both sets of girls
involved with SOT, who were more than 1,000
miles apart.
In Atlanta, the experience was overwhelming
for the girls, whose facial expressions spoke
volumes. Visiting the Hyatt Regency was a
first for them and the decorum, including the
glass elevators just blew them away.
Before the Summit began, I shared the history
of Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr., and Rainbow
Push, as well as the importance of being open
to receiving all information provided to them
for their development. The girls smiled and
agreed to be open to the opportunities
bestowed upon them.
The coding and college workshops, were
included in the Youth Summit, along with the
sports luncheon, where the girls were
exposed to fine dining and empowerment
speeches from Reverend Jackson, Former
NFL Player Dextor Clinkscale, Former MLB
player Charles Johnson, Reginald
Humphrey of General Motors, Poet Hank
Stewart and more.
After the Summit, the girls toured the hotel,
where they rode the glass elevators to the top
floor of the hotel, and discovered the rotating
restaurant Polaris. Their excitement was
refreshing, as they viewed the entire City of
Atlanta, through the restaurants windows.
(Continue on p. 4)
SOT at YALE University
Page 4
SOT with Rev. Jesse Jackson
Page 4
by Carla Morrison
Photos by Donna Permell
Atlanta, Georgia.-- Sisters of Today
and Tomorrow (SOT) hosted its 8th
Annual National Leadership
Conference for Girls, "WE MATTER
II, Sharing Our Story", at Georgia
Tech, last Summer.
The day long program included fun
interactive workshops with over 20
facilitators / mentors engaging the
young ladies through-out the day on
leadership development, goal-
setting, health & wellness, self-
esteem building and more.
Conference highlights included:
Fashion Show with 16 yr. old
designer "Amari & Mari Co.; My
Image on Social Media workshop; a
campus tour; powerful Sisters Circle
and a creative writing workshop,
where the essay contest winner was
presented with a $500 scholarship
from Dennys. #WEMATTERII
Health & Wellness with Natlyn and Dr. Wells. Learning about the development of her body Touring the campus of GA Tech.
by Carla Morrison
Dr. Sherri Allen, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
with daughter Avah and SOT Founder
Carla Morrison.
Avah recites Phenomenal Woman by Maya
Angelou during the Self Esteem Workshop.
SOT Alumni Saleigh Derico, (now a Spelman
student) joins SOT Conference to share.
Sister Scribes and SOT Essay Contest winners
with sponsor, RWDT Operating Co. dba Dennys.
Sisters Circle with Dr. Law
Dr. Law and her mother, Ms. Frances breaks down
barriers with the girls in the Sisters Circle.
The Village
The collaborative efforts of Sisters of Today and
Tomorrow, Boys & Girls Clubs of Hall County, Delta
Sigma Theta of Hall County and Dr. Tameeka Law, led to
a powerful half day workshop in Gainesville, Georgia.
Awakening the Dream in Me with SOTs Terri Lewis.
SOT Sisters Circle Awakening the Dream in Me
participants receive a certificate of completion.
A Word From Our Founder
by Carla Morrison
How Loud Are Your Actions ?
Your actions speak louder than words.
Those were the words of wisdom imparted to
me by Ms. Wilson, my first grade teacher.
Forty years later, that statement resonates
louder than ever.
My actions say, I am about the business of
empowering girls to become goal-oriented
young leaders. What drives me is a natural
desire to help those, who have the will to do
and be great, by providing them exposure and
access to my personal & professional
People often tell me what a good thing I am
doing in the community and how Im helping
so many young people. Often times, its hard
for me to see it, because Im so deep in the
trenches and the results of my actions arent
immediate; Yet I persevere.
My passion to help and mentor others is
deeply rooted in my DNA; however, the fuel
that keeps me going is God and the giving
people he sends my way. Will your actions
help support our girls ?
Sisters of Today and Tomorrow
gratefully acknowledges the
support of the following
corporations, organizations and
individual partners. Your
investment in SOT is an investment
in developing girls.
94.3 WYBC
Atlanta Brand Central
Bettye Morrison
BJs Wholesale Club Inc.
Body Workers LLC.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Hall County
Boys & Girls Club of New Haven
Brenda Neal, AT&T
Buck Collins
Carla Morrison
Carolyn Clark
Chit Chat Communications
Chris Burke
Donald McAulay
Donna Permell, Prime Phocus
Dr. Tameeka Law
Dunkin Donuts
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta
Final Call Newspaper
Gainesville Bowling Center
Georgia Tech Office of Government
& Community Relations
Hot 93.7
Howard Morrison Photography
Inner City Newspaper
James Jay Bailey
Janice Parker Crudup
Jeanette Morrison
Jordan Johnson
Joseph Green
Kevin Flegler
Kilwins at Atlantic Station
Lisandra Samuels
Mary Moore
McDonalds on Whalley Avenue
Michelle Myers
Nikki Young
New Haven Register
Orsella Cooper-Hughes
QueMillar Payne
Rainbow Push
Reggie Rouse
Rising Roll
Rodney Williams
Rolling Out
Shannon Flowers
Stacey Hobson-Johnson
Starbucks in New Haven
Stop & Shop
Tammi Jackson-Bolden
Tara Walters
YALE Heritage Theatre Ensemble
Zaxby's in Gainesville
(Continued from page 1, Exposureis Everything)
While the young ladies in Georgia, were
experiencing the Youth Summit, SOT New
Haven was visiting the African American
Cultural Center at YALE University, where
they engaged in For Colored Girls workshop
with YALE Heritage Theatre Ensemble
(HTE). The girls had an insightful discussion
with members of HTE about black women
and their lack of visibility in society. They also
learned how performance can act as a vehicle
for self-expression.
A few weeks later, SOT hosted its Mommy,
Mentor & Me outing during For Colored
Girls Who Considered Suicide when the
rainbow is enuf play and talk back, where
Sisters of Today and Tomorrow met the
entire cast of the play. Being exposed to these
opportunities, can make the difference in a
young girls life. Lets continue to expose,
empower and inspire girls.
Supporting Sisters of Today and Tomorrow
through partnerships, sponsorships and
donations are ways to ensure you are
providing exposure that will impact a girls
life. www.sistersoftodayandtomorrow.org
As the winner of Sisters of Today and
Tomorrows essay contest, during SOTs
Leadership Conference for Girls last
Summer in Atlanta, Desha, a high school
senior in Henry County, Georgia., was
awarded a $500 scholarship from Dennys.
Deshas essay was well written and
included a detailed plan as to what her
goals are and how she plans to achieve
We are proud Desha is a part of SOT and
look forward to helping her on her
entreprenuerial journey. (See part of
Deshas essay)
by Desha Winslow
Since I was a young child, my dream
has always been to become an
entrepreneur. Because I have a
passion for cooking and making
others happy, I would love to
incorporate my love of culinary arts
and baking. Eventually, I plan to own
my own bakery. Since I plan to start
my own business, I believe learning
fundamental business skills will be
beneficial. Therefore, I plan to attend
college with a major in Business
Administration or Entrepreneurship
and a minor in Culinary or Baking and
Pastry Arts.
While earning my degree, I intend to
work part time at a bakery and during
the summers, work as an intern in a
bakery.Astarter positionwillhelp me
learn from others in my field of
interest. Successful entrepreneurs
often work for others in their field of
choice before striking out on their
own. Spending a few years in the
industry under an excellent mentor
will provide a good base. During this
time, I can learn from my mistakes
and brainstorm about how to
improve once I begin my own
Additionally, this experience will help
build my reputation in the culinary
and business fields.
My Experience with SOT
New Haven Conference
by Bryanna Moore
I gained a lot of knowledge from this
conference. I learned about the
importance of not procrastinating at
school, the family life cycle and the
dynamics of family.
I discovered that the qualities of a
strong family include building trust
between family members and
establishing traditions.
Creating goals for yourself and being
confident in your ability to be
competent in a particular study are
qualities of leadership.
Leadership is being able to lead
others and guide them towards
accomplishments they wish to
achieve. A good leader considers
their mentors opinion and /or idea. A
leader must not only be able to lead
their team in the right direction, but
rely on the individual strengths of
their team to succeed.
This experience was very enriching
and I would like to thank those who
made this opportunity possible.
The Meaning of
by Tremaine Hall
What does leadership mean to me?
There are many definitions of
leadership, but to me it means being
able to stand out above others in a
positive way. Having the ability to
take control of situations and turn it
around for the better.
When I grow up, I would like to be
able to own a business focusing
around dance. So by going to this
leadership workshop I plan to learn
how to go about business situations
with the many leadership skills, I plan
to learn about throughout the day in
the SOT New Haven Leadership
Contact: Carla Morrison,
(404) 319-2130
Sisters of Today & Tomorrow
PO Box 54066
Atlanta, Georgia. 30308
News woman Michelle Turner says she uses her
talent as a reporter to expose the injustices.
New Haven Board of Aldermen
Official Citation presentation to
Sisters of Today and Tomorrow
Erica Lynn of Hot 93.7 shares with SOT New Haven.
We Matter!
(l-r) Alexandria Givan, Angela Carter, Deborah Busch,
Jeanette Morrison, Babz Rawls-Ivy, Tanya Poole-
Hughes. Sister Love: The women of Zeta, AKA and
Delta came together to empower our girls. Giving back
is what they do.
SOT New Haven
Mentoring At Its Best!
Circle of Mentors with
SOT New Haven
Your tax-deductible contribution
is an investment in our girls.
Donate today!
Sisters of Today and Tomorrow-
New Haven hosted its 2nd
Leadership Conference for Girls at
City Hall in New Haven, Connecticut
last winter, in partnership with Alder-
Woman Jeanette Morrison of Ward
Highlights included: Lunch with a
Leader  Mayor Toni Harp; Chat with
an Entrepreneur, featuring Business
Leader Roberta Hoskie; Zumba,
with Fitness Guru Chaila Cameo
Gilliams of Body Workers LLC., and
a powerful Sisters Circle with a
woman judge, lawyer, police officer,
social worker, journalist, radio
personality and other prominent
women in the community, topic:
Since the New Haven Conference,
Sisters of Today and Tomorrow was
honored by Pastor Sharon Burns &
Kingdom Mantles Ministry Jewels &
Gems Womens Conference, in New
London, Connecticut.
Preparing for College with SOT Alumni
Jasmine Lopes, who attends
Howard University.
Family Life Cycle with Alexandria Givan
Vision Board Creation
Photos by: Howard Morrison
Lunch with a Leader
Chat with an Entrepreneur
Get Fit with Body Workers LLC.
SOT New Haven Leadership Conference for Girls
PO Box 54066
Atlanta, Georgia. 30308
SOT New Haven
PO Box 8334
New Haven, Connecticut. 06530
Carla Morrison
Founder / Executive Director
Sisters of Today and Tomorrow
Sisters of Today and
Tomorrow transforms the lives
of girls and the women who raise
them, through innovative
programs that focus on self-
esteem, education, health and
fitness and careers/
entrepreneurship. We strive to
connect girls in our program with
mentors and career
professionals based on their
interests. Our goal is to awaken
and inspire the dreams of the
girls in our program.
Sisters of Today and Tomorrow
(SOT) a 501C(3) nonprofit
organization, is a direct result of
community programs Carla
Morrison has produced since
The official launch of Sisters of
Today & Tomorrow took place in
Atlanta, Georgia, October 1,
2008, establishing itself as a
leading grassroots organization
with global connections.
For daily updates on SOT, follow us:
Log onto: www.sistersoftodayandtomorrow.org
Email: info@sistersoftodayandtomorrow.org
Telephone: (404) 319-2130

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SOT YOUniversity Newsletter Winter 2016

  • 1. SOT YOUNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER Issue 4 SOT YOUniversity Newsletter Winter 2015 /2016 EMPOWERING WOMEN AND GIRLS IN THIS ISSUE Sisters of Today and Tomorrow (SOT) recently guest hosted girls from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Hall County, GA, to attend the Rainbow Push Youth Summit, in Atlanta, Georgia. The organization also partnered with YALE Heritage Theatre Ensemble (HTE) in New Haven, Connecticut for the workshop and play of For Colored Girls Who Considered Suicide when the rainbow is enuf by Ntozake Shange. Partnering with two organizations provided a pel0thra of experiences for both sets of girls involved with SOT, who were more than 1,000 miles apart. In Atlanta, the experience was overwhelming for the girls, whose facial expressions spoke volumes. Visiting the Hyatt Regency was a first for them and the decorum, including the glass elevators just blew them away. Before the Summit began, I shared the history of Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr., and Rainbow Push, as well as the importance of being open to receiving all information provided to them for their development. The girls smiled and agreed to be open to the opportunities bestowed upon them. The coding and college workshops, were included in the Youth Summit, along with the sports luncheon, where the girls were exposed to fine dining and empowerment speeches from Reverend Jackson, Former NFL Player Dextor Clinkscale, Former MLB player Charles Johnson, Reginald Humphrey of General Motors, Poet Hank Stewart and more. After the Summit, the girls toured the hotel, where they rode the glass elevators to the top floor of the hotel, and discovered the rotating restaurant Polaris. Their excitement was refreshing, as they viewed the entire City of Atlanta, through the restaurants windows. (Continue on p. 4) SOT at YALE University Page 4 SOT with Rev. Jesse Jackson . Page 4 EXPOSURE IS EVERYTHING by Carla Morrison @CarlaMorrison
  • 2. SOT YOUNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER | Issue 4 2 Photos by Donna Permell Atlanta, Georgia.-- Sisters of Today and Tomorrow (SOT) hosted its 8th Annual National Leadership Conference for Girls, "WE MATTER II, Sharing Our Story", at Georgia Tech, last Summer. The day long program included fun interactive workshops with over 20 facilitators / mentors engaging the young ladies through-out the day on leadership development, goal- setting, health & wellness, self- esteem building and more. Conference highlights included: Fashion Show with 16 yr. old designer "Amari & Mari Co.; My Image on Social Media workshop; a campus tour; powerful Sisters Circle and a creative writing workshop, where the essay contest winner was presented with a $500 scholarship from Dennys. #WEMATTERII INSPIRATION SPONSOR Health & Wellness with Natlyn and Dr. Wells. Learning about the development of her body Touring the campus of GA Tech. SOTS 8TH ANNUAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE FOR GIRLS WE MATTER II SHARING OUR STORY by Carla Morrison
  • 3. SOT YOUNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER | Issue 4 3 Dr. Sherri Allen, Licensed Clinical Psychologist with daughter Avah and SOT Founder Carla Morrison. Avah recites Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou during the Self Esteem Workshop. SOT Alumni Saleigh Derico, (now a Spelman student) joins SOT Conference to share. Sister Scribes and SOT Essay Contest winners with sponsor, RWDT Operating Co. dba Dennys. SISTERS CIRCLE HIGHLIGHTS IN GAINESVILLE GEORGIA. AWAKENING THE DREAM IN ME Sisters Circle with Dr. Law Dr. Law and her mother, Ms. Frances breaks down barriers with the girls in the Sisters Circle. The Village The collaborative efforts of Sisters of Today and Tomorrow, Boys & Girls Clubs of Hall County, Delta Sigma Theta of Hall County and Dr. Tameeka Law, led to a powerful half day workshop in Gainesville, Georgia. Awakening the Dream in Me with SOTs Terri Lewis. SOT Sisters Circle Awakening the Dream in Me participants receive a certificate of completion.
  • 4. SOT YOUNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER | Issue 4 4 A Word From Our Founder by Carla Morrison @CarlaMorrison How Loud Are Your Actions ? Your actions speak louder than words. Those were the words of wisdom imparted to me by Ms. Wilson, my first grade teacher. Forty years later, that statement resonates louder than ever. My actions say, I am about the business of empowering girls to become goal-oriented young leaders. What drives me is a natural desire to help those, who have the will to do and be great, by providing them exposure and access to my personal & professional network. People often tell me what a good thing I am doing in the community and how Im helping so many young people. Often times, its hard for me to see it, because Im so deep in the trenches and the results of my actions arent immediate; Yet I persevere. My passion to help and mentor others is deeply rooted in my DNA; however, the fuel that keeps me going is God and the giving people he sends my way. Will your actions help support our girls ? Sisters of Today and Tomorrow gratefully acknowledges the support of the following corporations, organizations and individual partners. Your investment in SOT is an investment in developing girls. 94.3 WYBC Aaron's Atlanta Brand Central Bettye Morrison BJs Wholesale Club Inc. Body Workers LLC. Boys & Girls Clubs of Hall County Boys & Girls Club of New Haven Brenda Neal, AT&T Buck Collins CakesbyTatyana.com Carla Morrison Carolyn Clark Chit Chat Communications Chris Burke Denny's Donald McAulay Donna Permell, Prime Phocus Dr. Tameeka Law Dunkin Donuts Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta Final Call Newspaper Gainesville Bowling Center Georgia Tech Office of Government & Community Relations Hot 93.7 Howard Morrison Photography Inner City Newspaper James Jay Bailey Janice Parker Crudup Jeanette Morrison Jordan Johnson Joseph Green Kellogg's Kevin Flegler Kilwins at Atlantic Station Kroger Lisandra Samuels Mary Moore McDonalds on Whalley Avenue Michelle Myers Nikki Young NewHavenIndependent.org New Haven Register Orsella Cooper-Hughes Publix QueMillar Payne Rainbow Push Reggie Rouse Rising Roll Rodney Williams Rolling Out Shannon Flowers Stacey Hobson-Johnson Starbucks in New Haven Stop & Shop Subway Tammi Jackson-Bolden Tara Walters V103 YALE Heritage Theatre Ensemble Zaxby's in Gainesville (Continued from page 1, Exposureis Everything) While the young ladies in Georgia, were experiencing the Youth Summit, SOT New Haven was visiting the African American Cultural Center at YALE University, where they engaged in For Colored Girls workshop with YALE Heritage Theatre Ensemble (HTE). The girls had an insightful discussion with members of HTE about black women and their lack of visibility in society. They also learned how performance can act as a vehicle for self-expression. A few weeks later, SOT hosted its Mommy, Mentor & Me outing during For Colored Girls Who Considered Suicide when the rainbow is enuf play and talk back, where Sisters of Today and Tomorrow met the entire cast of the play. Being exposed to these opportunities, can make the difference in a young girls life. Lets continue to expose, empower and inspire girls. Supporting Sisters of Today and Tomorrow through partnerships, sponsorships and donations are ways to ensure you are providing exposure that will impact a girls life. www.sistersoftodayandtomorrow.org
  • 5. SOT YOUNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER | Issue 4 5 SOT MEMBER SPOTLIGHT As the winner of Sisters of Today and Tomorrows essay contest, during SOTs Leadership Conference for Girls last Summer in Atlanta, Desha, a high school senior in Henry County, Georgia., was awarded a $500 scholarship from Dennys. Deshas essay was well written and included a detailed plan as to what her goals are and how she plans to achieve them. We are proud Desha is a part of SOT and look forward to helping her on her entreprenuerial journey. (See part of Deshas essay) by Desha Winslow Since I was a young child, my dream has always been to become an entrepreneur. Because I have a passion for cooking and making others happy, I would love to incorporate my love of culinary arts and baking. Eventually, I plan to own my own bakery. Since I plan to start my own business, I believe learning fundamental business skills will be beneficial. Therefore, I plan to attend college with a major in Business Administration or Entrepreneurship and a minor in Culinary or Baking and Pastry Arts. While earning my degree, I intend to work part time at a bakery and during the summers, work as an intern in a bakery.Astarter positionwillhelp me learn from others in my field of interest. Successful entrepreneurs often work for others in their field of choice before striking out on their own. Spending a few years in the industry under an excellent mentor will provide a good base. During this time, I can learn from my mistakes and brainstorm about how to improve once I begin my own business. Additionally, this experience will help build my reputation in the culinary and business fields. My Experience with SOT New Haven Conference by Bryanna Moore I gained a lot of knowledge from this conference. I learned about the importance of not procrastinating at school, the family life cycle and the dynamics of family. I discovered that the qualities of a strong family include building trust between family members and establishing traditions. Creating goals for yourself and being confident in your ability to be competent in a particular study are qualities of leadership. Leadership is being able to lead others and guide them towards accomplishments they wish to achieve. A good leader considers their mentors opinion and /or idea. A leader must not only be able to lead their team in the right direction, but rely on the individual strengths of their team to succeed. This experience was very enriching and I would like to thank those who made this opportunity possible. The Meaning of Leadership by Tremaine Hall What does leadership mean to me? There are many definitions of leadership, but to me it means being able to stand out above others in a positive way. Having the ability to take control of situations and turn it around for the better. When I grow up, I would like to be able to own a business focusing around dance. So by going to this leadership workshop I plan to learn how to go about business situations with the many leadership skills, I plan to learn about throughout the day in the SOT New Haven Leadership Conference. FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact: Carla Morrison, (404) 319-2130 Sisters of Today & Tomorrow PO Box 54066 Atlanta, Georgia. 30308 sistersoftodayandtomorrow@ gmail.com www.sistersoftodayandtomorr ow.org
  • 6. SOT YOUNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER | Issue 4 6 News woman Michelle Turner says she uses her talent as a reporter to expose the injustices. SISTERS CIRCLE HIGHLIGHTS IN NEW HAVEN, CT. DOES BLACK LIVES MATTER? New Haven Board of Aldermen Official Citation presentation to Sisters of Today and Tomorrow Erica Lynn of Hot 93.7 shares with SOT New Haven. We Matter! (l-r) Alexandria Givan, Angela Carter, Deborah Busch, Jeanette Morrison, Babz Rawls-Ivy, Tanya Poole- Hughes. Sister Love: The women of Zeta, AKA and Delta came together to empower our girls. Giving back is what they do. SOT New Haven Mentoring At Its Best! Circle of Mentors with SOT New Haven Your tax-deductible contribution is an investment in our girls. Donate today! www.sistersoftodayandtomorrow.org
  • 7. SOT YOUNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER | Issue 4 7 Sisters of Today and Tomorrow- New Haven hosted its 2nd annual Leadership Conference for Girls at City Hall in New Haven, Connecticut last winter, in partnership with Alder- Woman Jeanette Morrison of Ward 22-NH. Highlights included: Lunch with a Leader Mayor Toni Harp; Chat with an Entrepreneur, featuring Business Leader Roberta Hoskie; Zumba, with Fitness Guru Chaila Cameo Gilliams of Body Workers LLC., and a powerful Sisters Circle with a woman judge, lawyer, police officer, social worker, journalist, radio personality and other prominent women in the community, topic: DOES BLACK LIVES MATTER?. Since the New Haven Conference, Sisters of Today and Tomorrow was honored by Pastor Sharon Burns & Kingdom Mantles Ministry Jewels & Gems Womens Conference, in New London, Connecticut. Preparing for College with SOT Alumni Jasmine Lopes, who attends Howard University. Family Life Cycle with Alexandria Givan Vision Board Creation Photos by: Howard Morrison Lunch with a Leader Chat with an Entrepreneur Get Fit with Body Workers LLC. SOT New Haven Leadership Conference for Girls WE MATTER
  • 8. SOT YOUNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER Issue 4 SOT YOUniversity Newsletter PO Box 54066 Atlanta, Georgia. 30308 www.sistersoftodayandtomorrow.org SOT New Haven PO Box 8334 New Haven, Connecticut. 06530 Carla Morrison Founder / Executive Director Sisters of Today and Tomorrow Sisters of Today and Tomorrow transforms the lives of girls and the women who raise them, through innovative programs that focus on self- esteem, education, health and fitness and careers/ entrepreneurship. We strive to connect girls in our program with mentors and career professionals based on their interests. Our goal is to awaken and inspire the dreams of the girls in our program. Sisters of Today and Tomorrow (SOT) a 501C(3) nonprofit organization, is a direct result of community programs Carla Morrison has produced since 2003. The official launch of Sisters of Today & Tomorrow took place in Atlanta, Georgia, October 1, 2008, establishing itself as a leading grassroots organization with global connections. For daily updates on SOT, follow us: www.twitter.com/SistersofToday www.instagram.com/SistersofToday Log onto: www.sistersoftodayandtomorrow.org Email: info@sistersoftodayandtomorrow.org Telephone: (404) 319-2130