George Soto is a highly qualified global security professional with over 20 years of experience in corporate security, fraud investigations, and retail loss prevention. He currently serves as the Director of Corporate/Global Investigations and E-Commerce Fraud at Office Depot, where he oversees a team of 7 employees and a budget of multiple millions of dollars. Prior to this role, he held various investigative and loss prevention roles at companies such as Walgreens and Macy's. He has a bachelor's degree in mass communications and holds certifications as a Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Forensic Interviewer, and Certified Financial Crimes Investigator.
The document provides a summary for Michel Jordan, including contact information, qualifications, education, and over 10 years of experience in claims processing and management. Jordan has supervised offices of over 20 employees and managed over 150 complex claims, determining compensability and coordinating investigations. She has experience training new employees and implementing strategies to reduce claim risks and costs.
This resume summarizes Brodrick Nettles' qualifications for a cyber security position, including over 4 years of experience in law enforcement and expertise in areas such as IT security, risk assessment, and investigations. The resume outlines Mr. Nettles' educational background with a Master's degree in Justice Studies with an emphasis on cyber security, as well as his professional experience as a State Trooper and various roles in customer service and food service.
Bosha Dorman has over 20 years of experience in mortgage banking compliance and risk management. She is the founder of Core Alliance Group, a consulting firm focused on risk assessment, compliance oversight, regulatory research, and quality control. Prior to founding Core Alliance Group, she held director roles at American Advisors Group and Financial Freedom, where she established compliance management systems and led teams implementing regulatory changes. Her goal is to make compliance scalable and accessible for businesses of all sizes.
Andrew Pedone has over 25 years of experience in insurance claims management. He has held various leadership roles at companies like Arbella Insurance, Dane Street, H and V Collision Centers, and State Farm Insurance. Pedone has a proven track record of improving loss ratios, reducing expenses, and implementing strategies to improve claims handling processes and employee performance. He holds an MBA and several insurance industry certifications.
An independent study found that Eagle Scouts tend to be more involved in their communities through volunteering, neighborhood improvement efforts, and charitable donations. The Boy Scouts of America has helped develop young men for over a century by encouraging character, fitness, and responsibility. More than two million boys have earned the Eagle Scout rank, the highest honor, since the first recipient in 1912.
Este documento presenta el calendario y programa de actividades para la primera fecha del Campeonato Prosports que se llevar叩 a cabo el 16 y 17 de abril en el Aut坦dromo Mois辿s Solana. Participar叩n las categor鱈as de Super Truck V8, Super Truck Light, Gran Turismo 2000, Gran Turismo 1800 y Supermoto. Se detallan los horarios de pr叩cticas, calificaciones y carreras, as鱈 como los procedimientos de inscripci坦n, seguridad, parrilla de salida y m叩s.
La promoci坦n PROSPORTS se une con MICHEL JOURDAIN INTERNATIONAL para presentar el Campeonato All Around Driver, donde 12 pilotos competir叩n en diferentes categor鱈as de rallycross para determinar al Campe坦n de Campeones. El evento contar叩 con categor鱈as como Super Truck V8 y tendr叩 lugar en el Aut坦dromo Mois辿s Solana de Pachuca a lo largo de 6 fechas entre abril y octubre. La promoci坦n cuenta con una amplia infraestructura para llevar a cabo los eventos que incluye camionetas, equipo
Ground squirrel burrows were found to have significantly higher concentrations of phosphorus in the soil compared to nearby control sites. Soil samples were taken from burrow openings, tunnels, and nearby control areas for 22 ground squirrel burrows. Spectrophotometry analysis found burrow floor soil had on average 54% higher phosphorus concentrations than control soils. Statistical analysis confirmed the differences between burrow and control soils were significant, indicating ground squirrels contribute phosphorus to soils through their burrowing and waste.
La propuesta presenta un nuevo campeonato de Super Trucks en M辿xico en 2016 organizado por PROSPORTS y MJI, con dos categor鱈as 炭nicas: Super Truck V8 y Super Truck Light. Cada piloto conducir叩 ambos tipos de camionetas en cada fecha para determinar un ganador general. El formato incluye pr叩cticas, calificaci坦n y dos carreras por fecha para definir al Campe坦n de la Fecha. Al final de temporada, el Campe坦n de Campeones ser叩 el piloto con m叩s puntos acumulados. El costo por fecha es
This internship at Family Promise of Greater Nashua at Anne-Marie House provided marketing and communications experience. AMH is a nonprofit that provides transitional housing and support services to families experiencing homelessness. The intern created social media posts, event promotions, and updated marketing materials to raise awareness of AMH's mission and engage the community. Through these communications activities, the intern gained hands-on experience applying classroom knowledge to a real-world nonprofit setting.
Este reglamento establece las reglas y calendario para el Campeonato Prosports M辿xico 2016 con el objetivo de mantener la igualdad entre los pilotos y autom坦viles participantes. El reglamento detalla la estructura de la organizaci坦n Prosports, las obligaciones de los competidores para garantizar la seguridad, y los procedimientos t辿cnicos y de carrera. El calendario incluye 6 fechas en Pachuca entre abril y octubre.
Pain Med 2015 - Westanmo - Opioid Dose Reduction in a VA Health CarePeter Marshall, MD
The document describes an initiative at the Minneapolis VA Health Care System to reduce high-dose opioid prescribing through a population-level intervention in primary care. The initiative was associated with substantial reductions in the number of patients prescribed more than 200 mg morphine equivalents per day, from 342 patients (0.65% of unique pharmacy patients) before the initiative to 65 patients (0.12%) after. Overall opioid prescribing and doses also decreased over the study period. Provider surveys found increased agreement after the initiative that opioid dose limits and standards of care were important. The initiative demonstrated that leadership support, clinical pharmacy engagement, and monitoring and feedback to providers can successfully reduce high-dose opioid prescribing at a health system level.
El documento presenta la uni坦n de dos grandes empresas de promoci坦n deportiva, PROSPORTS y Michel Jourdain International, para crear un nuevo campeonato en M辿xico en 2016 con categor鱈as exclusivas. El campeonato se llevar叩 a cabo en el Aut坦dromo Mois辿s Solana en Hidalgo y contar叩 con categor鱈as como Super Trucks V8, Super Truck 2000, Gran Turismo 2000 y Super Motos. El campeonato tendr叩 transmisiones televisivas y una infraestructura con producci坦n de TV, transporte y equipo para los eventos
The document provides a detailed 12 month wedding planning timeline with key tasks to be completed each month leading up to the wedding day. It includes booking venues and vendors, sending save-the-dates and invitations, selecting attire, planning ceremonies, arranging travel and accommodations, and finalizing all wedding details in the final weeks.
William Gibson is a highly accomplished Loss Prevention/Security Manager seeking a new position. He has over 20 years of experience managing security operations, contracts, budgets, access control systems, investigations, and regulatory compliance. His experience includes positions at Amazon, PetSmart, Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, and Border Group. Gibson has a bachelor's degree in psychology and anthropology from the University of Michigan. He has expert knowledge in many areas including network security, integrated security systems, data mining, interviewing and interrogation techniques, project management, and OSHA/safety compliance.
Frank C. Dupuy is a global loss prevention executive with over 20 years of experience managing security programs around the world. He has implemented strategies to improve risk management and loss prevention for companies in North America and Latin America. His areas of expertise include corporate security, employee protection, investigations, and strategic planning. He currently works as the President of Agincourt International Security Management, where he provides executive consulting services to multinational companies.
Fraud, bribery and corruption: Protecting reputation and valueDavid Graham
In support of International Fraud Awareness Week, Deloitte Risk Advisory has published a series of articles, the second of which has been introduced below. This article lists ten areas that executives and the audit committee should evaluate to help mitigate reputational risks of fraud, bribery and corruption
Mohamed Abdelhalim is a lawyer and fraud analyst based in Dubai with over 8 years of experience. He has worked at ADIB Bank and Barclays Bank as a senior fraud analyst. He is currently a freelance lawyer handling legal documents, advising clients, and settling disputes. He has strong skills in communication, teamwork, customer service, and problem solving.
Farzana Mohomed is seeking the position of Chief Compliance Officer. She has over 20 years of experience in regulatory compliance, with a focus on anti-corruption legislation. She has held compliance roles at IBM and Aveng, where she established and managed compliance programs. She also has experience conducting forensic investigations in South Africa and other African countries. Farzana has an extensive academic background and is an admitted attorney and certified fraud examiner.
ComplianceOnline PPT Format 2015 Developing an Effective Fraud Risk Managemen...Craig Taggart MBA
This document outlines a training session on developing an effective fraud risk management program. The training discusses identifying fraud risks and influencing factors, analyzing existing risk management frameworks, developing fraud risk management program components, promoting a strong ethical culture, conducting fraud risk assessments, common fraud schemes, and techniques for fraud detection. The agenda includes defining risk appetite and tolerance, qualitative and quantitative risk elements, and managing fraud risk through prevention best practices like knowing employees and internal controls. The goal is to help organizations reduce the risk of fraud occurring and detect and address it when it does.
Financial crimes compliance Brochure - BMR AdvisorsAbhishek Bali
BMR Advisors - Financial Crimes Compliance Services. These constitute - Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery Compliance, Fraud & Forensic Services and Data & Database Services. Their applicability is across countries, geographies and sectors,
Festo Baraka Owala Ogonga is a security professional with over 10 years of experience in risk management, compliance, investigations, and security operations management. He has a diploma in security management and higher diploma in security and disaster management. Currently he works as a Risk, Compliance and Security Officer for G4S Security Company in Western Kenya, where he has helped reduce cash losses by 80% and fraud by 90%. Previously he has held roles as Security Liaisons Officer and Assistant to the Contract Manager for G4S on various industrial sites.
This resume is for Delandos Johnson II, who seeks a position utilizing his education in criminal justice and security administration. He has over 10 years of experience in loss prevention, customer service, and leadership roles. His most recent role was as an Area Investigator for Sports Authority, where he monitored stores for theft and fraud, completed audits, and provided training. He is seeking a new opportunity to continue utilizing his skills.
Forensic Services and Global Experience: the Intelligent Connection - EY Indiaaparnatikekar4
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Forensic Services and Global Experience: the Intelligent Connection - EY IndiaNina Yadav
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Forensic Services and Global Experience: the Intelligent Connection - EY IndiaNishantSisodiya
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Forensic Services and Global Experience:the Intelligent Connection - EY Indiakarthikswamii
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Evolution of Forensic Data Analytics - EY Indiakarthikswamii
EY India's forensic data analytic models are developed to identify variances in data sets, which may impact an organizations profit and loss statement. Check out the evolution of forensic data analytics.
Ground squirrel burrows were found to have significantly higher concentrations of phosphorus in the soil compared to nearby control sites. Soil samples were taken from burrow openings, tunnels, and nearby control areas for 22 ground squirrel burrows. Spectrophotometry analysis found burrow floor soil had on average 54% higher phosphorus concentrations than control soils. Statistical analysis confirmed the differences between burrow and control soils were significant, indicating ground squirrels contribute phosphorus to soils through their burrowing and waste.
La propuesta presenta un nuevo campeonato de Super Trucks en M辿xico en 2016 organizado por PROSPORTS y MJI, con dos categor鱈as 炭nicas: Super Truck V8 y Super Truck Light. Cada piloto conducir叩 ambos tipos de camionetas en cada fecha para determinar un ganador general. El formato incluye pr叩cticas, calificaci坦n y dos carreras por fecha para definir al Campe坦n de la Fecha. Al final de temporada, el Campe坦n de Campeones ser叩 el piloto con m叩s puntos acumulados. El costo por fecha es
This internship at Family Promise of Greater Nashua at Anne-Marie House provided marketing and communications experience. AMH is a nonprofit that provides transitional housing and support services to families experiencing homelessness. The intern created social media posts, event promotions, and updated marketing materials to raise awareness of AMH's mission and engage the community. Through these communications activities, the intern gained hands-on experience applying classroom knowledge to a real-world nonprofit setting.
Este reglamento establece las reglas y calendario para el Campeonato Prosports M辿xico 2016 con el objetivo de mantener la igualdad entre los pilotos y autom坦viles participantes. El reglamento detalla la estructura de la organizaci坦n Prosports, las obligaciones de los competidores para garantizar la seguridad, y los procedimientos t辿cnicos y de carrera. El calendario incluye 6 fechas en Pachuca entre abril y octubre.
Pain Med 2015 - Westanmo - Opioid Dose Reduction in a VA Health CarePeter Marshall, MD
The document describes an initiative at the Minneapolis VA Health Care System to reduce high-dose opioid prescribing through a population-level intervention in primary care. The initiative was associated with substantial reductions in the number of patients prescribed more than 200 mg morphine equivalents per day, from 342 patients (0.65% of unique pharmacy patients) before the initiative to 65 patients (0.12%) after. Overall opioid prescribing and doses also decreased over the study period. Provider surveys found increased agreement after the initiative that opioid dose limits and standards of care were important. The initiative demonstrated that leadership support, clinical pharmacy engagement, and monitoring and feedback to providers can successfully reduce high-dose opioid prescribing at a health system level.
El documento presenta la uni坦n de dos grandes empresas de promoci坦n deportiva, PROSPORTS y Michel Jourdain International, para crear un nuevo campeonato en M辿xico en 2016 con categor鱈as exclusivas. El campeonato se llevar叩 a cabo en el Aut坦dromo Mois辿s Solana en Hidalgo y contar叩 con categor鱈as como Super Trucks V8, Super Truck 2000, Gran Turismo 2000 y Super Motos. El campeonato tendr叩 transmisiones televisivas y una infraestructura con producci坦n de TV, transporte y equipo para los eventos
The document provides a detailed 12 month wedding planning timeline with key tasks to be completed each month leading up to the wedding day. It includes booking venues and vendors, sending save-the-dates and invitations, selecting attire, planning ceremonies, arranging travel and accommodations, and finalizing all wedding details in the final weeks.
William Gibson is a highly accomplished Loss Prevention/Security Manager seeking a new position. He has over 20 years of experience managing security operations, contracts, budgets, access control systems, investigations, and regulatory compliance. His experience includes positions at Amazon, PetSmart, Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, and Border Group. Gibson has a bachelor's degree in psychology and anthropology from the University of Michigan. He has expert knowledge in many areas including network security, integrated security systems, data mining, interviewing and interrogation techniques, project management, and OSHA/safety compliance.
Frank C. Dupuy is a global loss prevention executive with over 20 years of experience managing security programs around the world. He has implemented strategies to improve risk management and loss prevention for companies in North America and Latin America. His areas of expertise include corporate security, employee protection, investigations, and strategic planning. He currently works as the President of Agincourt International Security Management, where he provides executive consulting services to multinational companies.
Fraud, bribery and corruption: Protecting reputation and valueDavid Graham
In support of International Fraud Awareness Week, Deloitte Risk Advisory has published a series of articles, the second of which has been introduced below. This article lists ten areas that executives and the audit committee should evaluate to help mitigate reputational risks of fraud, bribery and corruption
Mohamed Abdelhalim is a lawyer and fraud analyst based in Dubai with over 8 years of experience. He has worked at ADIB Bank and Barclays Bank as a senior fraud analyst. He is currently a freelance lawyer handling legal documents, advising clients, and settling disputes. He has strong skills in communication, teamwork, customer service, and problem solving.
Farzana Mohomed is seeking the position of Chief Compliance Officer. She has over 20 years of experience in regulatory compliance, with a focus on anti-corruption legislation. She has held compliance roles at IBM and Aveng, where she established and managed compliance programs. She also has experience conducting forensic investigations in South Africa and other African countries. Farzana has an extensive academic background and is an admitted attorney and certified fraud examiner.
ComplianceOnline PPT Format 2015 Developing an Effective Fraud Risk Managemen...Craig Taggart MBA
This document outlines a training session on developing an effective fraud risk management program. The training discusses identifying fraud risks and influencing factors, analyzing existing risk management frameworks, developing fraud risk management program components, promoting a strong ethical culture, conducting fraud risk assessments, common fraud schemes, and techniques for fraud detection. The agenda includes defining risk appetite and tolerance, qualitative and quantitative risk elements, and managing fraud risk through prevention best practices like knowing employees and internal controls. The goal is to help organizations reduce the risk of fraud occurring and detect and address it when it does.
Financial crimes compliance Brochure - BMR AdvisorsAbhishek Bali
BMR Advisors - Financial Crimes Compliance Services. These constitute - Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery Compliance, Fraud & Forensic Services and Data & Database Services. Their applicability is across countries, geographies and sectors,
Festo Baraka Owala Ogonga is a security professional with over 10 years of experience in risk management, compliance, investigations, and security operations management. He has a diploma in security management and higher diploma in security and disaster management. Currently he works as a Risk, Compliance and Security Officer for G4S Security Company in Western Kenya, where he has helped reduce cash losses by 80% and fraud by 90%. Previously he has held roles as Security Liaisons Officer and Assistant to the Contract Manager for G4S on various industrial sites.
This resume is for Delandos Johnson II, who seeks a position utilizing his education in criminal justice and security administration. He has over 10 years of experience in loss prevention, customer service, and leadership roles. His most recent role was as an Area Investigator for Sports Authority, where he monitored stores for theft and fraud, completed audits, and provided training. He is seeking a new opportunity to continue utilizing his skills.
Forensic Services and Global Experience: the Intelligent Connection - EY Indiaaparnatikekar4
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Forensic Services and Global Experience: the Intelligent Connection - EY IndiaNina Yadav
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Forensic Services and Global Experience: the Intelligent Connection - EY IndiaNishantSisodiya
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Forensic Services and Global Experience:the Intelligent Connection - EY Indiakarthikswamii
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Evolution of Forensic Data Analytics - EY Indiakarthikswamii
EY India's forensic data analytic models are developed to identify variances in data sets, which may impact an organizations profit and loss statement. Check out the evolution of forensic data analytics.
Forensic Services and Global Experience: the Intelligent Connection - EY IndiaNishantSisodiya
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Forensic Services and Global Experience: the Intelligent Connection - EY Indiagauravmiishra701
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Forensic Services and Global Experience: the Intelligent Connection - EY IndiaSadanandGahivare
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Forensic Services and Global Experience: the Intelligent Connection - EY Indiasathish kriishnan
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Forensic Services and Global Experience: the Intelligent Connection - EY Indiasathish kriishnan
EY India's FIDS team ensures that their processes and forensic methods will support your business, by applying them consistently wherever you need them. Visit
Fraud Risk Management - Are Your Doing Enough - EY IndiaSadanandGahivare
7 Chestnut Circle 561.706.1039
Cooper City, FL 33026
Highly qualified Global Security Professional with 20 years of diversified experience in corporate security, multi-million
dollar fraud investigations and retail loss prevention operations. Background includes direct responsibility for the planning,
development, implementation and maintenance of comprehensive security policies, procedures and practices worldwide for the
protection of employees, assets, intellectual property, product, operations and facilities from unauthorized disclosure, counterfeiting,
piracy, misuse, theft, assault, vandalism, espionage, sabotage or financial loss. Areas of expertise encompass:
Investigations and Interrogations Forensic Audits/Security Audits Corporate Security Programs
Organized Retail Theft and White Collar Crime Risk Analysis/Site Security Assessments High-Level Internal Investigations
Threat Assessment/Risk Mitigation Strategies Ecommerce and Computer Fraud Ethics and Compliance
Information Security/Intellectual Property Private Label and Bankcard Fraud Staff Management/Development
Highly respected, credible and well-known in the corporate security industry with a strategic network of relationships and
contacts. Solid reputation working with federal, national and local government agencies on special projects and assignments and
well-developed interviewing/interrogation skills. Superior work ethic and unwavering commitment to protecting company assets and
profits. Upholds the highest ethical and integrity standards. Able to travel to address immediate business needs. Bilingual: Fully
fluent in English & Spanish.
Office Depot - Boca Raton, FL 2007 - Present
Director of Corporate/Global Investigations and E-Commerce Fraud (2013-present)
Promoted as a key member of the management team tasked with developing, implementing and executing all aspects of international
corporate security investigations and e-commerce fraud strategic operations critical to the companys long-term operating efficiency and
bottom-line performance. Accountabilities include internal and external investigations concerning fraud, theft, harassment, intimidation,
criminal activity and/or security breaches; risk assessments and risk mitigation; spearheading high profile investigations; and managing
the forensic lab. Oversee a staff of 7 and a departmental budget of $____M representing the companys corporate security mission and
Develop solutions to identify emerging fraud trends and implement proactive fraud detection programs utilizing data analytic tools.
Provide on the job training, guidance, and counsel to the investigation team on handling complex investigation issues.
Assess fraud risks across the organization and communicate outcomes to HR, legal, risk management and senior leadership.
Utilize advanced/expert knowledge of interviewing techniques to extract accurate information and viewpoints from executive
level interviewees.
Assess risk throughout the companies facilities and advise on steps to mitigate and reduce potential risks and security threats.
Provide consultation and direction on security-related issues, support crisis planning and response plans, and develop corporate
security programs and policies.
Develop and maintain productive relationships with business partners and external service providers, as well as law
enforcement, government agencies, and other entities as necessary. Work closely with local and federal authorities in the US,
Latin America and Europe.
Select Accomplishments
Visionary leadership was the driving force behind making the division one of the leaders in the company for lowest % of losses.
Implemented several new standard operating procedures that were integral in positively impacting company profitability.
Sr. Manager Fraud Control & Investigations (2010-2013)
Promoted to serve as the primary investigator for all corporate level investigations as directed by Loss Prevention and Executive
Management. Accountable for managing physical security at the global headquarters and overseeing the Ecommerce Fraud Team.
Responsible for managing the Electronic Crimes Unit, supporting field level investigations, and conducting investigation analysis.
Managed a fraud team of 9 staff and administered a budget in excess of $___M.
Conducted and directed complex investigations, primarily related to employee misconduct, policy violations, fraud, workplace
violence and vetting related findings.
Performed high-profile investigations in collaboration with federal and local law enforcement agencies. (Cont. P2)
2. R辿sum辿 of George Soto, CFE, CFCI, CFI 561.706.1039 Page Two
Office Depot - (continued)
Determined the effectiveness of loss prevention policies and procedures through compliance auditing and exception reporting.
Identified control weaknesses and made recommendations to minimize losses.
Select Accomplishments
Winner of the Directors Award for outstanding job performance, 2010.
Identified and investigated areas of potential fraud at the corporate headquarters, stores, and Business Service organizations.
Instituted new device ID technology which resulted in _________________________.
Regional Manager of Investigations (2008-2010)
Accountable for conducting investigations and prosecuting major criminal activity, as well as providing security support to business-
to-business sales teams (supply chain division) and loss prevention field teams for 1500 retail locations in North America.
Identified, analyzed, and reported fraud/loss events. Applied investigative techniques, conducted interviews and interrogations,
validated factual information, and prepared clear, concise reports of fraud/loss events.
Compiled information, prepared suspicious activity reports and maintained proper security information/records.
Trained and instructed retail center personnel on how to spot suspicious activity and fraud scams.
Implemented shortage and safety related solutions that reduced losses through data analysis, audits, training programs and
investigations. Developed and implemented programs to reduce inventory and controllable losses to meet goals of assigned locations.
Took a proactive approach to resolving losses within assigned stores through training and awareness with field leaders and store
associates to build their capabilities around shrink. Promoted associate awareness through customer approach programs.
Worked with teams to ensure integrated solutions that impacted shortage control and accident reduction initiatives.
Select Accomplishments
Invited to attend the Leaders Circle Program reserved for high-performance managers, 2009.
Conducted store visits and initiated preventative measures on reducing shortage and ensuring 100% execution.
Corporate Investigator (2007-2008)
Oversaw corporate-level investigations including code of ethics violations, fraud, theft, embezzlement, etc. for a corporate office with
1300 employees. Performed research and verified the accuracy of information regarding cases or future prevention measures. Ensured
compliance with all corporate policies and procedures while utilizing sound judgment and the highest degree of confidentiality.
Reviewed suspicious activity/exception reports to identify fraudulent or suspicious transactions and protect the company from loss.
Accurately identified and submitted timely Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) and management notifications.
Interacted with business units, customers and outside agencies to communicate fraud situations and recommend action steps.
Took appropriate action steps to protect Office Depots assets and minimize losses. Effectively controlled and enforced fraud
programs and protected company assets. Took a proactive approach to identifying and resolving incidents.
Select Accomplishments
Successfully investigated and closed 10+ significant cases at corporate headquarters totaling over $100,000 in the first 6 months.
Walgreens - Miami, FL 2006 - 2007
District Loss Prevention Supervisor
Conduct investigations regarding losses and for providing guidance and instruction to store personnel on preventing and detecting
causes of loss for 24 locations in South Florida and revenues in excess of $36M.
Evaluated established loss prevention and security policies and procedures.
Performed pharmacy and store audits to ensure compliance with company policies and local, state, and federal law.
Conducted employee training sessions to support loss prevention goals.
Investigated loss of merchandise, money or property through employee misconduct.
Appeared as a witness and gave depositions or testimony at criminal trials, unemployment compensation hearings, and other
related legal proceedings.
Select Accomplishments
Effectively controlled and enforced loss prevention program and protected company assets, providing a safe environment for
customers and associates. Took a proactive approach to identifying and resolving loss prevention incidents.
Identified system or operational weaknesses and made cost-effective recommendations. Worked with various departments on
managing/implementing improved loss prevention/asset protection initiatives.
Implemented and coordinated store-level security and theft-prevention programs to assure protection of company assets.
3. R辿sum辿 of George Soto, CFE, CFCI, CFI 561.706.1039 Page Three
Macys - Miami, FL 2000 - 2006
Sr. Corporate Fraud Investigator (2005-2006) Corporate Fraud Investigator (2000-2005)
Initially hired as Corporate Fraud Investigator and promoted to take on more responsibility accountable for identifying, investigating,
and prosecuting economic crimes for all Macys Florida stores.
Initiated and coordinated field investigations into organized fraud cases.
Investigated internal dishonesty involving larceny, embezzlement, card fraud and organized retail theft. Tracked and monitored
fraud trends.
Prepared fraud case reports for criminal prosecution in various jurisdictions in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties.
Attended pre-file hearings, provided depositions and testified in court as needed.
Actively reviewed all monthly exception reports and initiated investigations as needed.
Performed and coordinated surveillance activities to identify criminal groups in South Florida.
Conducted interviews of internal and external subjects based on investigative results.
Developed strong partnership and contacts with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
Created associate fraud awareness programs through training and group meetings.
Select Accomplishments
Two-time winner of Macys Conch Award in recognition of outstanding performance for reducing fraud losses within the first two
years of employment.
Led Corporate Loss Prevention Team in a major organized retail theft case which resulted in admissions totaling over $1M and
conviction of the lead perpetrator.
Independently identified a major check fraud ring resulting in apprehension and admission in excess of $75,000.
Cross Country Bank - Boca Raton, FL 1998 - 2000
Fraud Investigations Manager
Hired to develop new fraud unit for the bank. Responsible for daily operations of the fraud prevention and investigations units for the
bank. Managed a staff of 40-50 employees and conducted performance reviews for supervisory staff.
Select Accomplishments
Accomplished significant reduction in fraud losses within the first year.
Prior experience includes:
Associate Risk Analyst, Fraud, Beneficial National Bank - Peapack, NJ 1997 - 1998
Risk Analyst Assistant Supervisor, Fraud Department, The Prudential Bank - Atlanta, GA 1995 - 1997
Fraud Analyst, First North American National Bank - Atlanta, GA 1994 - 1995
Bachelor of Science Degree in Mass Communications
Florida International University, Miami, FL
Certified Fraud Examiner, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
Certified Forensic Interviewer, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
Certified Financial Crimes Investigator, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
Advanced Interview and Interrogation Techniques, Reid & Associates and Wicklander & Associates
Cell Phone Forensics Training, Access Data Forensics
Proficient in MS Office, Crystal Reports, HNC Falcon Neural Network, and various types of Loss Prevention Case Management Systems
International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (IAFCI) Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)
National Retail Federation (NRF) Merchant Risk Council (MRC)